This document outlines Kelly Costa's research on using integrated marketing communications strategies for brand engagement. It discusses using strategies for brand awareness, engagement, and value co-creation. Integrated marketing communications combines various marketing channels like social media, events, and traditional advertising into a comprehensive plan. The goal is to provide consistent branding messages and engage customers as loyal brand advocates and co-creators of value.
We are a group of young leaders, seeking to bring
about positive change in the local and wider
community. Our members are aged under 40 and are
from a wide range of backgrounds.
Rotary Club of Melbourne Park
Recruiting and Transforming Customers
? Loyal Customers
? Advocates and
? Co-creators of value !!!
9. Swinburne
The practice of developing systems, products or services
through collaboration with customers, managers, employees
and other company stakeholders.
Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004
V Ramaswamy, F Gouillart - 2010
12. SwinburneSocial Media Communications
Some Tips
? Identify the focus of each social media channel;
? Publish relevant and useful content;
? Use accessible language;
? Use active voice;
? Be objective;
? Proof read before you publish.
13. Swinburne
Social Media Communications
Some Tips (Cont.)
? Use headings;
? Mention benefits;
? Use an engaging tone;
? Support the given information with a link;
? Share stories;
? Ask members to participate in the conversation.
Remember to Manage Risks!!!
a comprehensive plan that evaluates the roles of a
variety of communications and combines them to
provide clarity, consistency through the integration of
Jobber & Lancaster, 2012
18. Kelly Costa
PhD Candidate
Faculty of Business & Law
LinkedIn: CostaKelly
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Editor's Notes
Who I am Academic Experience and Practical ExperienceMy PhD title: Best Practices in Social Media Communications for Value Co-creation
1 Level C Corporate / 2 Level - Business / 3 Level - MarketingCompetitiveadavantage: A superiority gained by an?organization?when it can?provide?the?same?value?as?its?competitors?but at a?lower?price, or can?charge?higher?prices?by?providing?greater value through?differentiation.??
Strengths: strong brand reputation ; sinergy with other Rotary clubs, share resources, people, emulate eventsWeaknesses: lack of resources C relies on volunteeringOpportunities: social media, digital marketing, new target market marketThreats: competitors - check ohter charities movements,emulate them and do better work than them.
Advertising C Promotional Mix (advertising, PR, Events, panflets, adeshives, outdoors..)Brand Presence: logo (Physical aspect) C presence: online and offlineBrand Image: brand Recall (Physicological aspect) : brand reputation We dont engage with whom we dont know
Advocate: use their influence to influence others via wom.Co-creator; helps you to improve the organisations with ideas, suggestions, collaboration,
Examples: Offline Business: Subway sandwichesOnline Businesses:Shoes of Prey: the clients design their own shoes C online store in SidneyCamiseteria; the clients design the illustrations on their own t-shirts C online store in BrazilIt segment: the clients work with the organisation to build a IT solution
Characteristics:Democratic: internet connection?Dialogue: real time communications C asynchronous or synchornouscommunicatios, ofthen requires faster responses?Collaboration: - sharing same interests?Convenient:- whatever time / local Viral: Normally requires faster responses
Social media is less costly and interactive. Its a new customer touch point, free channel to communicate. Get influencers to gather social influence inside the network.This is your promotional mix: PR, publicity, advertising,