The document describes an insurance management system project created by students Nithin K Sabu and Nikhil Raj N U. The system was created using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and an Oracle 9i database to efficiently manage an insurance company's records, provide instant access, and improve productivity. The system has modules for policy schemes, agent login, customer login, and administrator login to organize insurance vendor and policy information. It allows agents to view client information, policies, and commissions and allows customers to view policies and payment details. The administrator can manage agents and their data. The system aims to automate insurance company activities for reliable and efficient service.
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Insurance management system
Nithin K Sabu
Nikhil Raj N U
Visual Basic is an interesting topic, which has different types. It has all the methods
have their own features with each having merits and demerits which help in data processing.
The topic includes their architecture representing the elements involved in it and their action
is also specified.
Visual Basic 6.0 allows creating object-oriented applications. Visual Basic 6.0
profoundly concentrates on the Internet development features, Active X technology,
enhanced controls, enhanced features of existing control, client/server, new language features
development, data access, a few design enhancement etc.,Relational databases are logical
collection of inter-related data in tabular form relational databases have always been core to
any management system. Its relevance is profound and hence the need to incorporate new
functionalities, utilities becomes important. These are currently the predominant choice in
storing financial records manufacturing and logistical information, personnel data and much
Relational databases are used in huge management systems like Post Office, Banking,
Railway, Defence Logistics. Databases pertaining to Educational Institutions and other large
collection of related data.
Relational databases have largely replaced hierarchical databases and network
databases because they are easy to understand and use even though they are much less
efficient. They have been however challenged by Object Databases and XML databases.
The three leading commercial relational database vendors are Oracle, Microsoft, and
IBM.The three leading open Source implementations are MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.
2. The software components used in our project are as under:
1. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
2. Oracle 9i database
3. VMware Workstation
The insurance company needs to keep track of details of its target companies, agents,
policyholders, their premium payments and the various products that are available with it.
Hence it is under tremendous pressure maintaining their day-to-day activities, which is
currently being done manually. Entire records have to be updated timely, even a slight
mistake could complicate things. It is very difficult to handle bulk data since human memory
is weaker than electronic counterpart. It is time consuming to summarize these details to
produce the reports.
The Insurance management system is a complete solution for organizations,
which need to manage insurance for their vehicles, equipment, buildings, and other
resources. Organizes and tracks insurance vendors and the policies provided under
different coverage. We are offering a robust web based insurance solution, which has
the flexibility of customizations to match the specific needs of clients for achieving their
business goal of good service and revenue generation.
Insurance policy administration system consists of a mathematical notation that
captures the relationship between policies and objects and the entities that manage policies
for those objects. Hence there is need for an automated system, which can efficiently
manage the company, records, provides instant access and one that improves the
productivity. As a result of this automated system, the activities of the company are
performed with in the stipulated time and the reliable and efficient service is ensured to its
The proposed system is for making easier to manage policy holder details, agent details,
policy details, claimant details and payment details. So this will be developed for managing the
insurance management system. The overall system is control through the main menu.
The main menu contains 6 parts.
1. Policy Schemes.
2. Agent Login.
3. Customer Login.
4. Administrator Login.
Various policy schemes are:-
a) Whole life policy
b) Term life policy
c) Endowment policy
d) Pension plans
a) Home insurance
b) Auto insurance
c) Fire insurance
The agent login form links to-
1. Basic agent information like contact details and address which will be shown in customer
insurance information window.
2. All the information related to insurances which he has made to his clients.
3. Commission received by him for each insurance made by him respectively.
4. Option to create a new policy to any existing/new client.
5. Option to edit the contact information of its client.
6. Option to delete a policy of any client in case of policy lapse.
The form contains the agent information like-
1. Personal information required by insurance agency.
2. Nextpremium due of respective insurances by the client along with maturity date,agent
info etc.
Administrator has rights to-
1. Create new agent
2. Edit agents information and its commission percentage.
3. Delete an agents database and all its policies respectively.
Windows Platform (XP preferred).
512 MB DDR2 RAM.
At least 5 GB HDD space FREE.
Processor speed 1.7 Ghz or higher.