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For international centres only

GCE Physics

Edexcel Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Physics (8PH07)
First examination 2009

Edexcel Advanced GCE in Physics (9PH07)
First examination 2010

International Alternative to Internal Assessment
(Units 3B and 6B)

January 2008
International spec-physics
Edexcel GCE in Physics (8PH07/9PH07)

For international centres only

 AS        Unit 3B: Exploring Physics                                    Unit code 6PH07
    Externally assessed                                                 20% of the    10% of the
                                                                         total AS      total GCE
    Availability: January and June
                                                                         marks         marks
    First assessment: January 2009
 Content summary:
 Students are expected to develop experimental skills, and a knowledge and understanding of
 experimental techniques, by carrying out a range of practical experiments and investigations
 while they study Units 1 and 2.
 This unit will assess students knowledge and understanding of experimental procedures and
 techniques that were developed when they did those experiments and investigations.

 Assessment for this unit consists of one externally assessed written examination paper of 1 hour
 20 minutes duration.

 A2        Unit 6B: Experimental Physics                                 Unit code 6PH08
    Externally assessed                                                 20% of the    10% of the
                                                                         total A2      total GCE
    Availability: January and June
                                                                         marks         marks
    First assessment: January 2010
 Content summary:
 Students are expected to further develop the experimental skills and the knowledge and
 understanding of experimental techniques that they acquired in Units 1 and 2 by carrying out a
 range of practical experiments and investigations while they study Units 4 and 5.
 This unit will assess students knowledge and understanding of the experimental procedures and
 techniques that were developed when they did those experiments and investigations.

 Assessment for this unit consists of one externally assessed written examination paper of 1 hour
 20 minutes duration.

Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008
2   Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008
Unit 3B: Exploring Physics

                                                                                  AS compulsory unit

                                                Externally assessed (international centres only)

3.1       Unit description
Introduction                        Students are expected to develop experimental skills, and a knowledge
                                    and understanding of experimental techniques, by carrying out a range
                                    of practical experiments and investigations while they study Units 1
                                    and 2.
                                    This unit will assess students knowledge and understanding of
                                    experimental procedures and techniques that were developed when
                                    they did those experiments.
Development of                      Students should do a variety of practical work during the AS course
practical skills,                   to develop their practical skills. This should help them to gain an
knowledge and                       understanding and knowledge of the practical techniques that are used
understanding                       in experimental work.
                                    Centres should provide opportunities for students to plan experiments,
                                    implement their plans, collect data, analyse their data and draw
                                    conclusions to prepare them for the assessment of this unit.
                                    Experiments should cover a range of different topic areas and require
                                    the use of a variety of practical techniques. The specification for
                                    Units 1 and 2 contain suggestions for practical work, although these
                                    suggestions do not constitute an exhaustive list. This should help
                                    students to gain an understanding and knowledge of the practical
                                    techniques that are used in experimental work.
How Science Works                   The QCA GCE Science criteria include How Science Works (see
                                    Appendix 6: How Science Works in the main specification). Students
                                    should be given the opportunity to develop their practical skills
                                    for How Science Works, numbers 26, as detailed in Appendix 6, by
                                    completing a range of different experiments that require a variety of
                                    different practical techniques.
                                    Students should produce laboratory reports on their experimental work
                                    using appropriate scientific, technical and mathematical language,
                                    conventions and symbols in order to meet the requirements of How
                                    Science Work, number 8.

Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008
3.2    Assessment information
Examination paper         This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper of
                          1 hour 20 minutes duration. Students may be required to apply their
                          knowledge and understanding of physics to situations that they have not
                          seen before.
                          The total number of marks available for this examination paper is 40. It
                          contributes 10 per cent to the Advanced GCE in Physics.
Materials                 Students will need a scientific calculator, a protractor and a rule for this
Formulae sheet            Students are provided with the formulae sheet in Appendix 8: Formulae
                          in the main specification. Any other physics formulae that are required
                          will be stated in the question paper.

3.3    Assessment details
This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper. The assessment for this unit covers
planning an experiment, analysing data and drawing conclusions. A laboratory is not required for
this assessment.
Planning                  Students will be expected to plan an experiment that is set by Edexcel,
                          although they will not be expected to carry it out.
                          Students may be required to:
                             identify the apparatus required
                             discuss calibration of instruments, eg whether a meter reads zero
                              before measurements are made
                             describe how to measure relevant variables using the most
                              appropriate instrument and correct measuring techniques
                             identify and state how to control all other relevant variables to make
                              it a fair test
                             discuss whether repeat readings are appropriate
                             identify health and safety issues and discuss how these may be dealt
                             discuss how the data collected will be used
                             identify possible sources of uncertainty and/or systematic error and
                              explain how these may be reduced or eliminated
                             comment on the implications of physics (eg benefits/risks) and on its
                              context (eg social/environmental/historical).

 4                                                       Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008
Implementation and                Students will be given details of an experiment carried out by an
measurements                      inexperienced student. Results may be included.
                                  Students may be asked to:
                                     comment on the number of readings taken
                                     comment on the range of measurements taken
                                     comment on significant figures
                                     check a reading that is inconsistent with other readings, eg a point
                                      that is not on the line of a graph  students may be shown a diagram
                                      of a micrometer that is being used to measure the diameter of a wire
                                      and be expected to write down the reading to the correct number of
                                      significant figures
                                     comment on how the experiment may be improved, possibly by using
                                      additional apparatus (eg to reduce errors)  examples include using
                                      a set square to determine whether a ruler is vertical and to aid the
                                      measurement of the extension of a spring.
Processing results                Students will be provided with a set of experimental results that was
                                  obtained by a more experienced student doing an experiment.
                                  Students may be expected to:
                                     perform calculations, using the correct number of significant figures
                                     plot results on a graph using an appropriate scale
                                     use the correct units throughout
                                     comment on the trend/pattern obtained
                                     determine the relationship between two variables or determine a
                                      constant with the aid of a graph, eg by determining the gradient using
                                      a large triangle
                                     suggest realistic modifications to reduce errors
                                     suggest realistic modifications to improve the experiment
                                     discuss uncertainties, qualitatively and/or quantitatively (students
                                      will be expected to determine the percentage uncertainty of a single
Drawing conclusions               After processing results, students may be asked to provide a final
                                  conclusion for the experiment based on their quantitative evidence.

Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008                                                   5
6   Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008
Unit 6B: Experimental Physics

                                                                                   A2 compulsory unit

                                                  Externally assessed (international centres only)

6.1       Unit description
Introduction                       Students are expected to further develop the experimental skills that
                                   they acquired in Units 1 and 2.
                                   Students are expected to develop these skills, and a knowledge and
                                   understanding of experimental techniques, by carrying out a range of
                                   practical experiments and investigations while they study Units 4 and 5.
                                   This unit will assess students knowledge and understanding of the
                                   experimental procedures and techniques that were developed when
                                   they did those experiments.
Development of                     Students should do a variety of practical work throughout the A2 course
practical skills,                  to develop their practical skills.
knowledge and                      Centres should provide opportunities for students to plan experiments,
understanding                      implement their plans, collect data, present and analyse their data, and
                                   draw conclusions to prepare them for the assessment of this unit.
                                   Experiments should cover a range of different topic areas and use a
                                   variety of practical techniques. The specification for Units 4 and 5
                                   contain suggestions for practical work, although these suggestions do
                                   not constitute an exhaustive list. This should help students to gain an
                                   understanding and knowledge of the practical techniques that are used
                                   in experimental work.
                                   Students should gain experience of using log graphs to determine the
                                   relationship between two variables. The graphs need not always be
                                   obtained for variables that are related by the exponential function.
                                   For example, students could investigate how the pressure of a fixed
                                   mass of gas varies with its volume at constant temperature and plot an
                                   appropriate log/log graph to determine the relationship between the
                                   pressure and volume of the gas.
How Science Works                  The QCA GCE Science criteria include How Science Works (see
                                   Appendix 6: How Science Works in the main specification). Students will
                                   develop their practical skills for How Science Works numbers 26, as
                                   detailed in Appendix 6, by completing a range of different experiments
                                   that require a variety of different practical techniques throughout the
                                   A2 course.
                                   Students should produce laboratory reports on their experimental
                                   work during the course using appropriate scientific, technical and
                                   mathematical language, conventions and symbols in order to meet the
                                   requirements of How Science Works number 8.

Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008
6.2    Assessment information
Examination paper         This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper of
                          1 hour 20 minutes duration. Students may be required to apply their
                          knowledge and understanding of physics to situations that they have not
                          seen before.
                          The total number of marks available for this examination paper is 40. It
                          contributes 10 per cent to the Advanced GCE in Physics.
Materials                 Students will need a scientific calculator, protractor and rule for this
Formulae sheet            Students are provided with the formulae sheet in Appendix 8: Formulae
                          in the main specification. Any other physics formulae that are required
                          will be stated in the question paper.

6.3    Assessment details
This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper. The assessment for this unit covers
planning an experiment, analysing data and drawing conclusions. A laboratory is not required for
this assessment.
Planning                  Students will be expected to plan an experiment that is set by Edexcel,
                          although they will not be expected to carry it out.
                          Students may be required to:
                             identify the most appropriate apparatus, giving essential details-
                              essential details may include the range and precision of instruments
                              and/or relevant dimensions of apparatus (eg the length of string used
                              for a pendulum)
                             discuss calibration of instruments, eg whether a meter reads zero
                              before measurements are made
                             describe how to measure relevant variables using the most
                              appropriate instrument(s) and techniques
                             identify and state how to control all other relevant variables to make
                              it a fair test
                             discuss whether repeat readings are appropriate
                             identify health and safety issues and discuss how these may be dealt
                             discuss how the data collected will be used
                             identify possible sources of uncertainty and/or systematic error and
                              explain how these may be reduced or eliminated.

 8                                                       Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008
Implementation and                            Students will be given partial details of how an experiment was carried
measurements                                  out. Results will be included.
                                              Students may be asked to:
                                                 comment on how the experiment could have been improved, possibly
                                                  by using additional apparatus (eg to reduce errors)  examples
                                                  include using set squares to measure the diameter of a cylinder and
                                                  using a marker for timing oscillations
                                                 comment on the number of readings taken
                                                 comment on the range of measurements taken
                                                 comment on significant figures  students may be required to identify
                                                  and/or round up any incorrect figures in a table of results
                                                 identify and/or amend units that are incorrect
                                                 identify and check a reading that is inconsistent with other readings,
                                                  eg a point that is not on the line of a graph.
Analysis                                      Students will be expected to use the set of experimental results to:
                                                 perform calculations, using the correct number of significant figures
                                                 plot results on a graph using an appropriate scale and units  the
                                                  graph could be logarithmic in nature
                                                 use the correct units throughout
                                                 comment on the trend/pattern obtained
                                                 determine the relationship between two variables or determine a
                                                  constant with the aid of the graph, eg by determining the gradient
                                                  using a large triangle
                                                 use the terms precision, accuracy and sensitivity appropriately
                                                 suggest realistic modifications to reduce errors
                                                 suggest realistic modifications to improve the experiment
                                                 discuss uncertainties qualitatively and quantitatively
                                                 compound percentage uncertainties correctly.
Drawing conclusions                           After processing results, students may be asked to provide a final
                                              conclusion for the experiment in relation to its original aim and based
                                              on their quantitative evidence.
                                              They may also be asked to suggest further relevant work, for example
                                              to verify their conclusion(s).

1655rl110208S:LTPDGCEINTERNATIONALInternational GCE in Physics.indd.111/2

Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008                                                               9
Edexcel, a Pearson company, is the UKs largest awarding body, offering academic and vocational
qualifications and testing to more than 25,000 schools, colleges, employers and other places of learning
in the UK and in over 100 countries worldwide. Qualifications include GCSE, AS and A Level, NVQ and our
BTEC suite of vocational qualifications from entry level to BTEC Higher National Diplomas, recognised by
employers and higher education institutions worldwide.
We deliver 9.4 million exam scripts each year, with more than 90% of exam papers marked onscreen
annually. As part of Pearson, Edexcel continues to invest in cutting-edge technology that has
revolutionised the examinations and assessment system. This includes the ability to provide detailed
performance data to teachers and students which helps to raise attainment.

We will inform centres of any changes to this issue. The latest issue can be found on the Edexcel
website: www.edexcel.org.uk.

This specification has been produced by Edexcel on the basis of consultation with teachers, examiners,
consultants and other interested parties. Edexcel acknowledges its indebtedness to all those who
contributed their time and expertise to the development of Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced GCE
References to third-party material made in this specification are made in good faith. Edexcel does not
endorse, approve or accept responsibility for the content of materials, which may be subject to change,
or any opinions expressed therein. (Material may include textbooks, journals, magazines and other
publications and websites.)
Authorised by David Davies
All the material in this publication is copyright
息 Edexcel Limited 2008
January 2008

For more information on Edexcel and BTEC qualifications please  
visit our website: www.edexcel.org.uk

Edexcel Limited. Registered in England and Wales No. 4496750 
Registered Office: One90 High Holborn, London WC1V 7BH. VAT Reg No 780 0898 07

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International spec-physics

  • 1. Specification For international centres only GCE Physics Edexcel Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Physics (8PH07) First examination 2009 Edexcel Advanced GCE in Physics (9PH07) First examination 2010 International Alternative to Internal Assessment (Units 3B and 6B) January 2008
  • 3. Edexcel GCE in Physics (8PH07/9PH07) For international centres only AS Unit 3B: Exploring Physics Unit code 6PH07 Externally assessed 20% of the 10% of the total AS total GCE Availability: January and June marks marks First assessment: January 2009 Content summary: Students are expected to develop experimental skills, and a knowledge and understanding of experimental techniques, by carrying out a range of practical experiments and investigations while they study Units 1 and 2. This unit will assess students knowledge and understanding of experimental procedures and techniques that were developed when they did those experiments and investigations. Assessment: Assessment for this unit consists of one externally assessed written examination paper of 1 hour 20 minutes duration. A2 Unit 6B: Experimental Physics Unit code 6PH08 Externally assessed 20% of the 10% of the total A2 total GCE Availability: January and June marks marks First assessment: January 2010 Content summary: Students are expected to further develop the experimental skills and the knowledge and understanding of experimental techniques that they acquired in Units 1 and 2 by carrying out a range of practical experiments and investigations while they study Units 4 and 5. This unit will assess students knowledge and understanding of the experimental procedures and techniques that were developed when they did those experiments and investigations. Assessment: Assessment for this unit consists of one externally assessed written examination paper of 1 hour 20 minutes duration. Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008
  • 4. 2 Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008
  • 5. Unit 3B: Exploring Physics AS compulsory unit Externally assessed (international centres only) 3.1 Unit description Introduction Students are expected to develop experimental skills, and a knowledge and understanding of experimental techniques, by carrying out a range of practical experiments and investigations while they study Units 1 and 2. This unit will assess students knowledge and understanding of experimental procedures and techniques that were developed when they did those experiments. Development of Students should do a variety of practical work during the AS course practical skills, to develop their practical skills. This should help them to gain an knowledge and understanding and knowledge of the practical techniques that are used understanding in experimental work. Centres should provide opportunities for students to plan experiments, implement their plans, collect data, analyse their data and draw conclusions to prepare them for the assessment of this unit. Experiments should cover a range of different topic areas and require the use of a variety of practical techniques. The specification for Units 1 and 2 contain suggestions for practical work, although these suggestions do not constitute an exhaustive list. This should help students to gain an understanding and knowledge of the practical techniques that are used in experimental work. How Science Works The QCA GCE Science criteria include How Science Works (see Appendix 6: How Science Works in the main specification). Students should be given the opportunity to develop their practical skills for How Science Works, numbers 26, as detailed in Appendix 6, by completing a range of different experiments that require a variety of different practical techniques. Students should produce laboratory reports on their experimental work using appropriate scientific, technical and mathematical language, conventions and symbols in order to meet the requirements of How Science Work, number 8. Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008
  • 6. 3.2 Assessment information Examination paper This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper of 1 hour 20 minutes duration. Students may be required to apply their knowledge and understanding of physics to situations that they have not seen before. The total number of marks available for this examination paper is 40. It contributes 10 per cent to the Advanced GCE in Physics. Materials Students will need a scientific calculator, a protractor and a rule for this paper. Formulae sheet Students are provided with the formulae sheet in Appendix 8: Formulae in the main specification. Any other physics formulae that are required will be stated in the question paper. 3.3 Assessment details This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper. The assessment for this unit covers planning an experiment, analysing data and drawing conclusions. A laboratory is not required for this assessment. Planning Students will be expected to plan an experiment that is set by Edexcel, although they will not be expected to carry it out. Students may be required to: identify the apparatus required discuss calibration of instruments, eg whether a meter reads zero before measurements are made describe how to measure relevant variables using the most appropriate instrument and correct measuring techniques identify and state how to control all other relevant variables to make it a fair test discuss whether repeat readings are appropriate identify health and safety issues and discuss how these may be dealt with discuss how the data collected will be used identify possible sources of uncertainty and/or systematic error and explain how these may be reduced or eliminated comment on the implications of physics (eg benefits/risks) and on its context (eg social/environmental/historical). 4 Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008
  • 7. Implementation and Students will be given details of an experiment carried out by an measurements inexperienced student. Results may be included. Students may be asked to: comment on the number of readings taken comment on the range of measurements taken comment on significant figures check a reading that is inconsistent with other readings, eg a point that is not on the line of a graph students may be shown a diagram of a micrometer that is being used to measure the diameter of a wire and be expected to write down the reading to the correct number of significant figures comment on how the experiment may be improved, possibly by using additional apparatus (eg to reduce errors) examples include using a set square to determine whether a ruler is vertical and to aid the measurement of the extension of a spring. Processing results Students will be provided with a set of experimental results that was obtained by a more experienced student doing an experiment. Students may be expected to: perform calculations, using the correct number of significant figures plot results on a graph using an appropriate scale use the correct units throughout comment on the trend/pattern obtained determine the relationship between two variables or determine a constant with the aid of a graph, eg by determining the gradient using a large triangle suggest realistic modifications to reduce errors suggest realistic modifications to improve the experiment discuss uncertainties, qualitatively and/or quantitatively (students will be expected to determine the percentage uncertainty of a single measurement). Drawing conclusions After processing results, students may be asked to provide a final conclusion for the experiment based on their quantitative evidence. Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008 5
  • 8. 6 Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008
  • 9. Unit 6B: Experimental Physics A2 compulsory unit Externally assessed (international centres only) 6.1 Unit description Introduction Students are expected to further develop the experimental skills that they acquired in Units 1 and 2. Students are expected to develop these skills, and a knowledge and understanding of experimental techniques, by carrying out a range of practical experiments and investigations while they study Units 4 and 5. This unit will assess students knowledge and understanding of the experimental procedures and techniques that were developed when they did those experiments. Development of Students should do a variety of practical work throughout the A2 course practical skills, to develop their practical skills. knowledge and Centres should provide opportunities for students to plan experiments, understanding implement their plans, collect data, present and analyse their data, and draw conclusions to prepare them for the assessment of this unit. Experiments should cover a range of different topic areas and use a variety of practical techniques. The specification for Units 4 and 5 contain suggestions for practical work, although these suggestions do not constitute an exhaustive list. This should help students to gain an understanding and knowledge of the practical techniques that are used in experimental work. Students should gain experience of using log graphs to determine the relationship between two variables. The graphs need not always be obtained for variables that are related by the exponential function. For example, students could investigate how the pressure of a fixed mass of gas varies with its volume at constant temperature and plot an appropriate log/log graph to determine the relationship between the pressure and volume of the gas. How Science Works The QCA GCE Science criteria include How Science Works (see Appendix 6: How Science Works in the main specification). Students will develop their practical skills for How Science Works numbers 26, as detailed in Appendix 6, by completing a range of different experiments that require a variety of different practical techniques throughout the A2 course. Students should produce laboratory reports on their experimental work during the course using appropriate scientific, technical and mathematical language, conventions and symbols in order to meet the requirements of How Science Works number 8. Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008
  • 10. 6.2 Assessment information Examination paper This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper of 1 hour 20 minutes duration. Students may be required to apply their knowledge and understanding of physics to situations that they have not seen before. The total number of marks available for this examination paper is 40. It contributes 10 per cent to the Advanced GCE in Physics. Materials Students will need a scientific calculator, protractor and rule for this paper. Formulae sheet Students are provided with the formulae sheet in Appendix 8: Formulae in the main specification. Any other physics formulae that are required will be stated in the question paper. 6.3 Assessment details This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper. The assessment for this unit covers planning an experiment, analysing data and drawing conclusions. A laboratory is not required for this assessment. Planning Students will be expected to plan an experiment that is set by Edexcel, although they will not be expected to carry it out. Students may be required to: identify the most appropriate apparatus, giving essential details- essential details may include the range and precision of instruments and/or relevant dimensions of apparatus (eg the length of string used for a pendulum) discuss calibration of instruments, eg whether a meter reads zero before measurements are made describe how to measure relevant variables using the most appropriate instrument(s) and techniques identify and state how to control all other relevant variables to make it a fair test discuss whether repeat readings are appropriate identify health and safety issues and discuss how these may be dealt with discuss how the data collected will be used identify possible sources of uncertainty and/or systematic error and explain how these may be reduced or eliminated. 8 Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008
  • 11. Implementation and Students will be given partial details of how an experiment was carried measurements out. Results will be included. Students may be asked to: comment on how the experiment could have been improved, possibly by using additional apparatus (eg to reduce errors) examples include using set squares to measure the diameter of a cylinder and using a marker for timing oscillations comment on the number of readings taken comment on the range of measurements taken comment on significant figures students may be required to identify and/or round up any incorrect figures in a table of results identify and/or amend units that are incorrect identify and check a reading that is inconsistent with other readings, eg a point that is not on the line of a graph. Analysis Students will be expected to use the set of experimental results to: perform calculations, using the correct number of significant figures plot results on a graph using an appropriate scale and units the graph could be logarithmic in nature use the correct units throughout comment on the trend/pattern obtained determine the relationship between two variables or determine a constant with the aid of the graph, eg by determining the gradient using a large triangle use the terms precision, accuracy and sensitivity appropriately suggest realistic modifications to reduce errors suggest realistic modifications to improve the experiment discuss uncertainties qualitatively and quantitatively compound percentage uncertainties correctly. Drawing conclusions After processing results, students may be asked to provide a final conclusion for the experiment in relation to its original aim and based on their quantitative evidence. They may also be asked to suggest further relevant work, for example to verify their conclusion(s). 1655rl110208S:LTPDGCEINTERNATIONALInternational GCE in Physics.indd.111/2 Edexcel GCE in Physics Specification 息 Edexcel Limited 2008 9
  • 12. Edexcel, a Pearson company, is the UKs largest awarding body, offering academic and vocational qualifications and testing to more than 25,000 schools, colleges, employers and other places of learning in the UK and in over 100 countries worldwide. Qualifications include GCSE, AS and A Level, NVQ and our BTEC suite of vocational qualifications from entry level to BTEC Higher National Diplomas, recognised by employers and higher education institutions worldwide. We deliver 9.4 million exam scripts each year, with more than 90% of exam papers marked onscreen annually. As part of Pearson, Edexcel continues to invest in cutting-edge technology that has revolutionised the examinations and assessment system. This includes the ability to provide detailed performance data to teachers and students which helps to raise attainment. We will inform centres of any changes to this issue. The latest issue can be found on the Edexcel website: www.edexcel.org.uk. Acknowledgements This specification has been produced by Edexcel on the basis of consultation with teachers, examiners, consultants and other interested parties. Edexcel acknowledges its indebtedness to all those who contributed their time and expertise to the development of Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced GCE specifications. References to third-party material made in this specification are made in good faith. Edexcel does not endorse, approve or accept responsibility for the content of materials, which may be subject to change, or any opinions expressed therein. (Material may include textbooks, journals, magazines and other publications and websites.) Authorised by David Davies All the material in this publication is copyright 息 Edexcel Limited 2008
  • 13. January 2008 For more information on Edexcel and BTEC qualifications please visit our website: www.edexcel.org.uk Edexcel Limited. Registered in England and Wales No. 4496750 Registered Office: One90 High Holborn, London WC1V 7BH. VAT Reg No 780 0898 07