This document provides an overview of the facilities and departments at a university library. It lists the introductory video, sports pavilion, and several colleges, schools, and faculties housed in different buildings across campus, including the Faculties of Education, Economics and Business, Experimental Sciences and Mathematics, Law, Humanities, and Health Sciences as well as the Schools of Psychology, Engineering, and Industrial Relations.
18. Colleges and Schools
Faculty of Education---------------------------------------------
(Building A)
Faculty of Economics and Business-----------------------(Building
Faculty of Experimental Sciences----(Building Technician III
Mathematics and Scientific Computing)
Law School---------------------------------------------------------
(Building D)
Faculty of Humanities-------------------------------------------
(Building C)
School of Psychology--------------------------------------------
(Building C)
Faculty of Health Sciences-------------------------------------
(Building Health Sciences )
20. Schools
School of Engineering(---------------------------
--------------Building: School of Engineering )
Affiliated centers
School of Industrial Relations