2. Please provide evidence / data
wherever possible
Customer problem: One slide summarizing the customer problem you are solving.
Answer questions like:
1) What is the problem & need?
2) How many potential customers are facing the problem or need?
3) How deep is the problem or need?
3. Please provide evidence / data
wherever possible
Product or service: One slide summarizing your solution to the customer problem.
Answer questions like:
1) What is the solution?
2) How does it work?
3) How effective is the solution in solving the customer problem or addressing
their need?
4) Is there any validation (downloads, leads, page visits etc.)
5) What is your current stage of development?
4. Please provide evidence / data
wherever possible
Target market: one slide that summarizes your target market and the customers.
Answer questions like:
1) How big is the market?
2) Who are your targeted customers/Demographic characteristics (Age, Gender,
3) How easy or hard it would be to acquire the customers?
5. Please provide evidence / data
wherever possible
Business model: One slide summarizing how you intend to make revenue.
Answer questions like:
1) How will you make money?
1) Do you have paying customers?
2) What is your current revenue?
6. Please provide evidence / data
wherever possible
Competition: One slide summarizing how you are different and better than your competitors.
Answer questions like:
1) Who are your competitors?
1) How do you compare your startup with them?
2) What is your competitive advantage?
7. Please provide evidence / data
wherever possible
Team: One slide talk about your team and why will it succeed.
Answer questions like:
1) How big is your team?
2) Is it a complete team? If not, do you have access to resources!
3) Who are they?
4) What are their qualifications/competencies to ensure success in the project?
8. Please provide evidence / data
wherever possible
Startups need: One slide summarizing what incubator could help you with.
Answer questions like:
1) What do you need from an incubator?
2) What do you need from an investor?
9. Please provide evidence / data
wherever possible
Any other information: And that is any other information you want to share with the judges
You can add any information such as:
Photos of the project
Video explaining how the project work
Financial statement