Inshan Meahjohn : The qualities that every Entrepreneur has in common are numerous and I have chosen what I know to be the Top 10 qualities and characteristics that are present in all entrepreneurs.
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Inshan Meahjohn | Top Ten Qualities Of An Entrepreneur
2. About
Think about some entrepreneurs you know, people who
have gone on to achieve great success in their lives and
consider what it is that makes them go on and do so well.
Many of them have done this against all odds and for many
their desire to succeed has been borne out of necessity
and desperation. I believe when someone is truly
desperate, they will do anything to make things better and
the strength of this determination blows any limiting factors
or limiting beliefs out of the window. The qualities that
every Entrepreneur has in common are numerous and I
have chosen what I know to be the Top 10 qualities and
characteristics that are present in all entrepreneurs.
3. Vision
They know what they want,
they visualise themselves
doing it. So they have the
'What' and they have to
strive to make the 'How'
happen. They do this by
networking furiously; it is
rare that a true entrepreneur
will have a conversation with
anyone without a purpose.
4. Belief
All entrepreneurs have a
strong belief in their ability
although many successful
people have said they quite
often had no idea what they
were doing from one day to
the next. Their inner belief is
what drove them on to
success, they knew that
whatever hurdle they came
across, they would not stop
at it.
5. Courag
All entrepreneurs have
courage although they
may not admit this to
themselves or anyone
else but they have this
in abundance. They
may present as
confident but deep
inside they are quaking
with nerves and
anticipation but at least
they take action.
7. Patience &
Every entrepreneur has
patience and
perseverance although
entrepreneurs may have
these in fewer quantities
than other regular
people. This is because
their vision, coupled with
their belief and
determination is pushing
them forward to their
next goal all of the time.
8. Creativity and
Entrepreneurs are by nature
creative and innovative. You
can even see this quality in
young children. Some children
receive financial rewards for
doing chores at home, some
children receive financial
support from their parents for
doing nothing and some
children go and find ways of
earning their own money
9. Persistenc
Entrepreneurs are nothing
if not persistent. They
know their idea is a good
one and it may just be
that the timing is not quite
right, the location is not
quite right, their marketing
approach is not quite right
but they WILL find a way
to make things happen.
10. Results
Most entrepreneurs will not
take no for an answer. When
they are confronted with this
response, they may well ask
the question "do you know
someone who may be
interested, who would you
suggest I speak with?" etc.
They never allow a door to be
closed without another even
being slightly open.
11. Integrity
Entrepreneurs must have
integrity and to not have
this quality would be a
slight contradiction in the
actual definition of
entrepreneur. Yes they
can be quite ruthless but
this will not be
intentionally to step over
people but mainly
because they are so
12. Customer
Every entrepreneur knows
that without their
customers they are
nothing. Many regular
business owners know
this as well so what
separates the
entrepreneur in their
approach with customers.