2. Insect pest of cotton
White fly
Technical Name :
Bemisia tabaci
Order :
3. Identification
? Eggs
Yellow-orange, minute cigar-shaped eggs laid in groups
? Nymph
Nymph are pale yellow in color.
Nymph are also known as crawler.
? Adult are pure white in color
4. Life cycle
? Female lay 100-150 egg on lower side of leaf
? Hatching occur in 2 week of summer
? Nymphal period for 2 weeks with 3 nymphal instars
? Adult formed after 1 week from pupae.
? There 11 generation per year
5. Damage
? Nymph and adult suck cell sap from leaf which show yellowish spots.
? After cell saping leaf are dry and falls down
? Plant shows stunted growth
? Due to excess quantity of honey dew black mold grow on it.
6. Control
Cultural control
Destruction of alternate host plants and weed hosts.
Avoid over irrigation in cotton field.
Biological Control
Green lace wing and coccinellid beetle are good predator of cotton white fly.
7. Parsitoid
? Encarsia spp. is the parasitoid of whitefly
? Chemical control
Acetamiprid SP ml / acre
Imidacloprid SL 250 ml / acre