The document describes the iron extraction process known as the blast furnace process. It involves layering iron ore, coke, and other materials in a blast furnace. Hot air is blown into the bottom of the furnace to initiate chemical reactions that reduce the iron ore into pig iron. The hot metal is then tapped from the bottom of the furnace and transported to steel plants. It also provides background on the uses of iron and steel in construction and manufacturing.
3. Iron Extraction Process
In the blast furnace process, the first step on the way towards heavy plate, pig
iron is produced from iron ore. The composition of the ore and additions is
accurately adjusted to the final products of Dillinger H端tte and Saarstahl.
Exact quantities of burdening materials such as sinter, pellets, lump ore, alloys,
and coke are transported alternately via a belt conveyor to the blast furnace
head. The materials are then charged in layers via sluice vessels into the
furnace by means of a rotary chute.
This supplies the blast furnace with a current of hot air ("blast"), which initiates
the chemical reaction. The refractory checker bricks in the Cowper are heated
by the top gas produced in the blast furnace. The blast, which reaches
temperatures of over 1300 属C (regenerator), then flows through these hot bricks.
The energy for the blast heating is thus drawn off from the blast furnace process
- an utmost environmentally-sound method.
4. Blast furnace
The blast furnace works according to the counterflow principle: the stock column, made up
of ore, coke and additions, slides down towards its conversion, while the top gases rise and
heat the stock column. At the bottom of the furnace the iron ore is chemically reduced. The
blast reacts with the coke; carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are formed at temperatures
of up to 2000 属C.
The carbon monoxide removes the oxygen from the iron ore resulting in pig iron production.
Slag is formed from the other ore components and the additions.
Casting bay
The hot metal is filled into torpedo cars via the blast furnace tap hole, launder lined with
refractory material, and transported to the steel plants of Dillinger H端tte and Saarstahl. The
silicon content of between 0.3 % and 0.5 % is already adjusted to steel plant and rolling mill
requirements. A modern dust extractor prevents dust from escaping during tapping. The
slag obtained in the blast furnace process which floats on top of the hot metal in the
launder, due to its low specific gravity, is separated from the metal and poured into slag
dumps where it solidifies or is immediately granulated with high-pressure water. The
solidified slag is used as road building material, whereas the granulated material is supplied
to the cement industry.
5. Iron has many uses including the construction of machine parts, building structures, hulls of ships,
vehicles and for manufacturing machine tools.Moreover, it is used in appliances and surgical
equipment in the form of stainless steel.
Iron is mostly used to create steel, which is used in civil engineering and manufacturing industries.
Ordinary carbon steel consists of iron, carbon and small amounts of other elements.
Stainless steel is used in various products and industries today, especially in automobiles and aircraft.
This type of iron is completely recyclable, and it is created when iron is mixed with other metals. At
home, iron is used almost everywhere, from iron fences and decorative iron furniture to pots, trays,
ovens, kitchen cutlery and other cookware. Cast iron and wrought iron are found in many products in
Iron and steel are typically painted, galvanized or coated with plastic to prevent rusting. These
methods keep out water and oxygen which contribute to rusting. Small amounts of carbon are
combined with iron to create steel. Chromium and nickel are also often added to produce non-
corroding stainless steel.
Aside from industry uses, iron is an important element for all life forms. According to Royal Society of
Chemistry, humans contain approximately 4 grams of iron, most of which circulates as hemoglobin in
the blood and carries oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body. Humans need a diet that
contains 10 to 18 milligrams of iron.
6. Hematite: the main iron ore in Brazilian mines
This stockpile of iron ore pellets will be used in steel production.
Iron ores[1] are rocks and minerals from which metallic iron can be economically
extracted. The ores are usually rich in iron oxidesand vary in color from dark grey, bright
yellow, deep purple, to rusty red. The iron itself is usually found in the form
of magnetite(Fe
4, 72.4% Fe), hematite (Fe
3, 69.9% Fe), goethite (FeO(OH), 62.9% Fe), limonite (FeO(OH).n(H2O))
or siderite (FeCO3, 48.2% Fe).
Ores containing very high quantities of hematite or magnetite (greater than ~60% iron)
are known as "natural ore" or "direct shipping ore", meaning they can be fed directly into
iron-making blast furnaces. Iron ore is the raw material used to make pig iron, which is
one of the main raw materials to make steel. 98% of the mined iron ore is used to make
steel.[2] Indeed, it has been argued that iron ore is "more integral to the global economy
than any other commodity, except perhaps oil".[3]
10. Black Diamond Night
Black Diamond Night (a coal miners
cemetery) Where the ebony, we call
NIGHT, Old black rocks sit under the
twilight Diamond shape eyes unclear and
lonely, Sinister through hostile spirits only, I
stumble across these stones without a
bone A solitary confinement alone, From a
barren zone the light transcend Only in
time, our minds will mend Endless valleys
11. These bones- these bones they sit alone The
abyss, of rotten cavities with no fill, A system
no power can unwell the drill The blood that
passed over without a spill Peaks collapse
into a spellbinding chill They are trapped!
They are trapped! Another diamond in the
rough Is what they left Obsessed with the
dead without a death A death that impatiently
awaited their last breath Gushing, into the
gems of dead chemistry, Diamonds holding
its own intensity, These lonely graves, on top
12. sycamore hill Coal mining hearts that will
never heal If only shiny eyes could see?
These lonely bones inside of me! Moving in
every direction possible Flowing in every
direction noticeable Sockets without eyes.
Stones hiding under the cobalt skies. The
mad sparkles, the madness dies. Throughout
this mess, we held in the blasphemous
Intervening lots of gems so miraculous Into a
stone of self-religion,
13. A black night filled of legions
Acknowledging the soul's capacity of free
Near the frail bones that sit alone, Alone
they sit in a morbid home. Through a path
unclear and all alone, Troubled by the
visions of my own stone Where the night
takes place in the dark The ebony rides
under the diamond bark Along with the
coal miners who never got to see the;
Diamonds of another day!