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The Magic Tap.
Magic tap, which appears to float in the sky with an endless supply of
  water. In actuality, there is a pipe hidden in the stream of water.
                      Location: Aqualand, Cadiz.
The Oarsman.
Location: Knoxville,
The Thumb.
Location: Paris.
Melting cow.
Location: Budapest.
La Trobe.
  A contemporary representation of
Charles La Trobe in central Melbourne
   (This temporary installation was
  removed at the end of June 2006
     and has been acquired by
         La Trobe University).
         Location: Melbourne.
The Hanging Rhino.
 Location: Potsdam.
Man at work.
  This bronze statue is located in the pedestrian zone of Bratislava.
Rub its nose, and you will have fortune. I am sure many people believe
        in that as have a look at the nose, it looks badly rubbed.
                           Location: Bratislava.
Madame Chapeau.
Designed to create a dynamics
   between two streets, this
   sculpture beams with its
  presence in the space that
  was allocated to the artist.
The lady is fearlessly counting
   her money in an area of
   Brussels that is famous
     for its pickpockets.
 Location: Brussels, Belgium.
De Vaartkapoen.
Low down, a young rebel, the Vaartkapoen, reminiscent of a jack-in-the-box,
   topples over a policeman higher up, thus overthrowing his authority.
                       Location: Brussels, Belgium.
Location: Prague.

                      Vigelands Parken.
                    Location: Oslo, Norway.
Eating a Biscuit together.
Located in front of the Bukcheon Museum.
          Sculptor is Ku Bom Ju.
          Location: Seoul, Korea.
Los Angeles
A true to life art work in front of the Ernst & Young building.
                    Location: Los Angeles.
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah.
The Shark.
    The Shark became the most
  famous resident of Headington
when it landed in the roof of 2 New
High Street (see map) on 9 August
1986.This ordinary home (built as
 a semi-detached house in about
1860 but now attached by a link to
   a second house to the north)
  suddenly became the centre of
world attention, and the headless
 shark still excites interest today.
   Location: 2 New High Street,
       Headington, Oxford.
Location: San Antonio, TX.
Location: Manhattan, USA.
Location: Stockholm, Sweden.
Location: Minsk, Belarus.
Knotted legs running.

Location: Kanazawa, Japan.
Location: Amsterdam, Holland.
Location: Singapore.
Broken Chair memorial.

 Location: Switzerland.
Location: Dundee, Scotland.
Dundee, Scotland.
Location: Cape Town, South Africa.
Roosevelt Memorial in the National Mall area.
          Location: Washington DC.
Giant hands.
Location: Como, Italy.
Minsk. Belarus.
The Tall Banker.

Location: Luxembourg.
Location: Nice, France.
World's Largest Basket Building.
     Location: Newark Ohio.
Mirrored man face.

Location: Turin, Italy.
Location: Punta del Este, Uruguay.
Location: Berlin Germany.
Location: Athens, Greece.
Location: Kansas City Public Library.

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