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A member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, Bemidji State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator.
Martin Tadlock, Cherish Hagen-Swanson, Amna Al-Arfaj 
December 2014 
A member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, Bemidji State 
University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator.
Master academic plan actions 
In the spring of 2013, the commitment to further 
internationalize BSU began via the following : 
 Financial resources allocated. 
 Internationalization Council created. 
 International recruiter hired.
Master academic plan actions 
 Faculty member appointed as Director of International 
Relations to: 
 Revamp Eurospring 
 Create semester abroad opportunities for students 
 Revise the visiting professor program 
 Revise the international studies major 
 Secure additional partnerships and articulations. 
 CIBT became an active partner to grow connections in 
1. Provide affordable options so that all BSU students 
may have access to an international experience. 
2. Provide international opportunities for faculty and staff. 
3. Bring an English Language Center to BSU. 
4. Further diversify BSU by increasing international 
student enrollment. 
5. Align international efforts with best practices. 
6. Become cost neutral.
Education abroad 
 Moved to semester abroad experiences and 
away from short-term study abroad. 
 Created multiple new locations for 
affordable semester abroad. 
 Implemented a pre-semester abroad 
 $42,246 tuition collected from course 
sections 2012-2014.
Education abroad 
 Number of BSU students going abroad: 
o 2011-12: 59 
o 2012-13: 57 
o 2013-14: 91 
 Reduced costs to less than $3K per student for 
2015 Eurospring vs. almost $8K per student 
o With 28 students participating in 2014, this was a $140K 
reduction in costs.
Education abroad 
 Semester abroad locations available for students to study 
and/or work for less than $1,000 above the cost of the 
semester at BSU, including air fare, visa, insurance, and 
related misc. costs: 
o Weifang China (study and work); 
o BYPC University, Beijing; 
o Jianghan University, Wuhan, China; 
o Liaoning University, Shenyang, China; 
o HELP University, Kuala Lumpur, Malyasia; 
o Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea. 
 BSU received Award of Excellence by MnSCU for creation of 
affordable semester abroad opportunities for students. 
 Focus of NAFSA magazine article in spring of 2014
Work abroad 
 Secured 4 work abroad sites for BSU 
students in China for full-time employment. 
 Secured part-time work opportunities for 
students on semester abroad in Weifang, 
 Partnered to provide staffing for the Ameri- 
Can International Academy in Weifang, 
China for BSU students.
North Star visiting scholars program 
$91,000 income 
 The above includes spring 2015. Net approximately $50,000 
after the following: 
o Faculty mentor stipend; 
o Staff member stipend; 
o Friday workshop honorariums; 
o Empty apartments at Cedar occupied and paid for; 
 $80,000 savings/year by revising the visiting professor 
o 4 visiting professors from China fall 2014 
o 5 visiting professors spring 2015.
English Language Center 
 With Winona State University, we now have a 
SEVIS approved and nationally accredited ELC at 
 We could NOT join the AASCU 1-2-1 consortium 
until we had the ELC on campus and open. 
 Accommodates visiting professor program and non-credit 
J visa programs as professors and students in 
those programs may need English instruction which 
we can now provide. 
 We collect rent and a percentage of fees from 
Winona State.
New programs for NTC 
 Visiting professors from Chinese Technical 
Colleges will come and stay for up to 6 months 
at BSU/NTC. 
o We anticipate 6 next fall to start, going to 12. This may 
start fall of 2015. 
 We can start a non-credit/audit J1 visa 
opportunity for international students at 
o Full fee paying, residential students who come for one 
semester or a year (not enrolled). This may start in the fall 
of 2015.
New opportunities in the works 
 International Technology Management Conference at BSU 
July 15-17 
 Singapore and Design Technology 
 Nursing in Belize 
o Semester abroad for students 
o Exchanges 
o Visiting professors to BSU 
o Summer session for Norwegian special education teachers 
o Semester abroad for students 
o Exchanges
International student enrollment 
fall semester numbers 
 2012-13: 124 
 2013-14: 89 
 2014-15: 88 + 35 admitted in spring point in 
 2015-16: 170 reasonable to expect 
 Differences in recruiting intnl students vs. 
domestic students 
o On average, it takes 3 years of consistent recruitment in 
one area before students begin applying and enrolling at 
an institution.
International student enrollment 
 Joined the Brazilian STEM consortium to 
receive Brazilian students supported by their 
o UM Crookston has 30 currently on campus through the 
 Joining the Saudi consortium with Winona 
State. ELC expects to receive Saudi students 
as early as fall of 2015. 
o Minot State has approximately 40 Saudi students a year in 
their ELC.
International student enrollment 
 We expect an increase in Chinese students 
from: ELC, exchange, transfer, new admits. 
 We expect an increase in Nepalese 
students and Malaysian students beyond 
current levels. 
 Re-established relationships in Nepal. 
 Re-established relationships with HELP in Malaysia 
and added connections with SEGI University and 
Taylors University in Kuala Lumpur.
International Student Enrollment 
 We expect 20 additional students from 
varied locations due to our international 
recruiters efforts 
 We expect ELC numbers to climb, hitting 
30-50 students a year within the next 3 
years. 10 admitted for spring 2015, not 
including visiting professors.
Opportunities for Faculty/Staff 
 CIEE funds not available this year. 
 Faculty opportunities to teach abroad on 
 Joint programs and articulated program 
 Multiple opportunities through CIBT.
CIBT In-Kind Contributions to 
BSUs Efforts 
 Two BSU professors lived and worked in Weifang China 
in June of 2014. Travel, housing, visa paid plus stipend 
provided by CIBT. 
 BSU professor will be in Weifang February  July 2014. 
Travel and housing covered by CIBT. We provide 3 
credits of release to recruit for and promote BSU while 
 BSU professor will go to Weifang for a two-four week 
band summer camp in 2015 summer. Travel and housing 
covered by CIBT. 
 CIBT subsidized the BSU electronic woodwinds group to 
travel to Weifang and Beijing China for a month.
CIBT In-Kind Contributions to 
BSUs Efforts 
 CIBT funded the Beijing Expo recruiting booth for three years, covering 
the costs of marketing materials, staffing, and booth rental fee. 
 CIBT paid for 6 middle school students and a teacher to come to BSU 
for a two week long summer camp. 
 CIBT subsidizes Weifang University Student Ambassadors coming to 
BSU for a month. 10 total over the past two years. 
 Two nursing professors are being sought to teach two week short 
courses at Chinese partner universities each semester. Expenses paid 
and they may bring spouse/partner and just pay their airfare. 
 Two NTC professors in automotive are being sought to teach two week 
short courses at two Chinese Technical college locations each 
semester. All expenses paid, and they may bring spouse/partner and 
just pay their airfare.
CIBT In-Kind Contributions to 
BSUs Efforts 
 BSU students working at the Ameri-Can 
International Academy in Weifang. 
 BSU faculty may spend a sabbatical teaching in 
China at any of our partner locations. Expenses 
covered plus a monthly stipend. 
 6 BSU students working and studying in Weifang. 6 
last academic year. 
o All those working are covered by CIBT: travel, housing, 
insurance, visa, and stipend. 
o Students are our best recruiters. 
 Total direct and in-kind to BSU: +$174K
Budget related to international initiatives 
Staffing FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 
Director of International Relations (faculty) ($26,600) ($26,500) ($53,000) 
International Recruiter (IPC staff) ($34,921) ($39,221) 
International Program Center Director (IPC staff admin) ($63,115) ($64,253) ($68,110) 
International Program Center Support (IPC staff) ($31,943) ($35,741) ($37,759) 
216090 International Recruiting (materials etc.) ($4,500) ($11,500) ($2,000) 
211005 International Initiatives (incl travel for 
recruitment) ($101,384) ($77,409) ($50,000) 
ELC costs 
Will become revenue for BSU when numbers go up $0 $0 ($675) 
210112 Visiting Scholars $0 $0 $91,000 
Hosting visiting scholars ($40,000) ($80,000) 
CIBT funding for faculty, recruitment, etc. (incl in-kind) $20,000 $65,000 $89,000 
Tuition from pre-trip course $22,246 $42,246 
Tuition, fees, housing, meals, local impact of international students priceless priceless priceless
international update nov 2014
international update nov 2014

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international update nov 2014

  • 1. A member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, Bemidji State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator.
  • 2. Internationalization Update Martin Tadlock, Cherish Hagen-Swanson, Amna Al-Arfaj December 2014 A member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, Bemidji State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator.
  • 3. Master academic plan actions In the spring of 2013, the commitment to further internationalize BSU began via the following : Financial resources allocated. Internationalization Council created. International recruiter hired.
  • 4. Master academic plan actions Faculty member appointed as Director of International Relations to: Revamp Eurospring Create semester abroad opportunities for students Revise the visiting professor program Revise the international studies major Secure additional partnerships and articulations. CIBT became an active partner to grow connections in Asia
  • 5. Goals 1. Provide affordable options so that all BSU students may have access to an international experience. 2. Provide international opportunities for faculty and staff. 3. Bring an English Language Center to BSU. 4. Further diversify BSU by increasing international student enrollment. 5. Align international efforts with best practices. 6. Become cost neutral.
  • 6. Education abroad Moved to semester abroad experiences and away from short-term study abroad. Created multiple new locations for affordable semester abroad. Implemented a pre-semester abroad course. $42,246 tuition collected from course sections 2012-2014.
  • 7. Education abroad Number of BSU students going abroad: o 2011-12: 59 o 2012-13: 57 o 2013-14: 91 Reduced costs to less than $3K per student for 2015 Eurospring vs. almost $8K per student previously. o With 28 students participating in 2014, this was a $140K reduction in costs.
  • 8. Education abroad Semester abroad locations available for students to study and/or work for less than $1,000 above the cost of the semester at BSU, including air fare, visa, insurance, and related misc. costs: o Weifang China (study and work); o BYPC University, Beijing; o Jianghan University, Wuhan, China; o Liaoning University, Shenyang, China; o HELP University, Kuala Lumpur, Malyasia; o Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea. BSU received Award of Excellence by MnSCU for creation of affordable semester abroad opportunities for students. Focus of NAFSA magazine article in spring of 2014
  • 9. Work abroad Secured 4 work abroad sites for BSU students in China for full-time employment. Secured part-time work opportunities for students on semester abroad in Weifang, China. Partnered to provide staffing for the Ameri- Can International Academy in Weifang, China for BSU students.
  • 10. North Star visiting scholars program $91,000 income The above includes spring 2015. Net approximately $50,000 after the following: o Faculty mentor stipend; o Staff member stipend; o Friday workshop honorariums; o Empty apartments at Cedar occupied and paid for; $80,000 savings/year by revising the visiting professor program. o 4 visiting professors from China fall 2014 o 5 visiting professors spring 2015.
  • 11. English Language Center With Winona State University, we now have a SEVIS approved and nationally accredited ELC at BSU. We could NOT join the AASCU 1-2-1 consortium until we had the ELC on campus and open. Accommodates visiting professor program and non-credit J visa programs as professors and students in those programs may need English instruction which we can now provide. We collect rent and a percentage of fees from Winona State.
  • 12. New programs for NTC Visiting professors from Chinese Technical Colleges will come and stay for up to 6 months at BSU/NTC. o We anticipate 6 next fall to start, going to 12. This may start fall of 2015. We can start a non-credit/audit J1 visa opportunity for international students at NTC/BSU. o Full fee paying, residential students who come for one semester or a year (not enrolled). This may start in the fall of 2015.
  • 13. New opportunities in the works International Technology Management Conference at BSU July 15-17 Singapore and Design Technology Nursing in Belize Norway o Semester abroad for students o Exchanges o Visiting professors to BSU o Summer session for Norwegian special education teachers Argentina o Semester abroad for students o Exchanges
  • 14. International student enrollment fall semester numbers 2012-13: 124 2013-14: 89 2014-15: 88 + 35 admitted in spring point in time 2015-16: 170 reasonable to expect Differences in recruiting intnl students vs. domestic students o On average, it takes 3 years of consistent recruitment in one area before students begin applying and enrolling at an institution.
  • 15. International student enrollment Joined the Brazilian STEM consortium to receive Brazilian students supported by their government. o UM Crookston has 30 currently on campus through the consortium. Joining the Saudi consortium with Winona State. ELC expects to receive Saudi students as early as fall of 2015. o Minot State has approximately 40 Saudi students a year in their ELC.
  • 16. International student enrollment We expect an increase in Chinese students from: ELC, exchange, transfer, new admits. We expect an increase in Nepalese students and Malaysian students beyond current levels. Re-established relationships in Nepal. Re-established relationships with HELP in Malaysia and added connections with SEGI University and Taylors University in Kuala Lumpur.
  • 17. International Student Enrollment We expect 20 additional students from varied locations due to our international recruiters efforts We expect ELC numbers to climb, hitting 30-50 students a year within the next 3 years. 10 admitted for spring 2015, not including visiting professors.
  • 18. Opportunities for Faculty/Staff CIEE funds not available this year. Faculty opportunities to teach abroad on sabbatical. Joint programs and articulated program opportunities. Multiple opportunities through CIBT.
  • 19. CIBT In-Kind Contributions to BSUs Efforts Two BSU professors lived and worked in Weifang China in June of 2014. Travel, housing, visa paid plus stipend provided by CIBT. BSU professor will be in Weifang February July 2014. Travel and housing covered by CIBT. We provide 3 credits of release to recruit for and promote BSU while there. BSU professor will go to Weifang for a two-four week band summer camp in 2015 summer. Travel and housing covered by CIBT. CIBT subsidized the BSU electronic woodwinds group to travel to Weifang and Beijing China for a month.
  • 20. CIBT In-Kind Contributions to BSUs Efforts CIBT funded the Beijing Expo recruiting booth for three years, covering the costs of marketing materials, staffing, and booth rental fee. CIBT paid for 6 middle school students and a teacher to come to BSU for a two week long summer camp. CIBT subsidizes Weifang University Student Ambassadors coming to BSU for a month. 10 total over the past two years. Two nursing professors are being sought to teach two week short courses at Chinese partner universities each semester. Expenses paid and they may bring spouse/partner and just pay their airfare. Two NTC professors in automotive are being sought to teach two week short courses at two Chinese Technical college locations each semester. All expenses paid, and they may bring spouse/partner and just pay their airfare.
  • 21. CIBT In-Kind Contributions to BSUs Efforts BSU students working at the Ameri-Can International Academy in Weifang. BSU faculty may spend a sabbatical teaching in China at any of our partner locations. Expenses covered plus a monthly stipend. 6 BSU students working and studying in Weifang. 6 last academic year. o All those working are covered by CIBT: travel, housing, insurance, visa, and stipend. o Students are our best recruiters. Total direct and in-kind to BSU: +$174K
  • 22. Budget Budget related to international initiatives Staffing FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 Director of International Relations (faculty) ($26,600) ($26,500) ($53,000) International Recruiter (IPC staff) ($34,921) ($39,221) International Program Center Director (IPC staff admin) ($63,115) ($64,253) ($68,110) International Program Center Support (IPC staff) ($31,943) ($35,741) ($37,759) 216090 International Recruiting (materials etc.) ($4,500) ($11,500) ($2,000) 211005 International Initiatives (incl travel for recruitment) ($101,384) ($77,409) ($50,000) ELC costs Will become revenue for BSU when numbers go up $0 $0 ($675) 210112 Visiting Scholars $0 $0 $91,000 Hosting visiting scholars ($40,000) ($80,000) CIBT funding for faculty, recruitment, etc. (incl in-kind) $20,000 $65,000 $89,000 Tuition from pre-trip course $22,246 $42,246 Tuition, fees, housing, meals, local impact of international students priceless priceless priceless