Lloyd Claycomb is a huge advocate for philanthropy as a professional. That's why he highlighted three charities whose contributions to a greater world are worthy of spotlighting.
3. Started with a $1B
donation from Ted Turner,
the UN Foundation is the
only global organization
that truly possesses the
ability to enact global
change. They consisently
donate an average of $0.92
of each dollar earned.
5. All over the world there are
285M people who are
visually impaired, over 90%
of whom live in low-income
areas. Helen Keller
International is devoted to
saving the sight of those
who are most "vulnerable
and disadvantaged."
7. UNICEF's mission is to
defend and fight for the
rights of every child on the
globe by providing these
children with basic
necessities like food, water,
healthcare, education, and
disaster relief.