Intelligent Software Updates: Leveraging the Software Ecosystem to Support when to update Library DependenciesIntelligent Software Updates: Leveraging the Software Ecosystem to Support when to update Library Dependencies
The rise of library ecosystems and third-party dependencies usage is now common practice in contemporary software development. Library dependencies in constant need of updating, with newly added features and patches that fix bugs in older versions. Especially in terms of vulnerabilities, developers are faced with keeping the latest version, as this can lead to disastrous effects like the npm 'left-pad' incident. Furthermore, with massive ecosystems of library data available, in this presentation, I introduce the current state of research and practice, the challenges and how we work towards more intelligent updates of our software.
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Intelligent Software Updates: Leveraging the Software Ecosystem to Support when to update Library DependenciesIntelligent Software Updates: Leveraging the Software Ecosystem to Support when to update Library Dependencies
1. Intelligent Software Updates: Leveraging
the Software Ecosystem to Support when
to update Library Dependencies
Raula Gaikovina Kula, PhD
Assistant Professor
30th May 2019 - Montreal, Canada
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About Me Software Engineering
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Software Engineering Laboratory
4 Faculty members
8 Doctoral students
7 Master students
6 Intern students
Assoc. Prof.
Takashi Ishio
Prof. Kenichi
Assist. Prof. Hideaki Hata and
Raula Gaikovina Kula
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In 2017, 2018, 2019, somewhere out there a
developer is in need of a function, features..
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Why write code when you can use a
Source Code
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Software Ecosystem
Adapted from biological ecosystems:
Scypersrsky [1]: defined as a set of businesses functioning as a
unit and interacting with a shared market for software and services,
together with relationships among them.
Lungu [2]: a collection of software systems, which are developed
and co-evolve in the same environment
Stallman [3] : It is a mistake to describe the free software
community, or any human community, as an "ecosystem", because
that word implies the absence of (1) intention and (2) ethics"
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The complex web of
software of software
475,000 building blocks
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Plethora of Empirical Studies at API and Library
Popularity Trends
Mileva et al., IWPSE09
De Roover, ICPC13
Evolution Studies (lags in updates)
Raemakers et al., ICSME12, MSR13
Robbles et al., FSE12
Bavota et al., ESE15
Dependency Networks (Transitive)
Decan et al., ESE18, SANER17
Abdalkareem et al., FSE17
And many more!
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Wisdom of the crowd is the new search
And is run by algorithms
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Adhoc Mining of Libraries
Third-party dependencies releases are
inconsistent, making comparing
difficult and time consuming:
Different semantic versioning,
messy provenance tracking and
release cycles, even within the same
Dependency Trees are heavy,
especially at ecosystem level
No standardized rules
(i.e., semantic versioning)
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Key Motivation:
Develop a systematic technology that spans any ecosystem of language
platforms to understand:
Popularity refers to the usage of a library over time.
Adoption refers to systems introducing a new library dependency.
Diffusion, inspired by use-diffusion, is a measure of the spread of
library versions over dependent systems.
Visualizations assist developers with the migration decision (not just
use the latest).
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Empirical Study using the
Software Universe Graph
Our goal is to:
(1) construct real-world SUG models to show its practical
application and
(2) demonstrate visualization usefulness in library dependency
management through several case studies.
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Library Tracking Model
Simple example of the LU-based
We show the Peak LU at time t1,
current LU at time t2 and library
residue (Peak LU / Current LU).
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Visualization of Library Usage
A Library Migration Plot. In this example, the
release of a related security advisory CVE-2014-
0114 (black dashed line) that affects beanutils
versions 1.9.1 (marked with crossbones).
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Library Migration in
RQ1: To what extent are developers updating their library
dependencies? We find that (i) although system heavily depend on libraries,
most systems rarely update their libraries and (ii) systems are
less likely migrate their library dependencies, with 81.5% of
systems remaining with a popular older version.
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Effectiveness of
Awareness Mechanisms
RQ2: To what extent are developers updating their library
New release of a popular library (i) there exist patterns of consistent
migration and patterns where an older popular library version is still
For a security advisory disclosure we find cases of developer (ii) non
responsiveness to security advisory disclosure, which is sometimes
due to an incomplete patch or a latent security advisory.
3 new releases of popular libraries
5 security vulnerabilities
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Effectiveness of
Awareness Mechanisms
RQ3: Why are developers non responsive to a security advisory?
Vulnerable projects contacted for feedback
Understand feedback
69% of developers were unaware of their vulnerable
dependencies and proceeded to immediately migrate to a
safer dependency.
Developers evaluate based on project specific priorities.
Developers cite migration as a practice that requires extra
migration effort and added responsibility.