The document discusses developing standardized evaluation checklists to help small non-profit organizations (NPOs) evaluate internet-enabled applications. It proposes creating checklists based on models like CMMI and PMI that focus on requirements management, project planning, and risk management. The checklists would include common components like defining goals and stakeholders but details may vary based on the application. The process of developing the checklists collaboratively with stakeholders is emphasized as important as the checklists themselves. Limitations of the research like limited time and staff are acknowledged.
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Non-Profit Business Evaluation Criteria for the Application of Internet Based Technologies
2. Small NPOs
Need to reach constituency, the Internet and
Internet-enabled applications facilitate this.
Severely constrained by resources, and capital.
The research focuses on developing a
standard set of evaluation criteria through the
use of checklists to fill all of these
3. NPOs face the need to evaluate internet
enables applications to gain reach
NPOs typically have little or no technology
Several IA considerations around
The need for checklists preferred tool for
evaluation and planning
4. Create the tools - Checklists
Checklists are simple
Checklists are easy to understand
Checklists are repeatable
Use standard practices to develop checklists
CMMI/PMI used because of the maturity of the
Reduce practices down to three
Requirements Management
Project Planning
Risk Management
5. There is no "one-size-fits-all" for checklists
The differences centered on the application of
the technology
Common components exists but details vary
Define the goal
Define the stakeholders
Define the requirements/success criteria/test
parameters/exit controls
6. The process of developing the checklist
content is as important as the checklist itself.
7. Use the standards to create the checklists
Either PMI (PMBoK) or SEI (CMMI) suggest stating the
goal, gather requirements, plan
Develop the checklists through collaboration
with the stakeholders
8. The limits of the researcher in the staff
One researcher, one staff member
The limits on schedule
Limited ted what is achievable in 12 weeks
Limits on creating the checklists instead of
executing the checklists
De-scope research to limit to evaluating the
process of creating checklists
Small subset of CMMI
De-scope to include only three CMMI process areas
to facilitate reduced complexity
9. Best Practices
Research the actual execution of this practice and
measure effectiveness
Privacy and Online Reputation
Management/Online Identity Management
Research needed to identify the issues surrounding
"branding" of the online identity of the organization
Web Services Integration
Research needed to evaluate the need of integrating
multiple internet-based applications into a single
application infrastructure