Focus Africa and Rhula Intelligent Solutions present at the Africa Business Continuity & Emergency Response Summit 2015. While the vast majority or actual losses incurred by companies are due to strategic risks, the overwhelming amount of time money and effort goes to assessing and dealing with operational, legal, compliance and financial reporting risks. The best way to understand and manage Strategic Risk is with Intelligence. Intelligence is the collection, collation, analysis and dissemination of information critical to an organisations effectiveness (and survival). Intelligence is the only way to properly understand and manage an organisations strategic risk. Finding the balance between managing strategic and operational risk is extremely difficult. Businesses can underestimate this difficulty, due to previous successes on other continents. When it comes to Business Continuity and Emergency Response, intelligence is focussed on understanding the local operational environment, anticipating risk and ensuring that proactive steps are taken to anticipate issues that may affect the business, its operations and international and local reputation. Do not become a victim of failure to manage strategic political, macro-economic and security risk. Good Intelligence is the only way to properly manage these risks. Continue to find the balance between strategic & operational risk management. Never underestimate the significance of cultural nuances in Africa. Adopt a layered risk management approach, to both anticipate strategic risk and, when it occurs, manage it with confidence. Good intelligence, planning and flexibility in response are the key factors here. The key factor is constant access to up-to-date strategic intelligence that will guide planning, execution and, when necessary, emergency response.