The smart insole contains sensors like accelerometers and pressure sensors that provide real-time data on acceleration and pressure points. This data can be used to detect different activities through analysis of patterns in the sensor readings, allowing it to differentiate between walking and running or count steps. With calibration and advanced algorithms, more complex activities could potentially be identified as well, such as climbing stairs, types of exercise, cycling, or determining if a person is carrying heavy luggage.
2. Insole
The smart insole is similar with other insoles
It contains accelerometer and several other sensors
3. Insole Properties
Insole provides various kinds of data
Bluetooth connectivity
Realtime accelerometer data
Realtime pressure data of various point
Pressure Sensors
4. Insole Data
Many information can be retrieved from the realtime data of insole
A very good usecase is activity detection
The data pattern of accelerometer and pressure sensor will vary for all kinds
of activity
Walking or running can already be differentiated from insole data
Walking step count and running step count can also be calculated
10. Prospects
With proper calibration and with more complex algorithms, the outcome of this
data can be broad. More complex activity can be detected like
Climbing stairs
Different types of physical exercise
Differentiate between running and jogging
If a person carrying a heavy luggage