This document provides an overview of an MMO adventure game called "The Day After Cult" where players take on the role of members of FAEN, a secret international organization tasked with stopping a doomsday cult. The game involves accomplishing missions by finding and scanning hidden QR codes around one's hometown within a time limit. Missions become increasingly difficult and players can earn medals and ranks based on their performance. The game also allows for player-created missions and multiplayer challenges.
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Integrated Project Phase 1
1. Integrated Project Phase 1
Group 4 - FAEN
The Day After Cult
MMO-Adventure Game
by Fabrizio Valerio Covone
2. Game Story
In December 2012 a bunch of fanatics waited for the End of
the World. Since nothing happened, they decided to make
their own Armageddon thru a series of terroristic attacks.
In early 2013 they founded a sect gathering new adepts
every day. They call themselves “The Day After Cult”.
In a short time the Cult spread all over the world.
Few months later, all attacked nations decided to create a
top secret international bureau, the FAEN (Federal Agency
for Extremism Neutralization).
As a new FAEN member you will have to stop Cult’s
terroristic attempts looking for their tracks left behind.
3. Game Details
? Massive Multiplayer Online Adventure Game based in your
home town.
? Accomplish a series of missions to fight The Cult.
? Build your own career in a Top Secret Organization.
? Improve the game creating your own missions.
? All you need is a Smartphone, a bar code reader app.
4. Mission Rules
? Main Goal is to find a QR code hidden in your city.
? Inside the QR code there is the mission name and a
verification code.
? The player will have to provide the verification code as a
proof of evidence.
? The player has 3 weeks of time to find it.
? The player will receive 3 hints to find his/her target:
– A riddle describing target location (at the beginning of the
– A famous place nearby the target location (one week after).
– An image of the target location (two weeks after).
5. Mission Example
Mission Description
Today we received another letter from the cult. It seems they are
hiding an explosive device near Dublin city center. We have three
weeks before it blows.
Accept the mission to read the file.
1st Hint (the riddle):
I am a little bomb that lost the way home. Near me there is a
resting place for iron wagons. Where am I? In a croft of metal
2nd Hint (famous place nearby):
After few researches we discovered that the letter was sent from
a mailbox near Old Jameson Distillery.
6. Mission Example
3rd Hint (the picture):
Haven’t you managed to find me yet?
Mission Name:
Verification Code:
the QR code is
behind the wall.
7. Reward system
? The player will get a score based on mission’s difficulty.
? Player’s total score will be shown in a global rating
? The player will receive a medal for every mission
– Less than a week: Gold Medal.
– Less than two weeks: Silver Medal.
– Less than three weeks: Bronze Medal.
? After a certain amount of missions he/she will receive a
new rank (lieutenant, corporal, etc.).
8. Advanced Features
? Multiplayer Mode: each mission could be played as a
challenge between two or more players (first one
accomplish it wins).
? Mission creator: the player will have the chance to create
his/her own missions.
? Mission creator rules:
– Find a public spot in your home town nearby a famous place (it
has to be accessible by everybody).
– Generate your own QR code and place it to the chosen location.
– Take a picture of the target place.
– Write a riddle about it.
– A brief description coherent with the story.
– Submit your mission details.