Introduction of the course Creativity and Personality as taught at The Fontys Academy for Creative Industries (University of applied Science), Tilburg, The Netherlands. In this course we teach artistic creativity in a applicable context.
The myth: the power to create is only for the gifted
Inspiration is like oxygen. Finding good oxygen, will make you breathe freely. Free breathing means finding good ideas.
Some Inspiration
Solving problems will provide you with inspiration.
Youll find inspiration by looking at the world in a different way
To find the best inspiration you got to go out of your comfort zone
This sign is found at our local soccerclub PSV it means ( next slide)
The same counts for inspiration. If you dont look for it, you wont find it
The creative process is most effective when you are capable of separating the divergent phase from the convergent phase. It is essential to divide inspiration from focus.
Creativity is a cyclic proces with different phases. In normal life people have the tendency to see or generate a problem, find an idea and directly implement that idea. In this workshop we distinguish the generating phase and the conceptualizing phase as problem finding, and the optimizing phase and implementing phase as problem solving
This is the key model of the course Creativity and Personality developed by Monique Zijp and Chris Gribling at Fontys University for Applied Sciences, Academy for Creative Industries, Tilburg, Netherlands
The well known Business Model Canvas was appropriated by Monique Zijp and Chris Gribling to fit this workshop. In this model you use inspiration and values as key assets
Chris Gribling and Monique Zijp welcome your comments and questions.