The document argues that the US tax credit for international adoptions should be ended. It notes that adoption agencies make millions in fees from international adoptions and that there are hundreds of thousands of American children in need of homes. The document also cites cases of foreign children being harmed or killed by their American adoptive parents and argues taxpayers should not subsidize expensive international adoptions when family support in the children's home countries is much cheaper. It asks readers to contact their congressional representatives to remove the tax credit from proposed adoption affordability legislation.
3. The US government provides a $12,650 tax credit
to off-set expenses incurred when adopting a child.
Congress is debating whether to extend this tax credit?
Now is the time to end the tax credit
for international adoptions
4. Should not be required:
to subsidize parents
who make a choice
to adopt a foreign child
5. Children are commodities in transactions
A child is first commodified and then sold
Import, export, minimum pricing of adoption
Cost of adoption for the US citizen
-- Lilia Khabibullina, Fellow, University of Barcelona, Minor's Adoption
in Russia: International Adoption or Child Transaction? March 25, 2011
6. Bethany Christian Services:
$27.6 million from adoptioncounseling fees in 2011*
Holt International Children' Services
$9.7 million of revenue from adoption fees in 2011**
*"Bethany Christian Services Annual Report - 2011,"
<> (10November 2012)
** Holt International Children's Services 2011 Audited Annual Financial Statement,
(10 November 2012)
7. Adoption agencies charged The total monthly outgoings
prospective parents up to which would allow a mother
$64,357 for processing an and child to stay together as a
intercountry adoption in family unit in Ethiopia:
2011. $15 per month.
U.S. Bureau of Consular Affairs Elizabeth Willmott Harrop, Adoption trade
sets up shop in Africa,,
12 July 2012
8. American tax payers
should not subsidize
an elite who can pay up to
$64,357 to adopt a foreign child
9. Hundreds of thousands of American children
languish in the foster care system, live in
poverty, go hungry, or live on the streets.
The international adoption tax credit hurts
America's foster care children available for
adoption by creating a financial incentive for
parents to adopt from abroad.
10. -- African Child Policy Forum
Africa: The New Frontier for Intercountry Adoption
12. Nina Hilt, one of 19 Russian children murdered
by their American adopting parents.
(source: Russia signs tougher adoption deal with U.S. Chicago Tribune, 30 July 2012)
13. In memory of the 20 "foreign" adoptees who
lost their lives to international adoption.
15. Ask the United States Congress
to amend H.R. 4373S. 3616
"Making Adoption Affordable Act of 2012"
eliminate the tax credit for international adoption
Contact your Congressional delegation at:
16. Peter Dodds was born in Darmstadt, Germany, to a
German mother and father. Relinquished to an
orphanage, he was one of 10,000 German children
adopted by U.S. citizens during the Cold War.
He can be contacted at: