Intellignos is an interactive marketing optimization company that specializes in improving ROI. They partner with clients to understand their business and integrate marketing strategies with business intelligence solutions. Intellignos provides services including web analytics, online research, training, and partners with clients to gain insights from customer data to help decision making and marketing efforts.
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1. Appearances can be deceiving.
Get to really know your customers.
Get insights, get results.
Intellignos is an interactive marketing optimization company that specializes in improving ROI using
unique practices and tools, and provides support to businesses that need to reach real impact on
their marketing goals.
We partner with our clients to understand their business as a whole, aiming to merge their strategy
and marketing efforts into integrated information systems. Our Business Intelligence solutions allow
companies to gain relevant and insightful information to help decision making, and improve
conversion by generating more engagements, leads, subscriptions and sales.
Web Analytics
Intellignos understands that analytics are crucial to the measurement and
improvement of any website. We can help define online success metrics and
track how visitors get to a site, what they do while they are there, how they
are monetized or converted into customers and how they eventually leave.
Today's greatest performing websites do not convert by chance. To achieve
double digit conversion rates a culture of optimization must be embraced.
Using an integrated marketing approach, we analyze and optimize:
Purchaseslowering abandonment rates and increasing sales.
Lead generationturning more site visitors into business leads.
Driving customers across channelsenhancing brand affinity and value.
Online Research
Our marketing research services allow companies to better understand the
behaviors, attitudes and preferences of online consumers, in order to improve
their marketing efforts and strategies. In todays extremely competitive
marketing environment, we strive to find and provide to our clients with
relevant, accurate, and reliable information to support better decision making
and achieve online success.
Member of
We provide custom training solutions around Web analytics concepts and
tools, that deliver real-world insights to technical administrators and business
users, in order to help companies better understand analytics data, act upon
it, and improve the performance of their online marketing initiatives.
2. Web Analytics Online Research
Assessment and Technical Audits Media Forecasting
Since approximately 60% of current websites dont have Our statistical modelers provide customers and agencies
analytics properly implemented, at the beginning of with outstanding forecasts that increment the CTR and
most projects we carry on an in-depth technical audit to conversion levels of media campaigns.
make sure that all the necessary information is being
Competitive Analysis
collected in the most efficient manner.
Through market research we identify brand positioning
KPI Definition and benchmark it against strengths and weaknesses of
Our services start with an understanding of the organi- competitors. We are then able to deliver relevant insights
zation and the definition of the key performance indica- and strategies that turn threats into opportunities.
tors that will provide the highest value for decision
User Experience
making. The proper KPIs let managers understand the
A website is perhaps the most effective testing ground for
health of a website at any time and direct them to take
understanding how marketing messages resonate with
proper actions to achieve the business objectives.
customers. Through A/B testing and other techniques, we
Info Structure & Tagging Architecture are able to detect and recommend small changes to a
We analyze the content structure of a website, how page that enhance the user experience and can have a
information is going to flow through the system, and profound impact on conversion rates.
then define the best way to tag it. We provide our
Surveys and Polls
clients with thorough documentation explaining the
To understand not only what customers are doing but
architecture in case they need to make changes in the
also their motivations, we develop comprehensive strate-
gies that complement behavioral information with rich
Reporting Models attitudinal insights.
Website data is only valuable when one can understand
it, act on it and see results. Our reporting best practices
are designed to build the right reporting infrastructure
for our clients, to make sure that we are sending the Training
right data, to the right people, at the right time.
Training is often overlooked, and yet it's essential to the
Analysis & Optimization efficient adoption of web analytics across an organiza-
In order to exceed our clients expectations, we strive to tion. Intellignos training services are centered around our
leverage Web analytics findings in order to recommend clients business needs, and are designed to help them
changes to their websites and improve conversion. Our accurately assess the effectiveness of their marketing
services provide clients with the continuous optimiza- strategies and tactics, and use analytics data to improve
tion cycle that they need. their business performance.
Contact Us
New York, United States Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ph: +1 (914) 729-2049 Ph: +54 (11) 6841-9037
200 Carpenter Ave. Billinghurst 728
Mount Kisco, NY 10549 Ciudad de Buenos Aires (1174)