My slides to my talk at the Lexis Nexis International Interactive Entertainment Law event on 30 Oct 2012 in London
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International Interactive Entertainment Law
1. (Not) One to Rule Them All
A look into the future (or: Is today tomorrow already?)
International Interactive Entertainment Law
London, 30 Oct 2012
2. Hi, my name is Volker...
- BlackBerry: Global Head of Business Development - Games
- Scoreloop: Chief Strategy O鍖cer & General Counsel
- Connect2Media: Co-Founder, EVP Corporate Development & General Counsel
- Mforma: VP Corporate & Legal A鍖airs
- iWorld Group: Head of iSmartMoney & General Counsel
- Luther & Partner: Private Practice
- Deringer Tessin Herrmann & Sedemund (now: Fresh鍖elds): Private Practice
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
- Governor of the Fallibroome Academy
- Co-Founder of TEDx Youth @ Manchester, Mobile Monday Manchester, ...
10. Risk Mitigation
- Standard developer licenses
- Standard usage terms
- Click-wrap agreements (for SDK)
- Contract management processes
- Risk pro鍖ling
- Country
- ...
11. Is that all?
Will it stand up?
Does it really solve our issues?
Does it solve our real issues?
13. 82,764,913 unique visitors
>1,000,000,000 page loads
50,000,000 daily visitors
4% of global Internet tra鍖c
180,000,000 registered members
25 petabyte storage (= 25,000 terabyte)
14. 13 (nearly 14) 17
Facebook, BBM Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, WordPress
PC, BlackBerry, iPod Mac, Android, iPod
Code: none (yet) Code: JS, C++, C#
Music via YouTube & Spotify Spends 贈40+/month on music
- They know the bargain.
- Too much friction? They will leave!
- They will call it out (remember #StopSOPA).
- They only care for cookies in chocolate form!
19. What do we really need?
... besides the severability clause ...
20. New Tools?
- Simplify terms.
- Design services rather than try to
bullet-proof (if it blows up, it will always
be a business decision anyway).
- Adapt concepts (e.g. privacy as a
currency ).
- Do not try to shoe-horn old templates
into new behavioural patterns!