Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tincidunt eros sed lorem finibus, aliquam tristique justo tincidunt. Integer dictum sit amet massa a vulputate. Praesent nec turpis volutpat, aliquet ex ac, consectetur enim. Aliquam vitae fermentum ligula. Proin tincidunt tempus mauris a mattis. Quisque in augue a risus condimentum aliquet eu eget enim. Aenean ornare pellentesque mauris, sit amet convallis magna dictum sit amet. Proin non sem quis elit imperdiet rhoncus. Nunc laoreet feugiat vehicula. Morbi et ante a nisl rhoncus molestie. Vestibulum ullamcorper ac mauris in condimentum. Duis tempor arcu eget vestibulum iaculis. Ut in sem vel neque imperdiet vestibulum ac ac elit. Proin porttitor pellentesque mattis. Nam a efficitur eros.
Sed tristique turpis vitae blandit dignissim. Quisque efficitur sagittis ipsum sed porta. Aliquam nec est congue, feugiat nunc et, blandit tellus. Suspendisse et massa quis nulla volutpat venenatis in eget erat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum cursus, ipsum nec suscipit pretium, diam mi iaculis est, at faucibus mauris mi ac nisl. Ut sit amet vestibulum massa, at fermentum nibh. Curabitur viverra turpis sem, id commodo ex maximus nec. Vestibulum ut nisi vel erat sagittis imperdiet sit amet ac urna. Curabitur accumsan dapibus lacinia.
Quisque molestie augue sit amet est hendrerit pharetra. Nullam tellus libero, consectetur a ligula cursus, egestas finibus purus. Fusce scelerisque risus leo, ut lobortis mi volutpat et. Pellentesque vitae augue tincidunt, consequat enim eget, malesuada est. Cras at ornare ante, eu aliquet neque. Donec in elementum justo, ut pellentesque diam. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum mattis fermentum iaculis. Vestibulum cursus sapien nisi, ut lacinia dolor condimentum vel. Aenean congue pharetra nunc, euismod semper mi posuere et. Mauris vel porttitor orci, non venenatis felis. Sed vel diam vitae lectus porttitor pulvinar. Morbi elementum velit in ornare tincidunt. Donec at cursus purus. Duis placerat convallis venenatis.
Fusce semper blandit odio, a euismod nunc viverra quis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas vitae interdum augue. Sed molestie velit non felis scelerisque, pellentesque rhoncus lorem sagittis. Nulla finibus libero nisl, id lacinia metus egestas vitae. Vestibulum dignissim, enim non consequat dignissim, mauris lacus tempor arcu, ut ornare nulla ligula ac sem. Quisque lacinia, sapien vitae pellentesque scelerisque, diam nisl sagittis lorem, non semper risus dui ut mauris. Nulla tellus velit, rutrum eget lobortis id, commodo ut turpis. Pellentesque porta pharetra mauris eget malesuada.
Nam id nisl nunc. Duis viverra mauris at dapibus scelerisque. Quisque ac sodales nulla, ac lobortis diam. Cras tempor nulla nunc, ac aliquam nisl congue in. Fusce posuere ante urna, et egestas purus euismod si
Ciberseguretat per a treballadors (4/4)Fundaci¨® Bit
Curs: Ciberseguretat per a treballadors
C¨¤psula 4: Protecci¨® de la informaci¨®
Veure v¨ªdeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWVGLVcD-8k&list=PL08HVw1vmC1K5WJ7F_CFoCv1mTFO7SbVG&index=4
Per a consultes en directe dia 25 de juny de 2020 a les 12h apuntar-se aqu¨ª: https://tuit.cat/e4idf
Aquesta ¨¦s una iniciativa finan?ada per la Direcci¨® General d¡¯Innovaci¨® del Govern de les Illes Balears
The document contains data on deaths from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, and diabetes globally and by income level and sex. It shows that NCDs account for the majority of deaths worldwide, with cardiovascular disease being the leading cause of death globally and in most income and sex categories. Cancer is the second leading cause of death overall. The data also illustrates differences in NCD mortality rates between low and high income countries and between males and females.
This document provides recommendations for college admissions offices to reshape the admissions process to place greater emphasis on ethical engagement and contributions to others. It aims to inspire high school students to engage in more meaningful community service and collective action. The recommendations also seek to better assess students' daily awareness of and contributions to others across differences. Additionally, it addresses the need to reduce undue achievement pressure on students and redefine achievement to create a more equitable process for economically diverse students. Over 80 college admissions leaders and organizations have endorsed the vision of using admissions to promote ethical development and concern for others.
Profile de l'Assurance-Maladie : RwandaHFG Project
Pr¨¦sent¨¦ ¨¤ l'atelier ?La Protection Financi¨¨re et L¡¯Acc¨¨s Am¨¦lior¨¦ aux Soins de Sant¨¦: Apprentissage par les Pairs Trouve des solutions aux d¨¦fis communs? ¨¤ Accra, Ghana en f¨¦vrier 2016. Pour savoir plus, visitez : https://www.hfgproject.org/ghana-uhc-atelier
Calendar Math is an interactive math board designed to supplement math instruction throughout the year. It focuses on mathematical relationships central to the grade one curriculum. Students engage with the board daily to gain exposure to concepts within all five math content strands: number sense, pattern and function, shape and space, measurement, and data handling. Using Calendar Math for just one month helps students practice skills in every content strand multiple times. It provides constant review and preview of critical concepts over an extended period rather than just within a single unit.
The document contains data on deaths from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, and diabetes globally and by income level and sex. It shows that NCDs account for the majority of deaths worldwide, with cardiovascular disease being the leading cause of death globally and in most income and sex categories. Cancer is the second leading cause of death overall. The data also illustrates differences in NCD mortality rates between low and high income countries and between males and females.
This document provides recommendations for college admissions offices to reshape the admissions process to place greater emphasis on ethical engagement and contributions to others. It aims to inspire high school students to engage in more meaningful community service and collective action. The recommendations also seek to better assess students' daily awareness of and contributions to others across differences. Additionally, it addresses the need to reduce undue achievement pressure on students and redefine achievement to create a more equitable process for economically diverse students. Over 80 college admissions leaders and organizations have endorsed the vision of using admissions to promote ethical development and concern for others.
Profile de l'Assurance-Maladie : RwandaHFG Project
Pr¨¦sent¨¦ ¨¤ l'atelier ?La Protection Financi¨¨re et L¡¯Acc¨¨s Am¨¦lior¨¦ aux Soins de Sant¨¦: Apprentissage par les Pairs Trouve des solutions aux d¨¦fis communs? ¨¤ Accra, Ghana en f¨¦vrier 2016. Pour savoir plus, visitez : https://www.hfgproject.org/ghana-uhc-atelier
Calendar Math is an interactive math board designed to supplement math instruction throughout the year. It focuses on mathematical relationships central to the grade one curriculum. Students engage with the board daily to gain exposure to concepts within all five math content strands: number sense, pattern and function, shape and space, measurement, and data handling. Using Calendar Math for just one month helps students practice skills in every content strand multiple times. It provides constant review and preview of critical concepts over an extended period rather than just within a single unit.
I made this PPT in honour of the great NZ explorer, Edmund Hillary. It is geared toward ESL students but may also be interesting to native speakers.
Montage of Ed Hillary and Tenzing Norgay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yV33FiXsd-g
3D route up the mountain taken by Ed and Tenzing:
How hard is climbing Everest?
This document discusses demand theory and the concept of elasticity in economics. It defines demand as a buyer's willingness and ability to pay for a good or service. The key factors that influence demand are outlined as price, income of consumers, availability of substitutes, and cross-prices of related goods. Elasticity measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price or other factors. Price elasticity is computed by comparing the percentage changes in quantity and price. Demand can be inelastic, elastic, or unit elastic depending on the elasticity value. The relationship between elasticity, total revenue, and marginal revenue is also examined.
Android one, why it is important for Android developers in IndiaParamvir Singh
Android One aims to bring affordable smartphones running stock Android to developing markets, expanding the potential audience for developers. By addressing issues with hardware, software, and connectivity in rural areas, Android One phones target the "Next 5 Billion" users and provide developers access to a larger, more diverse customer base, including those in small towns who are increasing using their phones for social networking and mobile commerce in local languages on the latest Android versions.
This document discusses Frame Relay networking concepts and configuration. It covers fundamental Frame Relay concepts such as encapsulation and virtual circuits. It also covers configuring basic and advanced Frame Relay PVCs, including subinterfaces, bandwidth control, and flow control. Troubleshooting techniques are provided. The overall purpose is to teach system administrators how to implement and manage Frame Relay networks.
Francia E. Ortiz is seeking a position as a lawyer. She has over 5 years of experience representing clients in criminal and civil litigation as a lawyer in Colombia, most recently at Suramericana de Seguros from 2011 to 2013. Prior to that, she worked as a lawyer at Moreno & Garcia Abogados from 2010 to 2011. Ortiz also has experience performing administrative and secretarial duties for law firms.
2. 1-Qu¨¨ ¨¦s internet? A quin any i en quin
lloc va apar¨¨ixer?
¡ñ Internet es una xarxa de comunicacions que
posa en contacte milions de sistemes
informatics, repartits per tot el plantea.
¡ñ Es va crear l'any 1969 als Estats Units al
projecte ARPANET
3. 2-Quina difer¨¨ncia hi ha entre el
protocol TPC i IP?
¡ñ TPC: Protocol de control de
transmissio.Elements encarregats del transport
i l'ordenaci¨® del transit.
¡ñ IP:Protocol d'internet.Elements dedicats a la
producci¨®,l'emagatzematge de materials.
4. 3-Qui son Tim Berners-Lee i Robert
¡ñ Van ser els creador de la primera pagina web.
5. 4-Que son els est¨¤ndards web?
¡ñ Son protocols que contribueixen a la generacio
de les pagines web, de manera que siguin
accessibles a trav¨¦s dels sistemes informatics
a nivell mundial.
6. 5-Comenta breument com funciona
La xarxa est¨¢ formada per milers d'ordinadors
que es conecten entre si mitjan?ant eines molt
diverses: lin¨ªes telefoniques
convencionals,xarxes locals, linies de fibra
opticam enlla?os per r¨¤dio,s¨¤tel¡¤lits....
Cada ordinador present a la xarxa te una
matricula numerica que l'indentifica de manera
unica.Aques indentificador anomentat adre?a
IP, s'acostuma a escriure descompost en 4
numeros separats per un punt.
8. 7.Quin programari i quin maquinari
necessitem per accedir a internet?
¡ñ Un sistema operatiu
¡ñ Un navegador
¡ñ Un pentium4
¡ñ Tarja grafica
¡ñ Espais de disc
¡ñ Conexio a internet
9. 8-Quins recursos ens ofereix internet?
Comenta'ls breument..
¡ñ Obtenir informacio de diferent topologia
¡ñ Publicari informacio
¡ñ Comunicar-nos
¡ñ Accedir i oferir diferents tipus de serveisi
¡ñ Generar documentacio i treballar en linia
10. 9-Instal¡¤la el diccionari en catal¨¤ per a
¡ñ A la pagina dels complements del navegador
11. 10-Com est¨¤ formada una URL?
El protocol de comunicaci¨® que cal fer servir
per recuperar el document.
El nom de l'ordenador que aporta la informacio
El directori on es troba o en la ruta al recurs en
el servidor
El nom de l'arxiu
Http es el protocol de comunicacio
Xtec.cat es el servidor o amfitrio
12. 11-Escriu 10 noms de dominis que coneguis
i comenta quina ¨¦s la seva utilitat
¡ñ .cat- per a la llengua i la cultura catalanes
¡ñ .com- organitzacions comercials
¡ñ .net -estructures de la xarxa internet
¡ñ .org -organitzacions d'una altra mena
¡ñ .edu -educacio
¡ñ .biz -negocis
¡ñ .es-Espa?ol
¡ñ d-Alemanya
¡ñ .mil -militar
13. 12-Quins son els tres cercadors m¨¦s
¡ñ Yahoo
¡ñ Bing
¡ñ Google
14. 13-Qu¨¨ ¨¦s el correu electr¨°nic?
¡ñ ?s un sistema que permet intercanviar
missatges fent servir eines de comunicacio
15. 14-Quins son els tres components d'un
correu electr¨°nic?
¡ñ Nom d'usuari
¡ñ @
¡ñ Domini
¡ñ Exe:hgasdajd@gmail.com
16. 15-Quines son les difer¨¨ncies a l'hora
d'utilitzar el correu web ?
¡ñ Podem accedir als nostres missatges des de
qualsevol ordinador que estigui connectat a
¡ñ No descarges els missatges al ordinador
¡ñ El correu esta proteguit per una contrasenya
¡ñ Modificar borrar crear carpetes missatges, etc...
18. 17-Fes una presentaci¨®, comparteix-la a
ºÝºÝߣshare i embedeix-la al portafoli
amb el t¨ªtol Sunbird. Les diapositives
que contindr¨¤ son les seg¨¹ents:
19. 18-Quines recomanacions hem de seguir per
protegir els nostres equips amb noms d'usuaris i
contrasenyes de bona qualitat?
¡ñ No fem servir dades personals com a part de la
¡ñ Es recomendable que tingui
mayuscules,minuscules, 8 o 9 caracters, etc.
¡ñ Tenir cura d'aquestes contrasenyes:evitarem
anotar-les fins i tot als nostres familiars i/o
¡ñ Es aconsellable tenir diferents contrasenyes de
tal manera de perdua o l'olbit que no afecte a
totes les eines.
20. 19-Que son els virus inform¨¤tics, els troians, els
cucs inform¨¤tics, backdoors i el programari espia?
¡ñ Virus informatics: Es un segment de la linia de
codi que altera el funcionament normal de
l'ordinador, sense el permis o coneixement de
¡ñ Troians: Programa nociu amb aparen?a de
programari que permet l'acces a usuaris
¡ñ Cucs informatics: no altera els arxius sino que
resideix en la memoria.
21. 20-Quin son els millors programes
antiespies i els millors tallafocs?
¡ñ Antiespies: Avira,Norton,Avast
¡ñ Tallafocs:
22. 21-Quina ¨¦s la utilitat de Skipe,
Ustream i Wizip?
¡ñ Ustream: video en directe
¡ñ Wizip: Videoconferencies publique permeten
transmissio de audio i video entre persones
¡ñ Skype:Es un sistema de videoconferencia que
ens permeten transmissio de audio i video
entre persones