Our new continuing course starts on mon the 14th of Sept for the next 10 weeks, the learner will develop their film making skills to the next level to increase their employability.
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Intermediates visual grammar
1. WEA NorthWest Region WorkersEducational
www. nw.wea.org.uk Association
Visual Grammar The Language of Filmmaking
This is an intermediate level coursefor returning filmmakers from the previouscourse
along with filmmakers already working at the art and language of filmmaking. A great
refresher courseto hone yourcraft and develop your style and technique. Work with
actors, shoot scripted films, and advance yourdeveloping skillset.
The new course will take directors to the nextlevelofprocuringpaid work
and establish their skillsetthrumaking3films.
Starting: Monday 14th September 2015,
6.00pm - 8.00pm for 10 sessions
at Victoria Space, Crown Buildings, 69 Victoria Street,Liverpool, L1 6DD
Tutor: Chase Johnston-Lynch
Fees: 贈35.70 if you receive certain benefits you may be entitled to a free course.(Please
You can enrolonline at enrolonline.wea.org.uk orby ringing0151 243 5340.
or email: northwest@wea.org.uk Please quote coursereference: C3838413
@WEAadulted www.facebook.com/weaadulteducation
The WorkersEducational Association (WEA) is a charity registeredin England and Wales (number
1112775) and in Scotland (number SC039239) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England
and Wales (number 2806910). Registered Office: WorkersEducational Association, 4 Luke Street,
London, EC2A 4XW.