This document provides teachers with ideas and resources for using technology to inspire students and develop important life skills. It discusses using Skype and video messaging to connect students internationally to build critical thinking, ask questions about other cultures, and participate in activities like Mystery Skype and the 5 Clue Challenge. The goal is to help students become lifelong learners, responsible citizens, and empowered problem solvers by giving them ownership over their education and allowing their creativity to solve challenges. Contact information is provided for the author to learn more about integrating these kinds of technologies into the classroom.
25. Mystery Skype
Similar to "20 Questions"
Each class takes turns
asking Yes/No questions to
figure out location of the
other class.
Variations: animals, numbers,
elements, occupations, etc.
instead of locations.
Builds critical thinking skills
and content knowledge.
Creates opportunities to
connect with other locations
to have Q&A sessions about
Resource to get started:
29. The 5 Clue
Use SkypeVideo Message or
YouTube to leave 5 clues for
partner class to guess
location, animal, etc.
After each clue, students
will pause video, do
research, and take a guess.
33. How can children learn to be good citizens and life-
long learners when they often are not allowed to be
citizens of their own schools and classrooms?
What are the qualities of a good citizen?
A life-long learner?
A responsible member of society?
34. East Stroudsburg Area School District fosters
within all students a commitment to excellence,
service and life-long learning which prepares
students to be creative, productive and
responsible citizens with a global perspective.
39. The magic words of student empowerment:
We should do something about that!
43. Connect with Me
Twitter: @msoskil
Link to this presentation:
Available fromAmazon
#6: How are the children? All the children are well.
----- Meeting Notes (10/23/16 18:05) -----
Whether we define success as financial or personal happiness, research has shown that empathy correlates best with success in later life.
We must focus on this in schools.
#8: All royalties going to teacher development around the globe.
#9: Ethical Dillemas Chip in Brain, Cure Cancer, etc.
#12: There are things that Tech will never be able to do.
#13: Our children have both the ability and technology to overcome those problems if we get education right.
#20: Fundraising, by itself, does not build empathy. Students need relationships with others who are different than they are.
#21: Its hard to change the world when you dont know much about it.