The document provides an overview of international sports law. It discusses the origin and development of international sports law through the establishment of international sports organizations like the IOC and international treaties. It also examines the key components of international sports law including international sports legislation, international sports by-laws created by bodies like the IOC and WADA, and how sports disputes are resolved through mechanisms like the Court of Arbitration for Sport. The document uses examples from Belarusian sports law to illustrate concepts around the significance of sports by-laws and how jurisdictional issues are addressed between international and national sports bodies.
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International Sports Law, Lecture at BSEU on 26-09-2012
1. The Basics of International Sports
Dr. Aliaksandr Danilevich,
Belarusian State University, Minsk
26.09.2012 1
2. The nature of international
sports law
Part I
26.09.2012 2
3. Origin of international sports law
Existence of IOC International
and international sports
character of sport
sports federations organization's acts
Social value International
of sport treaties
26.09.2012 3
4. International sports law
Complex of rules that regulate the sports
relations of international nature, that are
international sports competitions with the
participation of different nationals.
26.09.2012 4
5. Sports
Sports Sports by-
legislation laws
26.09.2012 5
6. Significance of sports by-laws (Belarus
NOC of Belarus is guided in its activity by Olympic Charter of
IOC (article 13 (2));
Sports competitions are spent according to the rules made
sports entities (article 27 (4));
The order of refereeing of sports competitions is defined by
the persons holding competitions (article 30 (2));
The prohibition of use by sportsmen of methods, the
substances promoting increase of their working capacity and
forbidden for use by the legislation of Belarus and (or) IOC
decisions, or decisions of other corresponding international
organisations (article 34)
26.09.2012 6
7. Acts of international sports law
International International by-
legislation laws
Anti-doping IOC
Fight against WADA
violence International
Courts Sports
decisions and Federations
awards others
26.09.2012 7
8. International sports legislation
Fight against doping Fight against violence
Anti-Doping Convention European Convention on
(16.11.1989) Spectator Violence and
Additional Protocol to Misbehaviour at Sports
the Anti-Doping Events and in particular at
Convention (12.9.2002) Football Matches
UNESCO International (19.8.1985)
Convention against
Doping in Sport
26.09.2012 8
9. Documents of the Council of Europe
Recommendations about the sports policy
The Recommendation About Principles of Appropriate Management In Sports (2005/8)
Recommendation No. R (92) 13 Rev of The Committee Of Ministers To Member States
On The Revised European Sports Charter
Recommendation No. R (92) 14 Rev of The Committee Of Ministers to Member States on
The Revised Code of Sports Ethics
Recommendation About Issue of Visas to Sportsmen (99/10)
Recommendations concerning spectator violence
Recommendations about the prevention of racism, xenophobia and racial intolerance in
sports (2001/6)
Recommendations about struggle against a doping
European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports
Events and in particular at Football Matches (19.8.1985)
Anti-Doping Convention (16.11.1989)
Additional Protocol to the Anti-Doping Convention (12.9.2002)
26.09.2012 9
10. The expanded private agreement on
sports (EPAS)
It is created by the Resolution CM/Res(2007)8
The purpose: sports development through
cooperation of the countries of
participants, creation of the all-European
standards of fair, healthy and well organized
34 states, including Belarus and Germany
23 sports organisations (including ENGSO and
UEFA) are non-governmental partners of EPAS.
26.09.2012 10
11. The international sports by-laws
IOC documents
Olympic Charter in force as from 08.07.2011
Rules of the international sports federations
Technical rules
Competitions rules
Rules about the status of the player
Disciplinary codes
World Anti-Doping Code (01.01.2009)
2013 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods
26.09.2012 11
12. Model documents of Inter-parliamentary
Assembly of the CIS on sports
Model laws:
About physical training and sports, 1996
About youth sports, 2001
About student's sports, 2003
About the status of the sportsman of a national
team, 2003
About professional sports, 2007
About paralympic sports, 2008
About physical training and sports (new edition), 2009
26.09.2012 12
14. The competence of Sports Arbitration Court in
1. As body of the first instance to consider disputes with
participation of national or international sports
2. To consider appeals on decisions of internal bodies of
the national and international sports organisations on
the basis of the corresponding documents providing it
(since 1991).
3. To draw the conclusions by inquiries of the
international sports federations.
4. The disputes arising in connection with IOC decisions
5. All disputes arising in view of Olympic Games, or
connected with them
26.09.2012 14
15. Categories of cases in 弌S
1) Commercial sports cases
- The disputes arisen from the break of contracts, in
particular, concerning sponsorship, sale of the broadcasting
rights in sport, transfers of players and relations of players
with coaches and agents
2) sports disciplinary affairs
- Doping cases, and also the cases connected with application of
violence during competitions, wrong refereeing or cruel
treatment of sports animals
26.09.2012 15
16. Structure SAS
Independent organisation International Council of Arbitration for
composed by 20 lawyers Sport
Court and its regional Sydney New-York
offices CAS office office
Ordinary Appelation
Departments arbitration arbitration ad-hoc
26.09.2012 16
17. Who can refer a case to the CAS?
Any person connected with sports:
athletes, clubs, sports federations, organizers of
sports events, sponsors and the television
Presence of the arbitration agreement:
Can contain in the separate document,
To be the reservation in the contract or the
regulations of competitions of the sports organisation
Can stipulate the future disputes or concern already
arisen disagreement.
26.09.2012 17
18. Trial in 弌弌
Code of Sports Arbitration (2012)
Procedure language
Applicable law
26.09.2012 18
19. Expenses at trial in 弌弌
Initial administrative payment at a rate of
1000 Swiss francs ( 1000 USD)
Expenses are advanced by the parties in
common or brought by the claimant
Arbitration expenses at decision removal are
didived proportionally to satisfied claims
26.09.2012 19
20. How long does CAS arbitration last ?
Ordinary 6-12 months
Appellation 4 months
ad hoc Within 24 hours
26.09.2012 20
21. Disciplinary proceedings in sports
Activity of the competent sports organisations
through the authorised bodies on bringing to
account of subjects of the sports relations
which are in their jurisdiction, for
infringement of sports rules and principles
26.09.2012 21
22. Internal resoltion of sports disputes
Consideration by the authorised bodies of the
sports organisations of sports disputes
between subjects of the sports relations which
are in their jurisdiction
26.09.2012 22
23. The competence
1) Should be provided by rules
2) There should be a communication
Quantity of the bodies having jurisdiction
concerning concrete infringement
National and international bodies
At one level:
Different associations by one kind of sports (boxing)
Different bodies concerning different spheres of dispute (Rugby
26.09.2012 23
24. Jurisdiction
Jurisdiction concerning members
Jurisdiction over the third persons
Subject jurisdiction
26.09.2012 24
25. Jurisdiction over members
Straight line the competence of the relation
Members (federation clubs)
Use of the competence over members for
achievement of the purposes under the
relation of the third Persons (federation
26.09.2012 25
26. Jurisdiction concerning the third
Necessity of the connection with the third parties
1. Direct contractual communication
2. Communication by means of pyramidal structure
3. Communication by means of desire expression
to participate in the authorised competition
Contract presence
Absence of connection
26.09.2012 26
27. Subject jurisdiction
The relations which have been not connected with
The relations falling under the regulation
1. Infringements during competition (game)
Different punishments by the arbitrator and disciplinary
2. Not noticed Infringements (video viewing)
3. Changes of sanctions of the arbitrator by federation
Jurisdiction action in time
26.09.2012 27
28. Jurisdictional relations between the
international and national bodies
Walker Case
The athlete Dougie Walker has been discharged of
competitions for a dope disciplinary committee
Athletic federation SK;
IAAF Wished to cancel in an arbitration order the
decision of Disciplinary committee
Position Walker:
There is no contract between him and IAAF
Presence of the arbitration agreement with national
26.09.2012 28
29. Jurisdictional relations between one
level bodies
Within the limits of one kind of sports
All depends on the one who will organise
Sanctions can be applied by various bodies
(IOC + IF)
26.09.2012 29
30. Jurisdiction in a context of the
internal resolution of disputes
Internal revision of decisions of non-disciplinary
The internal resolution of disputes between
Participants (e.g. in FIFA)
Investigations and The commissions
The commissions on ethics, the referee commissions
26.09.2012 30
31. Types of disciplinary infringements
and internal disputes
Infringement of the rules forbidding fulfilment of certain actions
Infringement of game rules
Infringements 束out of a game損
Other disciplinary procedures
Disputes under decisions of control bodies regarding the application of
The admission to competitions
Selection for participation in competitions
Advancement and transition to a step more low
The permission to fulfilment of certain actions
Dispute concerning the sum received as a result of competition
Other disputes
Disputes between Participants (internal arbitration and mediation)
26.09.2012 31
32. Publication, change and applicability of
Rules should be in force at the moment of
Rules should be known
When changes of rules come into force?
Whether there correspond rules to basic
26.09.2012 32
33. Thank you for your attention!
Dr. Aliaksandr Danilevich
phone: +375 29 621 13 14
Skype: aliaksandr.danilevich
Presentation on the web:
Bibliography: Lewis, A; Taylor, J. Sport: Law and Practice. - London: Butterworth, 2003.
Ch. A2.
26.09.2012 33