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12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop

    Where would you go for mapping services,
        Ordnance Survey or Google Maps?
     Implementing hackable user-driven GI
               services within SDIs

                 Gianni Barrotta, CORE Soluzioni Informatiche

22nd June 2006                12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop  Innsbruck 2006
                                   EC-                                   1 / 17

   Lessons learnt: Google/Yahoo/
   Hackable user-driven GI services
    Hackable user-
   OGC-compliant APIs
   Standards in action

    my company

22nd June 2006    12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop  Innsbruck 2006
                       EC-                                   2 / 17
Lessons learnt: Google/Yahoo/
   On February 2006 Jo Walsh wrote ():
        Google Maps / Earth and now MSN Live Local have been
        big drivers for public awareness of digital mapping and
        location technology. All of those services make some use
        of publically funded, state-collected geodata (mostly in
        aerial imagery). Google Maps got so much interest
        because it was so ''hackable'; developers with no
        cartographic knowledge at all could build their own
        services on top of it, augmenting it from public-domain-
        derived utilities like http://geocoder.us

   () Walsh J., EGIP Mailing list, 27 February 2006  http://egip.jrc.it/200602/1561.html

22nd June 2006                          12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop  Innsbruck 2006
                                             EC-                                             3 / 17
Lessons learnt: Google/Yahoo/
   Google and others affect (or disrupt) the
   direction and future of the geospatial
   community ()

        Recently, the product manager of Google Maps
        was asked about supporting OGC APIs, he said he
        was not aware of who or what OGC is
        (TC211, 2005)

   () ISO/TC211 Newsletter Num. 8, 2005, Editorial: Standards for Whom,

22nd June 2006                      12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop  Innsbruck 2006
                                         EC-                                                 4 / 17
Lessons learnt: Google/Yahoo/
    never heard about Telcontar ??
        Yahoo, Google, Ask,  are powered by Telcontar
        Drill Down Server platform  http://www.telcontar.com/
         implementing OGC Location Services (OLS) 1.0
         but not OGC WMS 1.x

   4 main solutions exist to satisfy the million or
   more agog users (TC211, 2005)

22nd June 2006          12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop  Innsbruck 2006
                             EC-                                   5 / 17
Lessons learnt: Google/Yahoo/
1)    GoogleMaps API (Telcontar)
2)    (alternatively) PushPinTM API  to have
      something like GoogleMaps without Googles
3)    GoogleMaps API + my own WMS layers
4)    CubeWerx OGC WMS Connector to integrate
      WMS connector to Google Maps service

22nd June 2006          12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop  Innsbruck 2006
                             EC-                                   6 / 17
Hackable user-driven GI services
   We were asked to implement something like
         without its disadvantages
         with my own data instead of TeleAtlas
         ISO-OGC compliant (eg. WMS)
         for unskilled users
         publish and navigate
         customizable (new functionalities)
        really FREE & REUSABLE

22nd June 2006           12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop  Innsbruck 2006
                              EC-                                   7 / 17
Hackable user-driven GI services
   SDI development at sub-national scale
   Requirements (1)
        to provide OGC WMS/WFS/SLD compliant services
        via re-usable APIs
        to be available and integrated into CMS-created
        web pages
        license-free, no advertisements
        unlimited number of transaction
        organisation branded

22nd June 2006           12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop  Innsbruck 2006
                              EC-                                   8 / 17
Hackable user-driven GI services
   Requirements (2)
        reuse of SDI data (GoogleMaps?  no, thanks!)
        real user driven
        multi-map / multi-service
            Regione Emilia-Romagna Bookshop (see SDIC)
            Regione Autonoma Sardegna Navigatore Semplificato
        multi-platform / multi-browser
        high usability level (navigate, search, )
        W3C WAI compliance (National Law 4/2004)

22nd June 2006           12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop  Innsbruck 2006
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Hackable user-driven GI services
   APIs development within SDI frameworks
        JS libraries
        caching techniques / map tiling
        navigation toolbar
        ISO standards & OGC specs compliance
            EN-ISO19115, 19106, 19125
            WMS-generated maps
            WFS-G gazetteer search (tbc)
            W3C WAI

22nd June 2006            12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop  Innsbruck 2006
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Standards in action
   EN-ISO19115 metadata
   EN-ISO19106 profile
   EN-ISO19125 simple feature access
   OGC WFS-G (to be completed)
   ECMA-262 Script specification (JavaScript)
   W3C XML Recommendation 1.0
   W3C XMLHttpRequest Object (Ajax)  new WD
   W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0

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Standards in action
   Sigma Ter metadata AGP 


   Regione Emilia-Romagna Bookshop


22nd June 2006   12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop  Innsbruck 2006
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Standards in action
   Regione Autonoma Sardegna 



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22nd June 2006   12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop  Innsbruck 2006
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   Google is not disruptive 
   Main issues on Ajax and accessibility
   OGC specs can be really and easily
   SDI geoPortals  COTS geoPortal toolkits
   Local SDI experiences are better because they
   are real:
        real experienced
        real-user driven requirements
        real standards implementation vs cost/benefit issues
22nd June 2006         12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop  Innsbruck 2006
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12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop

                      Thanks for your attention

                 Gianni Barrotta, CORE Soluzioni Informatiche

22nd June 2006                12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop  Innsbruck 2006
                                   EC-                                   16 / 17
 my company
     target: Public Administration
    > 100 persone
    60 develop engineers in 2 lab (Bologna, Catania)
    20 project manager with average experience = 10 years
    4 market offices (Bologna, Roma, Catania, Bari)

     6 Regions (Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Abruzzo, Sardegna, Sicilia, Umbria)
     6 Provinces (Bologna, Parma, Piacenza, Catania, Ferrara, Ravenna)
     10 big Municipalities (Milano, Bologna, Modena, Bari, Cesena, Catania, Ferrara, Rimini, Pordenone, Barletta)
     > 30 small-medium Municipalities
     4 large account customers (> 1 M /anno)

 GI skill
      web and desktop applications for Public Administration on: Housing, Public Works, Transportation, Urban
    planning, environment, tourism
      eGovernment solutions
      standard and open source implementations

22nd June 2006                         12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop  Innsbruck 2006
                                            EC-                                                       17 / 17

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  • 1. 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop EC- Where would you go for mapping services, Ordnance Survey or Google Maps? Implementing hackable user-driven GI user- services within SDIs Gianni Barrotta, CORE Soluzioni Informatiche 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 1 / 17
  • 2. Agenda Lessons learnt: Google/Yahoo/ Hackable user-driven GI services Hackable user- OGC- OGC-compliant APIs Standards in action Conclusions my company 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 2 / 17
  • 3. Lessons learnt: Google/Yahoo/ On February 2006 Jo Walsh wrote (): ( Google Maps / Earth and now MSN Live Local have been big drivers for public awareness of digital mapping and location technology. All of those services make some use of publically funded, state-collected geodata (mostly in state- aerial imagery). Google Maps got so much interest because it was so ''hackable'; developers with no hackable'; cartographic knowledge at all could build their own services on top of it, augmenting it from public-domain- public-domain- derived utilities like http://geocoder.us () Walsh J., EGIP Mailing list, 27 February 2006 http://egip.jrc.it/200602/1561.html 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 3 / 17
  • 4. Lessons learnt: Google/Yahoo/ Google and others affect (or disrupt) the direction and future of the geospatial community () Recently, the product manager of Google Maps was asked about supporting OGC APIs, he said he was not aware of who or what OGC is (TC211, 2005) () ISO/TC211 Newsletter Num. 8, 2005, Editorial: Standards for Whom, http://www.isotc211.org/Outreach/Newsletter/Newsletter_08_2005/TC_211_Newsletter_08.doc 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 4 / 17
  • 5. Lessons learnt: Google/Yahoo/ never heard about Telcontar ?? Yahoo, Google, Ask, are powered by Telcontar Drill Down Server platform http://www.telcontar.com/ implementing OGC Location Services (OLS) 1.0 but not OGC WMS 1.x 4 main solutions exist to satisfy the million or more agog users (TC211, 2005) 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 5 / 17
  • 6. Lessons learnt: Google/Yahoo/ 1) GoogleMaps API (Telcontar) 2) (alternatively) PushPinTM API to have something like GoogleMaps without Googles disadvantages 3) GoogleMaps API + my own WMS layers 4) CubeWerx OGC WMS Connector to integrate WMS connector to Google Maps service 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 6 / 17
  • 7. Hackable user-driven GI services user- We were asked to implement something like GoogleMap without its disadvantages with my own data instead of TeleAtlas ISO-OGC compliant (eg. WMS) ISO- for unskilled users publish and navigate customizable (new functionalities) really FREE & REUSABLE 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 7 / 17
  • 8. Hackable user-driven GI services user- SDI development at sub-national scale sub- Requirements (1) to provide OGC WMS/WFS/SLD compliant services via re-usable APIs re- to be available and integrated into CMS-created CMS- web pages license- license-free, no advertisements unlimited number of transaction organisation branded support 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 8 / 17
  • 9. Hackable user-driven GI services user- Requirements (2) reuse of SDI data (GoogleMaps? no, thanks!) real user driven multi- multi-map / multi-service multi- multi- multi-purposes Regione Emilia-Romagna Bookshop (see SDIC) Emilia- Regione Autonoma Sardegna Navigatore Semplificato multi- multi-platform / multi-browser multi- high usability level (navigate, search, ) W3C WAI compliance (National Law 4/2004) 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 9 / 17
  • 10. Hackable user-driven GI services user- APIs development within SDI frameworks Features JS libraries caching techniques / map tiling navigation toolbar ISO standards & OGC specs compliance EN-ISO19115, 19106, 19125 EN- WMS- WMS-generated maps WFS- WFS-G gazetteer search (tbc) W3C WAI 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 10 / 17
  • 11. Standards in action EN-ISO19115 metadata EN- EN-ISO19106 profile EN- EN-ISO19125 simple feature access EN- OGC WMS OGC WFS-G (to be completed) WFS- ECMA- ECMA-262 Script specification (JavaScript) W3C XML Recommendation 1.0 W3C XMLHttpRequest Object (Ajax) new WD W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 11 / 17
  • 12. Standards in action Sigma Ter metadata AGP tbp Regione Emilia-Romagna Bookshop Emilia- tbp 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 12 / 17
  • 13. Standards in action Regione Autonoma Sardegna published SardegnaTurismo 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 13 / 17
  • 14. Sample 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 14 / 17
  • 15. Conclusions Google is not disruptive Main issues on Ajax and accessibility OGC specs can be really and easily implemented SDI geoPortals COTS geoPortal toolkits Local SDI experiences are better because they are real: real: real experienced real- real-user driven requirements real standards implementation vs cost/benefit issues 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 15 / 17
  • 16. 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop EC- Thanks for your attention Gianni Barrotta, CORE Soluzioni Informatiche gianni.barrotta@corenet.it 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 16 / 17
  • 17. my company Numbers target: Public Administration > 100 persone 60 develop engineers in 2 lab (Bologna, Catania) 20 project manager with average experience = 10 years 4 market offices (Bologna, Roma, Catania, Bari) Customers 6 Regions (Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Abruzzo, Sardegna, Sicilia, Umbria) 6 Provinces (Bologna, Parma, Piacenza, Catania, Ferrara, Ravenna) 10 big Municipalities (Milano, Bologna, Modena, Bari, Cesena, Catania, Ferrara, Rimini, Pordenone, Barletta) > 30 small-medium Municipalities 4 large account customers (> 1 M /anno) GI skill web and desktop applications for Public Administration on: Housing, Public Works, Transportation, Urban planning, environment, tourism eGovernment solutions standard and open source implementations 22nd June 2006 12th EC-GI&GIS Workshop Innsbruck 2006 EC- 17 / 17