Littleton Public Schools provides resources for teachers to reflect on creating an inspired learning environment in their classrooms. The document discusses synthesizing content, pedagogy, and technology using the TPACK framework. Teachers are prompted to consider how they would incorporate essential learnings, learning theory, classroom engagement, and technology skills. They are also asked to reflect on how lessons may differ without full integration of these domains. The goal is to help teachers create a classroom that applies good learning theory supported by relevant technology use.
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1. Littleton Public Schools
Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological Pedagogical
Content Knowledge: A new framework for teacher
knowledge. Teachers College Record. 108(6), 1017-1054.
2. Consider the diagram describing the intersection of Content, Pedagogy and
Technology. The context is to consider the technology you have at hand. Examples
may include netbook carts (EeePC), document cameras, clickers, SmartBoard or
Mimio, flip camera, digital cameras, etc.
Notes and initial ideas:
3. Inspired Learning Reflection Guide
Master of classroom Initial impressions to seed your thinking Masterful 21st century
strategies, application classroom focused on
of learning theory, essential learnings,
differentiation applying good learning
techniques, grading theory supported by
practices technology
Engagement in the
Masterful 20th
Go ut classroom using
d a od g b cted
Century classroom te bu itin e technology, but
d t Exc conn
with strong content dis activities stray away
and good from essential
application of Modern learning or lack
learning theory but
Master of the content Master of information
in the subject area technologies and able
Use of technology to enhance
earning the to support use both by
exploration of content, but
designation “highly students and other
incomplete application of learning
qualified” staff
theories and pedagogy
4. Learning Theory Inspired Learning Reflection Dialog
Discuss the learning theory planned for your classroom and
the essential learnings that are expected to be covered. Then
consider what the classroom activities would look like in
absence of using your technology.
Good paper-based learning
da od ut
te bu g b ct ed
d t itin e
Exc conn
d is
5. Inspired Learning Reflection Dialog Learning Theory
Discuss the learning theory planned for your classroom and
the technology skills you plan to incorporate. Then consider
what an engagement in learning activities using technology
would look like if the lesson were disconnected from the
essential learnings expected in the class.
Engagement but off-target
d a od ut
te bu g b cted
d t xci onne
E c Technology Skills
6. Inspired Learning Reflection Dialog
Discuss the technology skills you wish to incorporate in your
classroom and connect the essential learnings expected for your
class. Then consider what lessons would look like without fully
applying your learning theory plans.
Technology Skills
da od ut
te bu g b cted
d t itin e
Exc conn
but Innovative, relevant but incomplete learning process
7. Learning Theory Inspired Writing Reflection Guide Synthesis
Synthesize your previous dialog to create a guide for yourself to
help focus on what a successful sythensis of these three domains
would look like and what partial success would look like.
Good paper-based learning Engagement but off-target
Go ut
d a od g b cted
te bu itin e
d t Exc conn
Standards/Essentials: Technology Skills
Innovative, relevant but incomplete learning