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Bringing equality A
                                                                                                      Visible Step Closer!
                                                                                                           Integrating Gender into
                                                                                                           Sexual and Reproductive
                                                                                                             Health Interventions

                                                                                                      Rouzeh Eghtessadi      (MPH)
                                                                                                      SAfAIDS Regional Office
                                                                                                      479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood
                                                                                                      Pretoria, South Africa
                                                                                                      Tel: +27 76 381 2425

                                                                                                      Website:                http://www.safaids.net
                                                                                                      Email:                  rouzeh@gmail.com

SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw    Southern Africa
                                                                                                                                                       HIV/AIDS Information
                                                                                                                                                       Dissemination Service
      Sexual and Reproductive Health: a recap & link to the MPoA
      Gender : including LGBTI dimensions

   Linking SRH and Gender and Human Rights
   How to Mainstream/Integrate gender into SRH, HIV and other
    developmental programmes
      Step one: gender audit (needs, gaps, knowledge, policy and programme frames,
       resources - budget, human capacity , tools etc)
      Step two: entry points (build capacity, break S&D)
      Step three: integration vs vertical programming

   Special Considerations: role of men, role of traditional/cultural structures, role of
    parliamentarians, role of media
   Documenting, Sharing, Advocacy, Learning and Scale-up
   Sample generic tools
   Reflection and Relevance Questions
                                                SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                                        Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                                                    Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                                         Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                                         Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                                       Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                                              Website: www.safaids.net
Recap on SRH&R
Refer to the Maputo Plan of Action:
Nine Pillars of SRH

SRH closely linked to rights: rights to
services, information, supporting structures
(policy, infrastructure, resource allocations)

                          SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                  Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                              Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                   Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                   Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                 Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                        Website: www.safaids.net
Unpacking Gender

  Gender is .

 Gender is not.

           SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                   Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
               Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                    Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                    Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                  Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                         Website: www.safaids.net
Gender versus Sex
 Gender refers to what a society believes about the
  appropriate roles, duties, rights, responsibilities,
  accepted behaviours, opportunities and status of
  women and men in relation to one another

 Sex refers to the different biological and physiological
  characteristics of males and females (e.g. reproductive
  organs, hormones, chromosomes).

                               SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                       Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                                   Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                        Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                        Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                      Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                             Website: www.safaids.net
Gender Terms.

Gender strategic needs
Gender practical needs
Gender equality
Gender sensitive
Gender neutral
Gender transformative

                         SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                 Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                             Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                  Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                  Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                       Website: www.safaids.net
Where does gender inequality
   Health services and access
   Employment opportunities
   Legal domain

                       SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                               Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                           Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                              Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                     Website: www.safaids.net
Links between Gender and SRH
 Genderbased violence: reciprocal influence on sexual
  and reproductive health (unwanted pregnancies, poor FP
  adherence, HIV/STI infection, etc)

 Limited Access to, and Control over information and
  services: increases risk and vulnerability to HIV/STIs

 Burden of Care: less time and opportunity to access SRH
  services and adhere to SRH

 Silence: poor communication, influence family planning,
  safe sex practices, reporting and preventing GBV

                                 SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                         Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                                     Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                          Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                          Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                        Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                               Website: www.safaids.net
Links between Gender and

                       SRH access and informed
    Partner Dependence: controls

 Socio-economic factors creating gender inequality

 Cultural Practices and Norms: adverse practices eg dry
  sex, unsterile MC, partner counseling, seeking health care
  services for the weak

 Service barriers: male-unfriendly, adolescent unfriendly,
  stigma & discrimination for PLHIV women

                                 SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                         Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                                     Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                          Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                          Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                        Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                               Website: www.safaids.net
Integrating Gender into Sexual and Reproductive Health
Gender Management System
 What is a GMS?
     A network of structures, mechanisms and processes within
      existing organisational framework established at all levels

     Guides, plans, monitors and evaluates mainstreaming process
      while working to achieve gender equality/equity in sustainable

     Advances gender equality and equity through promoting political
      will, capacity building, sharing of good practices and forging
      stakeholders partnerships

* ldeal for larger bodies e.g. governments
                                       SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                               Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                                           Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                                Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                                Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                              Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                                     Website: www.safaids.net
What is Gender Mainstreaming
In development work, it means strengthening both women
and mens active involvement in capacity and contribution

Its goal is to empower women and men as equal partners by
creating a win-win scenario in development

It involves active and equipped gender equity promotion into
policies/programs/projects and institutions

It is holistic integration of gender issues into all aspects of a
given structure

                                   SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                           Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                                       Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                            Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                            Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                          Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                              Website: www.safaids.net
The Process .not an event!
For an organisation, it means collective impact of efforts:

 Conducting a Gender Audit
 Development of Gender Policy
 Capacity building of staff at all levels
 Development (or adoption)of tools/guidelines for gender
  analysis and mainstreaming
 Development of gender disaggregated data collection,
  analysis and monitoring systems
 Gender sensitive budgeting/budget allocation
 Political commitment by senior management
                                 SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                         Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                                     Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                          Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                          Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                        Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                               Website: www.safaids.net
Mainstreaming Model

                  Situation Analysis
               Partner Identification and                                                        INTERNAL
                    Needs Assessment
 Documentation                               Material                                               Programmes
 Dissemination &                            Production
                     Evaluation and
Experience Sharing                           Capacity
 on Mainstreaming                        Strengthening
                                      (Skills/Awareness) &                                             Partners
    efforts and
     Advocacy                               Mentoring

                                            SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                                    Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                                                Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                                     Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                                     Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                                   Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                                          Website: www.safaids.net
Step 1. When Conducting a
          Gender Audit Consider..
 Baseline evidence and Mapping

 Identifying gaps in knowledge, attitudes and
  practices (KAP survey of staff) and structural &
  environmental challenges

 Internal (organisational culture, policies, staffing, capacity) and
  external (partners, programmes, budgets, M&E systems) factors

 Determine resources (externally) to support GM
                                     SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                             Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                                         Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                              Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                              Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                            Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                                   Website: www.safaids.net
Step 2. Entry strategies will be
           informed by Audit Findings
                                                                Identify key entry points
Develop Gender
Policy                                                          E.g.
                                                                -Build Capacity of staff,
                    Gender                                      partners and affiliates
                 Mainstreaming                                  -Break stigma and
                    Process                                     discrimination
                                                                -Place gender on all job
                                                                descriptions vs focal point

Link with GM
expert or
mentoring body   Develop gender
                 sensitive budgets                  Develop gender sensitive M&E
                                                    and reporting system

                                     SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                             Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                                         Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                              Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                              Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                            Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                                   Website: www.safaids.net
Step 3. Gender Mainstreaming
          into Policies
 Types of Policies from a Gender Perspective:
    Gender Neutral/Blind
    Gender Specific
    Gender Transformative/ Redistributive/ Responsive

 Basic Components of a Policy
      Contextual Background
      Policy Goals and Objectives
      Policy Environment
      Policy Thematic Areas
      Policy Implementing Strategy
                                      SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                              Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                                          Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                               Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                               Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                             Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                                    Website: www.safaids.net
Step 3 (cont). Integration versus
      Vertical Progamming
  What are benefits of integrating gender into
   SRH programmes rather than having two
    separate programme running parallel ?

What are your experiences in these processes?

                         SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                 Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                             Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                  Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                  Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                       Website: www.safaids.net
Keep the Process Alive & Share!
   Share and exchange
   Learn and Scale-up

     Use ICTs - be creative  get technical support

                             SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                     Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                                 Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                      Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                      Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                    Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                           Website: www.safaids.net
Special Considerations
     Traditional/cultural structures

 Barriers  fear of unknown, misunderstood, S&D

 Varied sexual orientation & identity (LGBTI)

                                        SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                                Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                                            Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                                 Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                                 Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                               Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                                      Website: www.safaids.net
Sample generic tools
   Mainstreaming checklist for policies
   Mainstreaming checklist for programmes
   Mainstreaming gender into SRH training
   Mainstreaming gender into SRH M&E
    systems (gender indicators)

  Find out more about Gender mainstreaming:
  UNESCO site, UN-OSAGI site,

                         SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                 Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                             Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                  Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                  Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                       Website: www.safaids.net
SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
        Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
    Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
         Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
         Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
       Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                              Website: www.safaids.net
Questions.bringing it closer to
What is one potential     Am I willing to promote
    challenge to           safe motherhood for
mainstreaming gender        female adolescent
in my organisation ?             PLHIV?

   ?                    Making it a
                                                                                     Who should
                                                                                   drive the gender
   Is this going to                                                                 agenda in my
                                        ?                                           organisation?
    dis-empower me?

                               SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                                       Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                                   Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.
                                        Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                                        Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                                      Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                             Website: www.safaids.net
In-country Strategies for
           Sustainability of Gender
                Mainstreaming . Government
    Strategy  engaging and complementing
    and national partners
   Enables Sustainability and ownership
      Facilitates national buy-in and support by other country
      Piggy backing on existing efforts made by Govts is critical  not
       over-riding/impose rather be complementary, and support
       meeting national targets e.g. MDGs, UNGASS, MPoA, CEDAW

    Strategy  creating dialogue and consultative
    platforms for sharing
   Enables cross-learning and scale-up - critical to sustainability of
    concerted efforts
Information ..

                                 and has the
                                                                  to Make
                  SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa.
                          Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net
                      Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe.

   Difference !
                           Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net
                           Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia.
                         Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm
                                                Website: www.safaids.net

More Related Content

Integrating Gender into Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • 1. Bringing equality A Visible Step Closer! Integrating Gender into Sexual and Reproductive Health Interventions Rouzeh Eghtessadi (MPH) SAfAIDS Regional Office 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood Pretoria, South Africa Tel: +27 76 381 2425 Website: http://www.safaids.net Email: rouzeh@gmail.com SAfAIDS - P O Box A509,Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe, Tel: 263 4 336193/4, Fax: 263 4 336195, E-mail: info@safaids.org.zw, Website: www.safaids.org.zw Southern Africa HIV/AIDS Information Dissemination Service
  • 2. Overview Definitions: Sexual and Reproductive Health: a recap & link to the MPoA Gender : including LGBTI dimensions Linking SRH and Gender and Human Rights How to Mainstream/Integrate gender into SRH, HIV and other developmental programmes Step one: gender audit (needs, gaps, knowledge, policy and programme frames, resources - budget, human capacity , tools etc) Step two: entry points (build capacity, break S&D) Step three: integration vs vertical programming Special Considerations: role of men, role of traditional/cultural structures, role of parliamentarians, role of media Documenting, Sharing, Advocacy, Learning and Scale-up Sample generic tools Reflection and Relevance Questions SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 3. Recap on SRH&R Refer to the Maputo Plan of Action: Nine Pillars of SRH SRH closely linked to rights: rights to services, information, supporting structures (policy, infrastructure, resource allocations) SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 4. Unpacking Gender Gender is . Gender is not. SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 5. Gender versus Sex Gender refers to what a society believes about the appropriate roles, duties, rights, responsibilities, accepted behaviours, opportunities and status of women and men in relation to one another Sex refers to the different biological and physiological characteristics of males and females (e.g. reproductive organs, hormones, chromosomes). SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 6. Gender Terms. Gender strategic needs Gender practical needs Gender equality Gender sensitive Gender neutral Gender transformative Stereotyping Other? SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 7. Where does gender inequality occur? Health services and access Education Employment opportunities Legal domain Other? SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 8. Links between Gender and SRH (1) Genderbased violence: reciprocal influence on sexual and reproductive health (unwanted pregnancies, poor FP adherence, HIV/STI infection, etc) Limited Access to, and Control over information and services: increases risk and vulnerability to HIV/STIs Burden of Care: less time and opportunity to access SRH services and adhere to SRH Silence: poor communication, influence family planning, safe sex practices, reporting and preventing GBV SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 9. Links between Gender and SRH access and informed Partner Dependence: controls (2) decision-making Socio-economic factors creating gender inequality Cultural Practices and Norms: adverse practices eg dry sex, unsterile MC, partner counseling, seeking health care services for the weak Service barriers: male-unfriendly, adolescent unfriendly, stigma & discrimination for PLHIV women SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 11. Gender Management System What is a GMS? A network of structures, mechanisms and processes within existing organisational framework established at all levels Guides, plans, monitors and evaluates mainstreaming process while working to achieve gender equality/equity in sustainable development Advances gender equality and equity through promoting political will, capacity building, sharing of good practices and forging stakeholders partnerships * ldeal for larger bodies e.g. governments SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 12. What is Gender Mainstreaming (GM) In development work, it means strengthening both women and mens active involvement in capacity and contribution Its goal is to empower women and men as equal partners by creating a win-win scenario in development It involves active and equipped gender equity promotion into policies/programs/projects and institutions It is holistic integration of gender issues into all aspects of a given structure SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 13. The Process .not an event! For an organisation, it means collective impact of efforts: Conducting a Gender Audit Development of Gender Policy Capacity building of staff at all levels Development (or adoption)of tools/guidelines for gender analysis and mainstreaming Development of gender disaggregated data collection, analysis and monitoring systems Gender sensitive budgeting/budget allocation Political commitment by senior management SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 14. Mainstreaming Model Situation Analysis Partner Identification and INTERNAL Needs Assessment Management Employees Policies Documentation Material Programmes Dissemination & Production Feedback Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting EXTERNAL Experience Sharing Capacity Beneficiaries on Mainstreaming Strengthening (Skills/Awareness) & Partners efforts and Advocacy Mentoring SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 15. Step 1. When Conducting a Gender Audit Consider.. Baseline evidence and Mapping Identifying gaps in knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP survey of staff) and structural & environmental challenges Internal (organisational culture, policies, staffing, capacity) and external (partners, programmes, budgets, M&E systems) factors Determine resources (externally) to support GM SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 16. Step 2. Entry strategies will be informed by Audit Findings Identify key entry points Develop Gender Policy E.g. -Build Capacity of staff, Gender partners and affiliates Mainstreaming -Break stigma and Process discrimination -Place gender on all job descriptions vs focal point Link with GM expert or mentoring body Develop gender sensitive budgets Develop gender sensitive M&E and reporting system SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 17. Step 3. Gender Mainstreaming into Policies Types of Policies from a Gender Perspective: Gender Neutral/Blind Gender Specific Gender Transformative/ Redistributive/ Responsive Basic Components of a Policy Contextual Background Policy Goals and Objectives Policy Environment Policy Thematic Areas Policy Implementing Strategy SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 18. Step 3 (cont). Integration versus Vertical Progamming What are benefits of integrating gender into SRH programmes rather than having two separate programme running parallel ? What are your experiences in these processes? SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 19. Keep the Process Alive & Share! Document Share and exchange Advocate Learn and Scale-up Use ICTs - be creative get technical support SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 20. Special Considerations Roles Men Traditional/cultural structures Parliamentarians Media Barriers fear of unknown, misunderstood, S&D Varied sexual orientation & identity (LGBTI) SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 21. Sample generic tools Mainstreaming checklist for policies Mainstreaming checklist for programmes Mainstreaming gender into SRH training programmes Mainstreaming gender into SRH M&E systems (gender indicators) Find out more about Gender mainstreaming: UNESCO site, UN-OSAGI site, SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 22. SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 23. Questions.bringing it closer to home! What is one potential Am I willing to promote challenge to safe motherhood for mainstreaming gender female adolescent in my organisation ? PLHIV? ? ? Making it a Reality Who should drive the gender Is this going to agenda in my ? organisation? dis-empower me? SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net
  • 24. In-country Strategies for Sustainability of Gender Mainstreaming . Government Strategy engaging and complementing and national partners Enables Sustainability and ownership Facilitates national buy-in and support by other country stakeholders. Piggy backing on existing efforts made by Govts is critical not over-riding/impose rather be complementary, and support meeting national targets e.g. MDGs, UNGASS, MPoA, CEDAW Strategy creating dialogue and consultative platforms for sharing Enables cross-learning and scale-up - critical to sustainability of concerted efforts
  • 25. Remember Information .. and has the Power to Make a SAfAIDS Regional Office : 479 Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081, South Africa. Tel: +27-12-361-0889 Fax: +27-12-361-0899 E-mail: reg@safaids.net Country Office - Zimbabwe : 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe. Difference ! Tel: +263-4-336193/4 Fax: +263-4-336195 E-mail: info@safaids.net Country Office - Zambia : Plot No. 4, Rhodes Park, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260-125-7609 Fax: +260-125-7652 E-mail: safaids@safaids.co.zm Website: www.safaids.net