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10 Inspirational
 Moments from
 New port
Assistant Professor of Computer
Science at Georgetown University.
Has appeared on abc, nbc, and cbs
   and on over 50 radio networks.
    His study hacks blog attracts
    over 100,000 Visitors a month.
           author of so good they
                 can’t ignore you.
1. You build career capital by
 Becoming world-class at a
  rare and valuable skill
2. Career success is best achieved
     with the combination of
 Skills + relationships + work
3. Adapt a craftsman
 mindset by being clear on
 What you’re offering to the
world that’s rare and valuable
4. What you do is much less
    important than
     how you do it
5. Focused, deliberate
practice to hone a skill
Will quickly distinguish
  you from the crowd
6. Passion is the byproduct of
 A career well developed
7. Building a rare and valuable skill is
         Hard work
       and requires you to
    coninually s t r e t c h 	
8. Skills trump passion
  In your quest for a
   meaningful work
9. Compelling careers often have complex
  origins that reject the simple idea that
  All you have to do is
  follow your passion
10. Think   small   and act   big,
 Become world-class at
and focus on making a
     big impact
Best advice:
Don’t follow your passion; let it
 follow you in your quest to be
     valuable to the world.
To listen to the full
                                     Head over to


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Insights from @33voices interview with Cal newport

  • 1. 10 Inspirational Moments from Cal New port
  • 2. Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Georgetown University. Has appeared on abc, nbc, and cbs and on over 50 radio networks. His study hacks blog attracts over 100,000 Visitors a month. author of so good they can’t ignore you.
  • 3. 1. You build career capital by Becoming world-class at a rare and valuable skill
  • 4. 2. Career success is best achieved with the combination of Skills + relationships + work
  • 5. 3. Adapt a craftsman mindset by being clear on What you’re offering to the world that’s rare and valuable
  • 6. 4. What you do is much less important than how you do it
  • 7. 5. Focused, deliberate practice to hone a skill Will quickly distinguish you from the crowd
  • 8. 6. Passion is the byproduct of A career well developed
  • 9. 7. Building a rare and valuable skill is Hard work and requires you to coninually s t r e t c h ?
  • 10. 8. Skills trump passion In your quest for a meaningful work
  • 11. 9. Compelling careers often have complex origins that reject the simple idea that All you have to do is follow your passion
  • 12. 10. Think small and act big, Become world-class at something and focus on making a big impact
  • 13. Best advice: Don’t follow your passion; let it follow you in your quest to be valuable to the world.
  • 14. To listen to the full conversation, Head over to 33voices.com/cal-newport ?Twi%er.com/33voices ? ? ? ?I ? ? ?Youtube.com/33voicesinterview ? ? ? ?I ? ? ?Facebook.com/33voices ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Pinterest.com/33voices ? ?