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Inspiration Squared
DaviD CranDall
H e r o i C D e s t i n y .Com
                              as a
      sometimes we get so consumed with
      acquiring the latest technology and
  techniques, that we overlook inspiration
         as a legitimate component of our
                        personal tool box.
      wisdom from others combined with
  images of beauty have the power to fuel
     us as we set our sights on our goals.
    take a few moments from your day and
     add the following inspiration to your
                       personal tool box.

DaviD CranDall
be inspireD.
every artist was first an amateur.
                  ralph waldo emerson
your imagination
is your preview of lifes
Coming attraCtions.

                            albert einstein
we all Have
tHe DifferenCe
is How we use it.   stevie wonder
everyone wHos ever taken a sHower Has
an iDea. its tHe person wHo gets out of
tHe sHower, Dries off anD Does sometHing
about it wHo makes a DifferenCe.
                   nolan bushnell - founder of atari
is wortHless
   unless you
       use it.
John maxwell
tHere Comes a moment
wHen you Have to stop
revving up tHe Car anD
sHove it into gear.
david mahoney
be willing to
make DeCisions
    tHats tHe most
important quality
 in a gooD leaDer.

Dont fall viCtim to wHat
 i Call tHe reaDy-aim-aim-
   aim-aim synDrome. you
  must be willing to fire.
            t. boone pickens
we Cannot
DireCt tHe winD
but we Can
aDjust tHe
Dolly parton
i Can aCCept failure,
everyone fails at
but i Cant
aCCept not
michael Jordan
you Dont Drown by
falling in tHe water
you Drown by
staying tHere
edwin louis cole
i Cant
  believe it.

 tHat is
wHy you
if you Dont
make Dust,
you eat Dust.
Jack a. macallister
first tHey
ignore you.
tHen tHey
laugH at you.
tHen tHey
figHt you.
tHen you win.
mahatma gandhi
tHe Degree of
    you take for
       your life
 Determines How
muCH CHange you
 Can Create in it.
if opportunity
Doesnt knoCk
 - builD a Door.
     milton berle
opportunity is often DiffiCult
to reCognize; we usually
expeCt it to beCkon us witH
beepers anD billboarDs.
william arthur ward
if your sHip Doesnt Come in,
swim out to meet it.
             Jonathan winters
tHe elevator to
suCCess is out of
orDer. youll Have
to use tHe stairs
one step at a time.
Joe girard
Dont say you
Dont Have
enougH time.
you Have exaCtly tHe same number
of Hours per Day tHat were
given to Helen keller, pasteur,
miCHaelangelo, motHer teresa,
leonarDo Da vinCi, tHomas jefferson,
anD albert einstein.
                 h. Jackson brown, Jr.
luCkComes to a
 man wHo puts
 Himself in tHe
     way of it.
  you went wHere
 sometHing migHt
be founD anD you
founD sometHing,
   simple as tHat.
      louis lamour
Dont ask yourself
wHat tHe worlD neeDs,
ask yourself wHat
makes you Come alive.
anD tHen go anD Do
beCause wHat tHe
worlD neeDs is people
wHo are alive.
        howard thurman
at first
christopher reeve
life is about
  you Can
  CHoose to
 be a viCtim
or anytHing
    else you
  like to be.
life is eitHer a Daring
aDventure or it is notHing.
                 helen keller
the world aint all sunshine and rainbows. its a very
mean and nasty place and i dont care how tough you
are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there
permanently if you let it. you, me, or nobody is gonna hit
as hard as life. but it aint about how hard ya hit. its
about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward.
how much you can take and keep moving forward.
tHats How winning is Done!
now if you know what youre worth then go out and
get what youre worth. but ya gotta be willing to
take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you
aint where you wanna be because of him, or her,
or anybody! cowards do that and that aint you!

youre better tHan tHat!
roCky balboa
wHat are you waiting for?
go. fulfill your
Destiny        DaviD CranDall
this volume designed by
DaviD CranDall

contact me for

next design proJect
@davidcrandall contact
                                            Casey David
                                            abhisek sarda
i hope you enJoyed this volume and          entrtaner
were inspired to live more heroic.          reyes
                                            bob jagendorf
                                            kreative eye - Dean mcCoy
                                            ryan Holst
                                            andres rueda
                                            todd baker << technowannabe
                                            swami stream
tHank you to tHese users on fliCkr wHo      matsukawa1971
Have sHareD tHeir art. make sure to CHeCk   kaibara87
tHem out if you likeD tHeir pHotograpHs.    moriza
                                            UggBoyUggGirl [ PHOTO // WORLD // TRAVEL ]
                                            fire bird flame

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Inspiration Squared

  • 2. DaviD CranDall H e r o i C D e s t i n y .Com
  • 3. inspiration as a tool sometimes we get so consumed with acquiring the latest technology and techniques, that we overlook inspiration as a legitimate component of our personal tool box. wisdom from others combined with images of beauty have the power to fuel us as we set our sights on our goals. take a few moments from your day and add the following inspiration to your personal tool box. DaviD CranDall
  • 5. every artist was first an amateur. ralph waldo emerson
  • 6. your imagination is your preview of lifes Coming attraCtions. albert einstein
  • 7. we all Have ability... tHe DifferenCe is How we use it. stevie wonder
  • 8. everyone wHos ever taken a sHower Has an iDea. its tHe person wHo gets out of tHe sHower, Dries off anD Does sometHing about it wHo makes a DifferenCe. nolan bushnell - founder of atari
  • 9. aniDea is wortHless unless you use it. John maxwell
  • 10. tHere Comes a moment wHen you Have to stop revving up tHe Car anD sHove it into gear. david mahoney
  • 11. be willing to make DeCisions tHats tHe most important quality in a gooD leaDer. Dont fall viCtim to wHat i Call tHe reaDy-aim-aim- aim-aim synDrome. you must be willing to fire. t. boone pickens
  • 12. we Cannot DireCt tHe winD but we Can aDjust tHe sails Dolly parton
  • 13. i Can aCCept failure, everyone fails at sometHing. but i Cant aCCept not trying. michael Jordan
  • 14. you Dont Drown by falling in tHe water you Drown by staying tHere edwin louis cole
  • 15. i Cant believe it. luke tHat is wHy you fail. yoda
  • 16. if you Dont make Dust, you eat Dust. Jack a. macallister
  • 17. first tHey ignore you. tHen tHey laugH at you. tHen tHey figHt you. tHen you win. mahatma gandhi
  • 18. tHe Degree of responsibility you take for your life Determines How muCH CHange you Can Create in it. unknown
  • 19. if opportunity Doesnt knoCk - builD a Door. milton berle
  • 20. opportunity is often DiffiCult to reCognize; we usually expeCt it to beCkon us witH beepers anD billboarDs. william arthur ward
  • 21. if your sHip Doesnt Come in, swim out to meet it. Jonathan winters
  • 22. tHe elevator to suCCess is out of orDer. youll Have to use tHe stairs one step at a time. Joe girard
  • 23. Dont say you Dont Have enougH time. you Have exaCtly tHe same number of Hours per Day tHat were given to Helen keller, pasteur, miCHaelangelo, motHer teresa, leonarDo Da vinCi, tHomas jefferson, anD albert einstein. h. Jackson brown, Jr.
  • 24. luCkComes to a man wHo puts Himself in tHe way of it. you went wHere sometHing migHt be founD anD you founD sometHing, simple as tHat. louis lamour
  • 25. Dont ask yourself wHat tHe worlD neeDs, ask yourself wHat makes you Come alive. anD tHen go anD Do tHat. beCause wHat tHe worlD neeDs is people wHo are alive. howard thurman
  • 27. life is about CHoiCe you Can CHoose to be a viCtim or anytHing else you like to be. unknown
  • 28. life is eitHer a Daring aDventure or it is notHing. helen keller
  • 29. the world aint all sunshine and rainbows. its a very mean and nasty place and i dont care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. you, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. but it aint about how hard ya hit. its about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. how much you can take and keep moving forward. tHats How winning is Done! now if you know what youre worth then go out and get what youre worth. but ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you aint where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! cowards do that and that aint you! youre better tHan tHat! roCky balboa
  • 30. wHat are you waiting for? go. fulfill your HeroiC Destiny DaviD CranDall
  • 31. this volume designed by DaviD CranDall contact me for your next design proJect @davidcrandall contact
  • 32. dno1967b Casey David ^riza^ visulogik abhisek sarda vinothChandar woodleywonderworks viernest i hope you enJoyed this volume and entrtaner were inspired to live more heroic. reyes bob jagendorf kreative eye - Dean mcCoy ryan Holst andres rueda todd baker << technowannabe cmaccubbin laszlo-photo swami stream tHank you to tHese users on fliCkr wHo matsukawa1971 Have sHareD tHeir art. make sure to CHeCk kaibara87 tHem out if you likeD tHeir pHotograpHs. moriza UggBoyUggGirl [ PHOTO // WORLD // TRAVEL ] Danbrady divyanshs fire bird flame visualpanic d3b...*