Prezentacja towarzyszca warsztatowi Lechosawa Hojnackiego (Kolegium Nauczycielskie w Bielsku Biaej) na trzecim og坦lnopolskim kongresie bibliotek publicznych "Biblioteka z wizj", 11-12 pa添dziernika 2012 r.
This document provides a summary of various Web 2.0 tools that can be useful for education. It describes tools for creating slide shows, multimedia presentations online, drawing and editing graphics, sharing documents online, and enabling collaboration. Some of the key tools mentioned include Animoto, Flickr, Flixtime, Google+, Prezi, 際際滷Share, and Google Sites.
The document introduces several great Poles through a PowerPoint presentation created by students. It discusses prominent figures from Polish history including Pope John Paul II, leader of the Solidarity movement Lech Wasa, military leader Tadeusz Kociuszko, astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, Nobel Prize-winning author Henryk Sienkiewicz, Olympic runner Janusz Kusociski, and painter Jan Matejko.
The students from Boleslawiec read a chapter in their book about dreams and future plans. They discussed this topic and painted or drew what they want to be in the future using computer programs or paper. The students then presented what they drew, with some of them wanting to be a painter, singer, cook, actress, violinist, or taking care of animals.
Warsaw is the capital city of Poland and is where the characters of the book "Five from Zaktek Street" live. A presentation is being prepared about Warsaw that is already including photos from the city.
The document introduces several great Poles through a PowerPoint presentation created by students. It discusses prominent figures from Polish history including Pope John Paul II, leader of the Solidarity movement Lech Wasa, military leader Tadeusz Kociuszko, astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, Nobel Prize-winning author Henryk Sienkiewicz, Olympic runner Janusz Kusociski, and painter Jan Matejko.
The students from Boleslawiec read a chapter in their book about dreams and future plans. They discussed this topic and painted or drew what they want to be in the future using computer programs or paper. The students then presented what they drew, with some of them wanting to be a painter, singer, cook, actress, violinist, or taking care of animals.
This document provides a summary of various Web 2.0 tools that can be useful for education. It describes tools for creating slide shows, multimedia presentations online, drawing and editing graphics, sharing documents online, and enabling collaboration. Some of the key tools mentioned include Animoto, Flickr, Flixtime, Google+, Prezi, 際際滷Share, and Google Sites.
The document introduces several great Poles through a PowerPoint presentation created by students. It discusses prominent figures from Polish history including Pope John Paul II, leader of the Solidarity movement Lech Wasa, military leader Tadeusz Kociuszko, astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, Nobel Prize-winning author Henryk Sienkiewicz, Olympic runner Janusz Kusociski, and painter Jan Matejko.
The students from Boleslawiec read a chapter in their book about dreams and future plans. They discussed this topic and painted or drew what they want to be in the future using computer programs or paper. The students then presented what they drew, with some of them wanting to be a painter, singer, cook, actress, violinist, or taking care of animals.
Warsaw is the capital city of Poland and is where the characters of the book "Five from Zaktek Street" live. A presentation is being prepared about Warsaw that is already including photos from the city.
The document introduces several great Poles through a PowerPoint presentation created by students. It discusses prominent figures from Polish history including Pope John Paul II, leader of the Solidarity movement Lech Wasa, military leader Tadeusz Kociuszko, astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, Nobel Prize-winning author Henryk Sienkiewicz, Olympic runner Janusz Kusociski, and painter Jan Matejko.
The students from Boleslawiec read a chapter in their book about dreams and future plans. They discussed this topic and painted or drew what they want to be in the future using computer programs or paper. The students then presented what they drew, with some of them wanting to be a painter, singer, cook, actress, violinist, or taking care of animals.
2. Internet (ang. International - globalna, midzynarodowa; network - sie, r坦wnie甜 spotykany zapis: ac. inter - midzy, ang. net - sie; dosownie midzysie) og坦lnowiatowa sie komputerowa, kt坦ra jest logicznie poczona w jednolit sie adresow opart na protokole IP (ang. Internet Protocol). Sie ta dostarcza lub wykorzystujeusugiwy甜szego poziomu, kt坦re oparte s na funkcjonowaniu telekomunikacji izwizanej z ni infrastrukturze.
3. Historia InternetuPocztki Internetu wi甜 si z powstaniem Internetu ARPANET i sigaj koca lat 60. XX wieku, gdy amerykaska firma RAND Corporation prowadzia badania studyjne nad mo甜liwociami dowodzenia i cznoci w warunkach wojny nuklearnej. Na podstawie jej raport坦w podjto prace projektowe nad skonstruowaniem sieci komputerowej mogcej funkcjonowa pomimo zniszczenia jej czci.
4. Po kr坦tkim wstpie, gdy wiemy ju甜 czym jest Internet i znamy jego histori, pragn wyrazi swoje zdanie na pytanie zawarte w temacie mojej pracy. Uwa甜am, 甜e Internet jest przyjacielem czowieka. Dlaczego? Wyjani to w dalszej czci mojej prezentacji.
5. NAUKAOczywiste jest to, 甜e nale甜y kupowa ksi甜ki i je czyta. Jednak czasem atwiej i szybciej jest znale添 co w Internecie, ni甜 szuka w stosie ksi甜ek. Sie internetowa zawiera du甜o przydatnych informacji, kt坦re mo甜na wykorzysta.
6. ROZMOWAKomunikator gadu gadu czy telefon? Zar坦wno przez telefon jak i komunikatory internetowe mo甜emy szybko i atwo porozumie si z innymi lud添mi. Plusem komunikator坦w jest to, 甜e nie musimy paci za rozmow. Efekt jest ten sam, a pienidze zostaj nam w kieszeni.
7. CO DLA LENIWYCHNiekt坦rzy ludzie nie lubi chodzi po sklepach, sprawdza cen towar坦w w poszczeg坦lnych sklepach, sta w kolejkach Przez Internet mo甜emy kupowa bez stania w kolejce czy chodzenia po miecie. Jest to wygodny spos坦b i nie wymaga szczeg坦lnych umiejtnoci.
8. NUDA? NIEMO纏LIWE, GDY MAMY INTERNETInternet su甜y nam tak甜e do zabawy. To wanie w sieci mo甜emy pogra w r坦甜ne gry.
9. INFORMACJEZa pi minut zaczyna si dziennik, a ja jestem na drugim kocu miasta. C坦甜 zrobi? Nie musz biec do domu, aby wysucha chocia甜 koc坦wki wiadomoci. Wszystkie istotne informacje mog przeczyta w sieci. Opr坦cz tego mog tak甜e posucha radia internetowego lub pooglda telewizj internetow.
10. Jak widzimy Internet jest bardzo przydatny w 甜yciu czowieka. Dziki niemu mo甜emy zaoszczdzi wiele czasu, pienidzy Musimy tylko umie z niego korzysta, mam na myli to, 甜e nie mo甜emy sta si maniakami komputerowymi i przesiadywa caymi dniami w sieci. Gdy bdziemy tak postpowa z pewnoci Internet nie stanie si naszym wrogiem.