This presentation was developed and delivered in early 2009 based on a blog post I authored (All Media Is Social ¡ª in the fall of 2008.
App Inventor Concept Cards provide a quick way to learn new App Inventor code and concepts. Each of the cards can be printed out, folded in half, and used to prompt students to explore a concept in App Inventor such as timers, sounds, movement, math, multi screens, making colors, etc.
Creemos necesario propiciar espacios l¨²dico-formativos que permitan a los miembros de la familia pasar tiempo juntos y fortalecer los v¨ªnculos que los unen. El ritmo fren¨¦tico que marca hoy la sociedad hace dif¨ªcil que se puedan llevar a cabo actividades que impliquen a toda la familia. Por ello, queremos favorecer un encuentro en el que los padres, modelos de aprendizaje, puedan transmitir h¨¢bitos culturales a sus hijos.
Mobile Communication Monitoring & Compliancetextguardd
No longer are just executives, salespeople or field service technicians replying on smartphones to help increase their productive and keep them in touch with customers¡¯ need.
Dynamical Classes of Collective Attention in TwitterJanette Lehmann
Presentation at WWW, held in Lyon, April 2012.
Micro-blogging systems such as Twitter expose digital traces of social discourse with an unprecedented degree of resolution of individual behaviors. They offer an opportunity to investigate how a large-scale social system responds to exogenous or endogenous stimuli, and to disentangle the temporal, spatial and topical aspects of users¡¯ activity. Here we focus on spikes of collective attention in Twitter, and specifically on peaks in the popularity of hashtags. Users employ hashtags as a form of social annotation, to define a shared context for a specific event, topic, or meme. We analyze a large-scale record of Twitter activity and find that the evolution of hashtag popularity over time defines discrete classes of hashtags. We link these dynamical classes to the events the hashtags represent and use text mining techniques to provide a semantic characterization of the hashtag classes. Moreover, we track the propagation of hashtags in the Twitter social network and find that epidemic spreading plays a minor role in hashtag popularity, which is mostly driven by exogenous factors.
This work was done in collaboration with Bruno Gon?alves, Jose J. Ramasco, and Ciro Cattuto.
El presente documento contiene directrices sobre capacitaci¨®n b¨¢sica y seguridad en la acupuntura. En su preparaci¨®n compartieron sus conocimientos y
experiencia m¨¢s de 50 expertos internacionales.
El presente documento no es una publicaci¨®n oficial de la Organizaci¨®n Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Aunque la Organizaci¨®n se reserva todos los derechos, el documento se puede rese?ar, resumir, reproducir o traducir libremente, en parte o en su totalidad, pero no para la venta u otro uso relacionado con fines comerciales.
Las opiniones expresadas en los documentos por autores cuyo nombre se menciona son de la responsabilidad exclusiva de ¨¦stos.
Proxima Systems - Presentaci¨®n Corporativa [ES]ProximaSystems
Somos un fabricante de herramientas innovadoras de monitorizaci¨®n y telegesti¨®n para m¨¢quinas, instalaciones y edificios que facilitan alcanzar su m¨¢xima eficiencia y rentabilidad mediante la medida continua autom¨¢tica de todos los factores de los que depende el resultado.
This card from a daughter to her mother expresses love and appreciation for her mother on Mother's Day. It reflects on how their bond began at birth and has remained unbreakable through ups and downs. While one day is not enough to show appreciation, the daughter is grateful that her mother has always been there for her with love regardless of circumstances. She wishes her mother a love-filled Mother's Day.
1. Organizational behavior is the study of how individuals and groups act within organizations and how their behaviors impact organizational effectiveness.
2. Managers work in organizations and perform functions like planning, organizing, leading, and controlling to achieve goals through others.
3. The field of organizational behavior draws from multiple disciplines including psychology, sociology, and anthropology to understand workplace behaviors and relationships.
Before Google, before search, heck, even before SQL, search and retrieve meant one thing: the library. And you think you have a lot of noisy data in crusty formats to search? Even if you don't have 100 million books in your catalog, Solr applications for library data offer practical, general purpose solutions to some of the knottiest search problems.
Big Data Challenges, Presented by Wes Caldwell at SolrExchage DCLucidworks (Archived)
ISS is a software solutions company that provides big data management tools to Department of Defense and intelligence community customers. They have over 800 employees across several US offices. Their solutions are reusable, license-free for the US government, and scalable from single users to large networks with thousands of users. Customers have thousands of heterogeneous data sources that create data at an increasing rate, making effective search and analytics tools necessary to help analysts extract useful information and actionable intelligence from large amounts of unstructured data in tactical environments. ISS argues that search must be the cornerstone of an effective big data strategy, allowing normalization, indexing, and semantic search of content to help analysts focus their efforts and gain insights from large data sets.
Creemos necesario propiciar espacios l¨²dico-formativos que permitan a los miembros de la familia pasar tiempo juntos y fortalecer los v¨ªnculos que los unen. El ritmo fren¨¦tico que marca hoy la sociedad hace dif¨ªcil que se puedan llevar a cabo actividades que impliquen a toda la familia. Por ello, queremos favorecer un encuentro en el que los padres, modelos de aprendizaje, puedan transmitir h¨¢bitos culturales a sus hijos.
Mobile Communication Monitoring & Compliancetextguardd
No longer are just executives, salespeople or field service technicians replying on smartphones to help increase their productive and keep them in touch with customers¡¯ need.
Dynamical Classes of Collective Attention in TwitterJanette Lehmann
Presentation at WWW, held in Lyon, April 2012.
Micro-blogging systems such as Twitter expose digital traces of social discourse with an unprecedented degree of resolution of individual behaviors. They offer an opportunity to investigate how a large-scale social system responds to exogenous or endogenous stimuli, and to disentangle the temporal, spatial and topical aspects of users¡¯ activity. Here we focus on spikes of collective attention in Twitter, and specifically on peaks in the popularity of hashtags. Users employ hashtags as a form of social annotation, to define a shared context for a specific event, topic, or meme. We analyze a large-scale record of Twitter activity and find that the evolution of hashtag popularity over time defines discrete classes of hashtags. We link these dynamical classes to the events the hashtags represent and use text mining techniques to provide a semantic characterization of the hashtag classes. Moreover, we track the propagation of hashtags in the Twitter social network and find that epidemic spreading plays a minor role in hashtag popularity, which is mostly driven by exogenous factors.
This work was done in collaboration with Bruno Gon?alves, Jose J. Ramasco, and Ciro Cattuto.
El presente documento contiene directrices sobre capacitaci¨®n b¨¢sica y seguridad en la acupuntura. En su preparaci¨®n compartieron sus conocimientos y
experiencia m¨¢s de 50 expertos internacionales.
El presente documento no es una publicaci¨®n oficial de la Organizaci¨®n Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Aunque la Organizaci¨®n se reserva todos los derechos, el documento se puede rese?ar, resumir, reproducir o traducir libremente, en parte o en su totalidad, pero no para la venta u otro uso relacionado con fines comerciales.
Las opiniones expresadas en los documentos por autores cuyo nombre se menciona son de la responsabilidad exclusiva de ¨¦stos.
Proxima Systems - Presentaci¨®n Corporativa [ES]ProximaSystems
Somos un fabricante de herramientas innovadoras de monitorizaci¨®n y telegesti¨®n para m¨¢quinas, instalaciones y edificios que facilitan alcanzar su m¨¢xima eficiencia y rentabilidad mediante la medida continua autom¨¢tica de todos los factores de los que depende el resultado.
This card from a daughter to her mother expresses love and appreciation for her mother on Mother's Day. It reflects on how their bond began at birth and has remained unbreakable through ups and downs. While one day is not enough to show appreciation, the daughter is grateful that her mother has always been there for her with love regardless of circumstances. She wishes her mother a love-filled Mother's Day.
1. Organizational behavior is the study of how individuals and groups act within organizations and how their behaviors impact organizational effectiveness.
2. Managers work in organizations and perform functions like planning, organizing, leading, and controlling to achieve goals through others.
3. The field of organizational behavior draws from multiple disciplines including psychology, sociology, and anthropology to understand workplace behaviors and relationships.
Before Google, before search, heck, even before SQL, search and retrieve meant one thing: the library. And you think you have a lot of noisy data in crusty formats to search? Even if you don't have 100 million books in your catalog, Solr applications for library data offer practical, general purpose solutions to some of the knottiest search problems.
Big Data Challenges, Presented by Wes Caldwell at SolrExchage DCLucidworks (Archived)
ISS is a software solutions company that provides big data management tools to Department of Defense and intelligence community customers. They have over 800 employees across several US offices. Their solutions are reusable, license-free for the US government, and scalable from single users to large networks with thousands of users. Customers have thousands of heterogeneous data sources that create data at an increasing rate, making effective search and analytics tools necessary to help analysts extract useful information and actionable intelligence from large amounts of unstructured data in tactical environments. ISS argues that search must be the cornerstone of an effective big data strategy, allowing normalization, indexing, and semantic search of content to help analysts focus their efforts and gain insights from large data sets.
SFBay Area Solr Meetup - June 18th: Box + Solr = Content Search for BusinessLucidworks (Archived)
Box uses the Solr search platform to power content search across its 25 million+ users. Some key aspects of Box's search implementation with Solr include:
1) The Solr index is sharded or split across multiple shards for high availability and scalability, with each file identifier mapped to a specific shard.
2) Search queries are handled by a front-end load balancer that distributes queries across multiple search head nodes for high availability.
3) Solr documents contain metadata like file owner, parent folders, and extracted text to support search by content, ownership, and folder structure.
What Lucene and Solr Open Source Search can do for Enterprise SearchLucidworks (Archived)
This document discusses how the open source search technologies Lucene and Solr can provide advantages for enterprise search applications. It outlines preliminary considerations for understanding business requirements, available data, and users. It describes the technological advantages of Lucene/Solr, including performance, relevance, scalability and flexibility. It also notes the potential lower costs and greater flexibility of a Lucene/Solr-based solution compared to other options. Finally, it describes how the company Lucid Imagination can help with implementing Lucene/Solr-based search solutions through certified distributions and other services.
Os textos descrevem diferentes biomas brasileiros, o Cerrado e o Pantanal. O Cerrado esconde muitos rios, riachos e cachoeiras, sendo ber?o de muitas ¨¢guas. J¨¢ o Pantanal atrai moradores que se sentem ligados ¨¤ terra da regi?o, com belas paisagens e rica fauna selvagem.
The document provides a biography of John Lennon and details about his iconic song "Imagine". It discusses how Lennon was born in 1940s Liverpool and formed his first band in 1956. In the late 1960s and 1970s, while married to Yoko Ono, Lennon composed "Imagine" which became widely popular and regarded as an anthem of peace. The song encourages imagining a world without countries, wars, religions or property and promotes humanism.
Technology opportunities in hampton roads (kaszubowski ), nasa technology day...Marty Kaszubowski
Presentation given at NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) Technology Days (5/15/15). The topic of the discussion was how we can take better advantage of the assets in our region to promote high-growth ventures.
The document discusses the song "Zombie" by The Cranberries. It provides background information on the band and the context around the song. The song protests The Troubles in Northern Ireland and references a 1993 bombing in Warrington, England that killed two children. It then presents the full lyrics to "Zombie" and includes a gap fill activity with the lyrics.
LucidWorks Enterprise is a well-packaged, integrated search solution development platform that makes it easier for you to take on the art and science of search, applying the power and flexbility of open source to unlock the search technology for your most interesting and valuable business and technical challenges.
Sol 1.4 is better than ever! Read this white paper and learn about these new features, including:
* enhanced data import capabilities
* rich document handling
* speedier numeric range queries
* duplicate detection
* java-based replication and deployment
* smarter handling of index changes
* faster faceting
* streamlined caching
The document introduces Yann Yu from Lucidworks and provides information about Lucidworks and its products Solr and Hadoop. It discusses how Solr can be used to provide search capabilities for large amounts of both structured and unstructured data stored in Hadoop. Integrating Solr and Hadoop allows for fast search across big data stored in Hadoop along with real-time indexing and querying capabilities. Examples discussed include enabling enterprise-wide search of documents stored in Hadoop and using Flume to index log data from Hadoop into Solr for real-time analytics and search.
Couchbase Connect 2014: Lucidworks CEO Will Hayes takes you on a fantastic voyage through the hope and the hype of big data and why the future is search-centric.
SFBay Area Solr Meetup - July 15th: Integrating Hadoop and SolrLucidworks (Archived)
The document discusses integrating Hadoop and Solr to enable fast, ad-hoc search across structured and unstructured big data stored in Hadoop. It provides examples of how Hadoop can be used for large-scale storage and processing while Solr is used for real-time querying and search. Specifically, it describes how the Lucidworks HDFS connector can process documents from HDFS and index them into SolrCloud for search, and how log data can be ingested from Flume into HDFS for archiving and extracted fields can be indexed into Solr in real-time for search and analytics dashboards.
SFBay Area Solr Meetup - June 18th: Benchmarking Solr PerformanceLucidworks (Archived)
The document discusses benchmarking the performance of SolrCloud clusters. It describes Timothy Potter's experience operating a large SolrCloud cluster at Dachis Group. It outlines an methodology for benchmarking indexing performance by varying the number of servers, shards, and replicas. Results show near-linear scalability as nodes are added. The document also introduces the Solr Scale Toolkit for deploying and managing SolrCloud clusters using Python and AWS. It demonstrates integrating Solr with tools like Logstash and Kibana for log aggregation and dashboards.
Chicago Solr Meetup - June 10th: This Ain't Your Parents' Search EngineLucidworks (Archived)
The document discusses how search has evolved beyond traditional keyword search to include more complex tasks like recommendations, classifications, and analytics using distributed technologies like Hadoop. It provides an overview of new capabilities in Lucene/Solr like reduced memory usage, pluggable codecs, and spatial search upgrades. LucidWorks offers products like Solr and SiLK that integrate with Hadoop and provide search and analytics capabilities across distributed data.
This document discusses integrating search capabilities with Hadoop's big data analytics. It explains that Hadoop is well-suited for distributed storage and processing of large datasets, while search excels at free-text retrieval and indexing large amounts of text. The document outlines how the speaker's company integrated Hadoop and search using HBase replication to a search index, allowing results from Hadoop jobs to be searchable in near real-time. It provides an example use case of monitoring tweets for keywords and extracting mentioned URLs to visualize popular links.
Solr 4.7 and 4.8 include new features such as asynchronous execution of long-running actions, cursors for deep paging, document expiration, dynamic synonyms and stopwords, SSL support in SolrCloud, and improved collections API. Future versions will focus on ZooKeeper as the single source of truth, incremental field updates, multi-valued DocValues sorting, and removing legacy field types. The speaker also discussed related open source projects from LucidWorks for deploying Solr on AWS, log processing, and data quality.
Minneapolis Solr Meetup - May 28, 2014: eCommerce Search with Apache SolrLucidworks (Archived)
This document discusses how Apache Solr can power ecommerce search and provides examples of companies using it. It outlines basic features for ecommerce like facets, highlighting, and boosting as well as advanced features like spatial search and analytics. The document also provides tips for ecommerce search like understanding user needs, debugging issues, and leveraging signals from user behavior to improve relevance.
Target transitioned from their previous search platform to using Solr. Some benefits they found included the speed of importing data into Solr and the ease of adding additional data signals to improve relevancy. However, they had to start from scratch on their relevancy strategy in Solr and found facets worked differently between the platforms. Target also discussed how they were able to improve relevancy by incorporating guest activity data on their website to surface more viewed and ordered items.
Exploration of multidimensional biomedical data in pub chem, Presented by Lia...Lucidworks (Archived)
The document discusses the development of a new search system for PubChem to allow for exploration of multidimensional biomedical data. The new system was needed to address the challenges of handling large and heterogeneous datasets with many relationships between data types in a way that allows for fast querying. The system leverages Apache SOLR to provide features like full text search, faceting, molecule structure searching and joining of related data. It includes backend components like SOLR, SQL and specialized search engines as well as web APIs and frontend interfaces like reusable widgets and a new search interface.
Unstructured Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the xml, Presented...Lucidworks (Archived)
This document discusses Solr, an open source search platform from the Apache Lucene project. It provides full-text search, faceted search, auto-suggest capabilities, and supports multiple file formats for document indexing. The document outlines Solr's architecture and components, provides usage examples from large government sites, and recommends related open source tools.
Building a Lightweight Discovery Interface for Chinese Patents, Presented by ...Lucidworks (Archived)
This document discusses building a lightweight discovery interface for Chinese patents. It describes using parsers and the cloud to ingest various patent file formats and metadata in order to build a search interface. It emphasizes spending adequate time on user experience design and sharing data with users and other applications.
What's New in Lucene/Solr Presented by Grant Ingersoll at SolrExchage DCLucidworks (Archived)
Lucene and Solr 4.8 include improvements to speed, flexibility, and scalability. Key updates include native near real-time support in Lucene, faster indexing with document writer per thread, and improved fuzzy and wildcard query processing. Solr 4 offers new faceting, geospatial, and distributed capabilities. Both projects provide easier configuration and more pluggable scoring and indexing options to improve search relevance and performance.
This document summarizes Sean Timm's presentation on Solr and Lucene at AOL. It discusses AOL's history with search technologies including using Open Directory Project (ODP) and building search into AOL Server using their own retrieval model (CPL). It describes AOL's contributions to Solr/Lucene including the Data Import Handler. It provides recommendations for contributing to the Solr/Lucene community such as answering questions, improving documentation, and submitting patches. It highlights some of AOL's applications of Solr like search for MapQuest, AIM, Mail, and analyzing Sarah Palin's emails.
This document provides an introduction to SolrCloud, which enables horizontal scaling of a Solr search index using sharding and replication. Key terminology is defined, including ZooKeeper, nodes, collections, shards, replicas, and leaders. The document outlines the high-level SolrCloud architecture and discusses features like sharding, document routing, replication, distributed indexing and querying. Challenges around consistency and availability are also covered.
Test Driven Relevancy, Presented by Doug Turnbull at SolrExchage DCLucidworks (Archived)
Doug discusses challenges with collaboration between search developers and content experts when optimizing search relevancy. The current process of developers making changes and experts having to wait a week for results is inefficient. Doug proposes applying test-driven development principles to search by having experts continuously test search results and provide feedback on changes in real-time. This allows developers to get immediate feedback and ensures changes are improving search quality. Doug's company built a tool called Quepid that implements this approach to enable better collaboration between experts and developers when optimizing search.
This document discusses building a data-driven log analysis application using LucidWorks SILK. It begins with an introduction to LucidWorks and discusses the continuum of search capabilities from enterprise search to big data search. It then describes how SILK can enable big data search across structured and unstructured data at massive scale. The solution components involve collecting log data from various sources using connectors, ingesting it into Solr, and building visualizations for analysis. It concludes with a demo and contact information.
LucidWorks App for Splunk Enterprise is the first of its kind, specifically designed to allow companies to analyze and manage the health and availability of their Solr deployments in Splunk software. The solution integrates multi-structured data indexed by Solr directly into Splunk? Enterprise, giving system administrators the ability to look at the intersection of documents, customer records or other unstructured data sources as they relate to machine data. This enables companies to optimize their Solr applications, glean insights from search and usage patterns and spot security concerns to improve end user experiences and derive more business value from data-driven applications.
This webinar will explore the features of the App, and provide attendees with valuable information on the following key components:
Solr Monitor: Monitor the health and availability and utilization of LucidWorks and/or Solr deployments with pre-defined data inputs, dashboards and reports
Search Analytics: Perform user behavior and click-stream analysis with pre-built search analytics reports and fields
NoSQL Lookups: Using Splunk¡¯s lookup facility enrich your Splunk reports with data of any structure using Solr¡¯s fully indexed and searchable NoSQL-datastore
Search Time Joins: Join Splunk data with human generated and other unstructured data sources stored in Solr at search time for developing data-driven applications
The document discusses Solr 4, an open source search platform built on Apache Lucene. Some key points:
- Solr 4 is a NoSQL search server that provides distributed indexing, fault tolerance, and real-time search capabilities.
- Solr Cloud is Solr's distributed architecture which uses Zookeeper for coordination to provide features like automatic sharding and replication of indexes across multiple servers.
- The document outlines Solr 4's capabilities including schema-less options, atomic updates, optimistic concurrency, and a REST API for managing the schema dynamically.