This document provides an overview of cloud computing, including what cloud computing is, its advantages and disadvantages, what cloud computing is not, categories and types of cloud computing, and the cloud computing stack. Specifically, it defines cloud computing as scaling infrastructure on-demand via a multi-tenant, pay-as-you-go model with access to services over the internet. It lists lower costs, more performance, less maintenance, and flexible storage as advantages, while dependency on internet connectivity and loss of control are disadvantages.
2. Agenda
What is cloud
What is NOT cloud
Categories of cloud
Types of Cloud
Cloud Stack
10. What is cloud?
Scaling infrastructure on-demand
Shift from a single-tenant software
development model to a multi-tenant, multi-
network model.
Pay-as-you go model.
Physical layer to software based
Access technology-enabled services over
the Internet
11. Advantages
Lower Cost: Pay as you go, no hardware
investments or software licenses.
More performance: Processing time on
demand, even HPC, if needed.
Less maintenance.
Flexible Storage Capacity.
13. What is NOT Cloud Computing.
If they dont have any API.
If they are trying sell to the HARDWARE.
If you take more then 10 minutes to
provision it then .. its not cloud computing.
If you need to re architect your systems
If you have to pay an upfront amount.
If you cant connect from your own machine.
If you need to install softwares to access it.
If it can run only one OS.
If you cant buy using your own credit card.
14. Categories of Cloud
Iaas: Infrastructure as a service
Paas:Platform as a service
Saas:Software as a service
Daas:Desktop as a service.
DB as a service.
Gaming as a service.
Testing as a service.
DR and back up as a service.
Many many more......
18. Heads up
Iaas forms the basic building blocks.
Paas is built on Iaas:
Saas is build on Paas:
So in this regard any SAAS are either built
on Paas or Iaas.
19. Types of Cloud
Public Cloud
Private Cloud
Hybrid Cloud
Community Cloud
26. Happy to help