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Playoff Honorary Team
This Playoff season, American
Express(R) Cardmembers can
become a LA Lakers Honorary
Team Captain for a game!
Watch the pre-game shootaround
from the Lakers' bench, meet
Lakers' team captains Kobe
Bryant and Derek Fisher*, and
watch the game from premium
lower-level seats.
Call 800-448-TIKS. Price: $3,500
for 2 tickets. Select home games
Must be purchased with an
eligible American Express Card.
*-Talent subject to change
Best of LA Women's Business
Awards Program
The Comerica Bank Best of LA
Women's Business Awards
Program recognizes women in
leadership in LA County, in tribute
to their contributions. The
program awards up to 5 women
each month in a variety of
categories. Honorees from the
month of March include Denise
Guzman (Entrepreneurship),
Marcie Carson (Business), Bobbi
Owens (Philanthropy), Lula Bailey
Ballton (Diversity) and Sarah
Lewis (Innovation). For more
information on these women's
contributions or how to apply
please visit Lakers.com.
Toyota 4 Runner Virtual Tour
Check out the Toyota 4 Runner
Virtual Tour with Katie and enter
the Sweepstakes for your chance
to win a Lakers Autographed
Team Basketball, courtesy of
your Southern California Toyota
Enter the contest.
Camp Lakers 2010
Camp Lakers has 3 big changes
Becoming a Leader On and Off the Court
By: Natalya Pyatkovska
Thirteen Lakers take the STAPLES Center stage to defend their NBA title. Thirteen
players step on the basketball court every day to improve their game in order to
reach an unparalleled level of greatness. Thirteen individuals devote their lives with
unconditional love and commitment to the sport of basketball. Thirteen souls,
whose journeys brought them to where they are today, about to compete for a
second consecutive NBA Championship. Yet, have they ever wondered what their
lives would be like had they not chosen the path of basketball?
Some players pondered over the idea of what they would be doing today if they
weren't playing in the NBA. DJ Mbenga thinks, "If I wasn't a basketball player
today, I would be in business or politics. I think I'm pretty good at it." Jordan
Farmar admits, "I love to act. I play every sport so I might have decided to do
another sport as well." Shannon Brown
confesses, "I feel that I am super blessed to
be in a position I'm in. I have no clue what I
would be doing if basketball wasn't in my life.
I love music and I feel that I am a very
creative person, so maybe something in the
music industry." Lamar Odom envisions, "I
would like to do something where I was
helping people deal with their problems, and
would also like helping kids."
So how did this whole basketball aspiration
begin? Some players knew from as early as
they can recall that their life-long vision was
to be where they are today. Luke Walton
wanted to be, "a basketball player from as long as I can remember. Basketball is all
I ever wanted to do. I used to play other sports, like swimming, tennis and soccer,
because my parents made me, but all I really loved was basketball. I had so much
fun whenever I played it. All I ever wanted to do was to get home from school so I
could go play more. Wake up on the weekends so I can go play some more. No
reason other than just loving it." Farmar envisioned himself being, "Exactly where I
am now, playing in the NBA. I have always loved the Lakers and am so fortunate to
be living my childhood dream. I started playing when I was four years old. So ever
since then I knew that was what I wanted to do. My dad was a professional athlete
so I've been around sports my whole life. That's definitely what I wanted to do."
Odom imagined a career as a, "basketball player from the start. Since I was about
six I had already envisioned myself playing at
the highest level of basketball. In my mind, it
was already set in stone that I was going to
play basketball in the NBA and I didn't let
anything deter me from that."
Mbenga found basketball in a different way. "I
always wanted to be a leader. I wanted to go
to school and get a degree," says Mbenga. "I
wanted to be a politician because I feel I think
like them, like a leader. Some stuff happens
in life that you have no control over. A lot of
stuff happened to me when I was younger
and the only way for me to not think about it
was to do something to keep my mind off of
it. And the one thing I found was basketball. I didn't plan it, but that's how I found
basketball. It came up." Brown explained, "Your parents try to put the doctor and
lawyer thing in your head. So for a second there I was running around saying that I
was going to be a doctor or a lawyer. But once I started playing basketball, there
was no doubt what I wanted to do. I realized I wanted to be a basketball player in
5th or 6th grade. I just loved to play. I always played in the neighborhood, in
different parks and gyms. I got cut from my 5th grade team when I first started
playing, but played a lot on my school team in the 6th grade. I was playing at the
YMCA and once I started, I just never really stopped playing basketball. It's always
been good to me. It's always kept me on the straight path."
The Lakers wouldn't be where they are today without some guidance and support
from their role models. Mbenga states, "My dad was my role model, along with God.
When I looked up to my dad, he was generous, he was an open man. He would
help, and never asked to receive back. He was always willing to give. When you
look at a good role model, the only thing that
comes to your mind is positive, nothing
negative. Farmar explains, "I had different
role models for different reasons. My dad for
setting the path for me, showing what it took
to make it to this level. My mom for being a
strong woman and raising me the right way.
My step-father for really showing me the right
way to do things. My role models in the
basketball world were Michael Jordan and
Magic Johnson. Their level of greatness was
unbelievable, Jordan had such a competitive
drive and Magic had so much fun while
making everybody better," says Farmar. "I
think being a good role model is just really about being true to yourself." Shannon
Brown has, "different role models for different things. My parents were my role
models. Michael Jordan was probably my role model for basketball. But I looked up
to different people for different reasons The perfect role model is just someone who
tries to do the right thing, someone that doesn't bring a lot of negative attention
around and tries to stay positive. They have to be able to take constructive
criticism." Lamar Odom recounts, "I always looked up to my grandmother because
of the responsibility that she had. She raised so many people and did it the right
Page 1 of 2
this year. Both boys and girls are
now eligible to attend. The camp
will take place in downtown Los
Angeles. The camp is a day camp
Learn more and sign-up for
Camp Lakers.
Get 25% off Lakers
Lakersstore.com is having a 25%
off sale through Friday. See
Lakersstore.com for restrictions.
Get your Lakers gear.
Now on Lakers.com
4/13 vs. Sacramento -
Lakers.com previews
Tuesday's game
against the Kings
Kobe Sits Out - Kobe's
finger keeps him from the
final 2 games of the
regular season.
Monday Practice - Phil,
Andrew, Pau and Lamar
check in after Monday's
4/12 Bynum Update -
Andrew talks about his
Achilles after he works it
Lakers in the 70's- Learn
about Lakers history from
the 1970's
Kobe Extension - Kobe
signed a 3 year extension
with the Lakers.
Dr. Buss Elected to Hall -
Dr. Buss was elected to
the Basketball Hall of
Lakers Pre-season 2010
The Lakers will kick-off the 2010
pre-season with games in London
and Barcelona.
Read the full story.
Pre-season Schedule
Oct. 4 - London
vs. Minnesota TimberwolvesOct. 7
- Barcelona
vs. Regal FC BarcelonaOct. 13 -
Las Vegas
vs. Sacramento KingsOct. 16 -
vs. Nuggets, Jazz or ClippersOct.
17 - STAPLES Center
vs. Nuggets, Jazz or ClippersOct.
19 - Anaheim
vs. Utah JazzOct. 21 - San Diego
vs. Golden State WarriorsOct. 22
- Ontario
vs. Golden State Warriors
way. Other than that, I looked up to basketball players of course because I always
wanted to get where they were. But day-to-day, real life, it was probably my
grandmother. A good role model is patient, graceful, smart, understanding, and
With success on the court, these Lakers have now become role models to others,
and look to set a good example for their fans. Mbenga stresses, "A lot of young kids
look at us as role models. So we have to be ready to give to them." Brown reveals,
"I just try to be positive and do things the right way. As I sit back and reflect on all
the things that I've been through, it's amazing. I give a lot of credit to where I grew
up and to my family and friends. But even at times, people might not have as high
expectations for you as you have for yourself. You always have to be self-
motivated, self-confident, and go out there and do it for yourself." Farmar thinks it
starts with, "being true to myself. That's first and foremost. Playing the game for
the right reason and doing things in the community for the right reasons. It's a
good way to start. My family members help
me be a better man on daily basis." Lamar
Odom agrees with his teammate and adds,
"being myself, being thoughtful, taking my
time and being cautious with what I do and
how I present myself. Today I look up to my
kids because they're so innocent and my wife
because she's so hard-working, loyal,
understanding and loving."
After basketball, how will the Lakers players
continue their life journey? Luke Walton says,
"Maybe I will try to get into coaching. I
haven't really gotten to think about it too
much, but as of right now I think I'd want to
do that." DJ Mbenga reveals, "I'd like to own a
business or be in politics." Jordan Farmar
feels that, "It kind of depends on how my
career goes. How financially stable I am for the rest of my life, where I'm living and
who I meet along the way. I love basketball and being around the game whether
it's coaching or in the front office. It really depends on how my career plays out.
Like I said, acting is a passion of mine as well. I love getting into that and doing
that on the side. But I may need a job, you never know. It could also be interesting
to be an analyst or coach or something like that." Shannon Brown sees himself,
"probably just trying to invest my money the right way and traveling a little bit. I
want to see the world. Probably trace my roots back as far as I can find them, while
finding out more about myself and history." Lamar Odom pictures himself doing
something, "in the fashion world or the music industry."
Countless life decisions, tribulations, results and outcomes. Infinite numbers of
hours spent at the gym, shooting, running, growing from mastering the
fundamentals to doing the impossible. Some say the number thirteen brings bad
luck. But here, as the playoffs are set to begin, thirteen people stand before you
today, brought together through this great sport of basketball, ready to defend their
title. Your team, your role models, your NBA Champions.
Read more about all the Lakers on the Lakers Player Page.
Page 2 of 2

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Insider 2

  • 1. Playoff Honorary Team Captain This Playoff season, American Express(R) Cardmembers can become a LA Lakers Honorary Team Captain for a game! Watch the pre-game shootaround from the Lakers' bench, meet Lakers' team captains Kobe Bryant and Derek Fisher*, and watch the game from premium lower-level seats. Call 800-448-TIKS. Price: $3,500 for 2 tickets. Select home games available. Must be purchased with an eligible American Express Card. *-Talent subject to change Best of LA Women's Business Awards Program The Comerica Bank Best of LA Women's Business Awards Program recognizes women in leadership in LA County, in tribute to their contributions. The program awards up to 5 women each month in a variety of categories. Honorees from the month of March include Denise Guzman (Entrepreneurship), Marcie Carson (Business), Bobbi Owens (Philanthropy), Lula Bailey Ballton (Diversity) and Sarah Lewis (Innovation). For more information on these women's contributions or how to apply please visit Lakers.com. Toyota 4 Runner Virtual Tour Check out the Toyota 4 Runner Virtual Tour with Katie and enter the Sweepstakes for your chance to win a Lakers Autographed Team Basketball, courtesy of your Southern California Toyota Dealers! Enter the contest. Camp Lakers 2010 Camp Lakers has 3 big changes Becoming a Leader On and Off the Court By: Natalya Pyatkovska Thirteen Lakers take the STAPLES Center stage to defend their NBA title. Thirteen players step on the basketball court every day to improve their game in order to reach an unparalleled level of greatness. Thirteen individuals devote their lives with unconditional love and commitment to the sport of basketball. Thirteen souls, whose journeys brought them to where they are today, about to compete for a second consecutive NBA Championship. Yet, have they ever wondered what their lives would be like had they not chosen the path of basketball? Some players pondered over the idea of what they would be doing today if they weren't playing in the NBA. DJ Mbenga thinks, "If I wasn't a basketball player today, I would be in business or politics. I think I'm pretty good at it." Jordan Farmar admits, "I love to act. I play every sport so I might have decided to do another sport as well." Shannon Brown confesses, "I feel that I am super blessed to be in a position I'm in. I have no clue what I would be doing if basketball wasn't in my life. I love music and I feel that I am a very creative person, so maybe something in the music industry." Lamar Odom envisions, "I would like to do something where I was helping people deal with their problems, and would also like helping kids." So how did this whole basketball aspiration begin? Some players knew from as early as they can recall that their life-long vision was to be where they are today. Luke Walton wanted to be, "a basketball player from as long as I can remember. Basketball is all I ever wanted to do. I used to play other sports, like swimming, tennis and soccer, because my parents made me, but all I really loved was basketball. I had so much fun whenever I played it. All I ever wanted to do was to get home from school so I could go play more. Wake up on the weekends so I can go play some more. No reason other than just loving it." Farmar envisioned himself being, "Exactly where I am now, playing in the NBA. I have always loved the Lakers and am so fortunate to be living my childhood dream. I started playing when I was four years old. So ever since then I knew that was what I wanted to do. My dad was a professional athlete so I've been around sports my whole life. That's definitely what I wanted to do." Odom imagined a career as a, "basketball player from the start. Since I was about six I had already envisioned myself playing at the highest level of basketball. In my mind, it was already set in stone that I was going to play basketball in the NBA and I didn't let anything deter me from that." Mbenga found basketball in a different way. "I always wanted to be a leader. I wanted to go to school and get a degree," says Mbenga. "I wanted to be a politician because I feel I think like them, like a leader. Some stuff happens in life that you have no control over. A lot of stuff happened to me when I was younger and the only way for me to not think about it was to do something to keep my mind off of it. And the one thing I found was basketball. I didn't plan it, but that's how I found basketball. It came up." Brown explained, "Your parents try to put the doctor and lawyer thing in your head. So for a second there I was running around saying that I was going to be a doctor or a lawyer. But once I started playing basketball, there was no doubt what I wanted to do. I realized I wanted to be a basketball player in 5th or 6th grade. I just loved to play. I always played in the neighborhood, in different parks and gyms. I got cut from my 5th grade team when I first started playing, but played a lot on my school team in the 6th grade. I was playing at the YMCA and once I started, I just never really stopped playing basketball. It's always been good to me. It's always kept me on the straight path." The Lakers wouldn't be where they are today without some guidance and support from their role models. Mbenga states, "My dad was my role model, along with God. When I looked up to my dad, he was generous, he was an open man. He would help, and never asked to receive back. He was always willing to give. When you look at a good role model, the only thing that comes to your mind is positive, nothing negative. Farmar explains, "I had different role models for different reasons. My dad for setting the path for me, showing what it took to make it to this level. My mom for being a strong woman and raising me the right way. My step-father for really showing me the right way to do things. My role models in the basketball world were Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson. Their level of greatness was unbelievable, Jordan had such a competitive drive and Magic had so much fun while making everybody better," says Farmar. "I think being a good role model is just really about being true to yourself." Shannon Brown has, "different role models for different things. My parents were my role models. Michael Jordan was probably my role model for basketball. But I looked up to different people for different reasons The perfect role model is just someone who tries to do the right thing, someone that doesn't bring a lot of negative attention around and tries to stay positive. They have to be able to take constructive criticism." Lamar Odom recounts, "I always looked up to my grandmother because of the responsibility that she had. She raised so many people and did it the right Page 1 of 2 4/20/2010http://us.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/dc/launch?.gx=1&.rand=3igg2vp3b2ndb
  • 2. this year. Both boys and girls are now eligible to attend. The camp will take place in downtown Los Angeles. The camp is a day camp only. Learn more and sign-up for Camp Lakers. Get 25% off Lakers Merchandise Lakersstore.com is having a 25% off sale through Friday. See Lakersstore.com for restrictions. Get your Lakers gear. Now on Lakers.com 4/13 vs. Sacramento - Lakers.com previews Tuesday's game against the Kings Kobe Sits Out - Kobe's finger keeps him from the final 2 games of the regular season. Monday Practice - Phil, Andrew, Pau and Lamar check in after Monday's practice. 4/12 Bynum Update - Andrew talks about his Achilles after he works it out. Lakers in the 70's- Learn about Lakers history from the 1970's Kobe Extension - Kobe signed a 3 year extension with the Lakers. Dr. Buss Elected to Hall - Dr. Buss was elected to the Basketball Hall of Fame. Lakers Pre-season 2010 The Lakers will kick-off the 2010 pre-season with games in London and Barcelona. Read the full story. Pre-season Schedule Oct. 4 - London vs. Minnesota TimberwolvesOct. 7 - Barcelona vs. Regal FC BarcelonaOct. 13 - Las Vegas vs. Sacramento KingsOct. 16 - STAPLES Center vs. Nuggets, Jazz or ClippersOct. 17 - STAPLES Center vs. Nuggets, Jazz or ClippersOct. 19 - Anaheim vs. Utah JazzOct. 21 - San Diego vs. Golden State WarriorsOct. 22 - Ontario vs. Golden State Warriors way. Other than that, I looked up to basketball players of course because I always wanted to get where they were. But day-to-day, real life, it was probably my grandmother. A good role model is patient, graceful, smart, understanding, and hard-working." With success on the court, these Lakers have now become role models to others, and look to set a good example for their fans. Mbenga stresses, "A lot of young kids look at us as role models. So we have to be ready to give to them." Brown reveals, "I just try to be positive and do things the right way. As I sit back and reflect on all the things that I've been through, it's amazing. I give a lot of credit to where I grew up and to my family and friends. But even at times, people might not have as high expectations for you as you have for yourself. You always have to be self- motivated, self-confident, and go out there and do it for yourself." Farmar thinks it starts with, "being true to myself. That's first and foremost. Playing the game for the right reason and doing things in the community for the right reasons. It's a good way to start. My family members help me be a better man on daily basis." Lamar Odom agrees with his teammate and adds, "being myself, being thoughtful, taking my time and being cautious with what I do and how I present myself. Today I look up to my kids because they're so innocent and my wife because she's so hard-working, loyal, understanding and loving." After basketball, how will the Lakers players continue their life journey? Luke Walton says, "Maybe I will try to get into coaching. I haven't really gotten to think about it too much, but as of right now I think I'd want to do that." DJ Mbenga reveals, "I'd like to own a business or be in politics." Jordan Farmar feels that, "It kind of depends on how my career goes. How financially stable I am for the rest of my life, where I'm living and who I meet along the way. I love basketball and being around the game whether it's coaching or in the front office. It really depends on how my career plays out. Like I said, acting is a passion of mine as well. I love getting into that and doing that on the side. But I may need a job, you never know. It could also be interesting to be an analyst or coach or something like that." Shannon Brown sees himself, "probably just trying to invest my money the right way and traveling a little bit. I want to see the world. Probably trace my roots back as far as I can find them, while finding out more about myself and history." Lamar Odom pictures himself doing something, "in the fashion world or the music industry." Countless life decisions, tribulations, results and outcomes. Infinite numbers of hours spent at the gym, shooting, running, growing from mastering the fundamentals to doing the impossible. Some say the number thirteen brings bad luck. But here, as the playoffs are set to begin, thirteen people stand before you today, brought together through this great sport of basketball, ready to defend their title. Your team, your role models, your NBA Champions. Read more about all the Lakers on the Lakers Player Page. Page 2 of 2 4/20/2010http://us.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/dc/launch?.gx=1&.rand=3igg2vp3b2ndb