The document discusses how ESKA速 Insures tightly integrates with ESKADENIA's business support systems to enhance insurance company operations and management. Key capabilities include real-time integration between insurance and financial systems for transactions, automated financial vouchers, digitized document management, customer relationship management, notification messaging, and web-based e-insurance access. The tight integration across these systems allows for streamlined workflows, up-to-date financial and customer information, and enhanced collaboration within insurance organizations.
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ESKA速 Insures
ESKA速 Insures tightly integrates with ESKADENIAs advanced
Business Support systems in order to enhance the management
and control over operations within the insurance company.
ESKA速 Business Manager (Enterprise Resource
ESKADENIAs core insurance systems are seamlessly integrated
with the financial modules of ESKA速 Business Manager for real-
time flow of transactions. Insurance companies may generate
Profit/ Loss Statements providing up-to-the-minute accurate
financial information ready for retrieval and display at anytime.
The financial vouchers are automatically generated upon posting
the insurance transactions to the financial system. The posted
vouchers can be viewed and printed from the insurance and the
financial systems. ESKA速 Workflow and ESKA速 Docs (Document
Production Financial Integration Management System)
ESKADENIAs core insurance systems generate debit/ credit notes ESKA速 Workflow and ESKA速 Docs (Document Management
for customers and agents upon posting production transactions System) support the definition, automation, and management of
(one-by-one or grouped in batches) to the financial system. work processes from start to end to reflect the way insurance
Production transactions include policy issuance, endorsement activities are executed through a paperless environment.
issuance, and renewals. Integration with these systems streamlines collaboration between
Claims Financial Integration various insurance team members. Papers, forms, and photos can
be digitally stored and archived for easy retrieval and reduction
ESKA速 Insures offers the facility for users to affect the financail
of document loss.
system with payments and recoveries, either by posting one
invoice per transaction, or one invoice for all transactions per
claimant. ESKA速 CRM (Customer Relationship Management
Reinsurance Financial Integration
ESKA速 Insures allows users to generate debit/ credit notes ESKA速 CRM organises insurance sales procedures and activities
for facultative insurance companies and treaty reinsurers at in the company. It also allows managing marketing campaigns
bordereaux time. The system also allows users to post XOL claim and tracking the resulting responses and revenue. Moreover,
transactions. this integration helps Customer Care people manage and track
customer queries through the advanced Call Centre module and
Un-post Financial Transactions to access up-to-the-minute customer information. In addition,
Users with certain authority levels are able to un-post previously it provides a comprehensive 360 degree view of the insurance
posted financial transactions to minimise the number of reversed customers including all their contracted policies, classes of
vouchers in an open financial period as much as possible. business, payments, and loss ratios. Such valuable information
support Insurance sales people to maintain profitable clients.
ESKA速 Messaging Gateway
Integration with ESKA速 Messaging Gateway allows the
insurance companies to automatically send notification SMS ESKA速 Insures can be accessed through the Internet. Third
messages to customers and agents upon issuing them new parties can issue policies, policyholders can preview their policy
information, medical providers can submit their own claims, and
ESK/WA/FL-10:008 Uen-Rev A
policies, endorsements, or renewals. This serves as a real-
time transaction notification tool for clients that confirm the re-insurers can preview their own reports, treaties, policies, and
occurrence of such transactions or events. claims through the Web. Comprehensive security measurements
in the systems allow defining the access authority levels needed
according to the business rules.
ESKADENIA Software, P.O.Box: 1555 Amman 11821 Jordan, Tel: +962 6 5510717, Fax: +962 6 5510719, E-mail: