This document provides an overview of cloud computing. It defines cloud computing and discusses how it provides on-demand access to configurable computing resources over the internet. The document notes that cloud computing provides benefits like flexibility, scalability, and mobility. It also discusses potential financial benefits of the cloud like reduced costs but notes some considerations like internet reliability and data control. Finally, it provides recommendations on how to get started with basic to advanced cloud services and lists some example cloud vendors.
El documento describe un proyecto para promover el uso seguro y responsable de Internet entre adolescentes dominicanos, con el objetivo de prevenir el uso inadecuado de redes sociales y otros peligros como estafas, pornograf鱈a infantil y robo de informaci坦n. El proyecto difundir叩 normas de seguridad y medidas preventivas para fomentar una conducta 辿tica en el ciberespacio.
The document describes several architectural projects designed by Pooncharas Jariyavidyanont. It includes designs for a 9 sqm house with a hanging structure, an inclined surface design combining floor/wall/ceiling functions, and a Hopewell transportation development project in Bangkok paying back to the community. Other projects include a Krest luxury skyscraper in Bangkok, a faculty building for an architecture school, and a youth center in Pattaya adapting to the natural environment.
This document provides an overview of cloud computing. It defines cloud computing and discusses how it provides on-demand access to configurable computing resources over the internet. The document notes that cloud computing provides benefits like flexibility, scalability, and mobility. It also discusses potential financial benefits of the cloud like reduced costs but notes some considerations like internet reliability and data control. Finally, it provides recommendations on how to get started with basic to advanced cloud services and lists some example cloud vendors.
El documento describe un proyecto para promover el uso seguro y responsable de Internet entre adolescentes dominicanos, con el objetivo de prevenir el uso inadecuado de redes sociales y otros peligros como estafas, pornograf鱈a infantil y robo de informaci坦n. El proyecto difundir叩 normas de seguridad y medidas preventivas para fomentar una conducta 辿tica en el ciberespacio.
The document describes several architectural projects designed by Pooncharas Jariyavidyanont. It includes designs for a 9 sqm house with a hanging structure, an inclined surface design combining floor/wall/ceiling functions, and a Hopewell transportation development project in Bangkok paying back to the community. Other projects include a Krest luxury skyscraper in Bangkok, a faculty building for an architecture school, and a youth center in Pattaya adapting to the natural environment.
Las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n (TIC) han tenido un gran impacto en los modelos de educaci坦n a distancia (EaD), permitiendo la interacci坦n entre participantes y el acceso a recursos educativos. La EaD ha evolucionado de la ense単anza por correspondencia al uso de medios masivos de comunicaci坦n y luego a entornos multimedia interactivos. Las oportunidades que brindan las TIC, como Internet, son magn鱈ficas para explorar nuevos modelos de aprendizaje permanente y formaci坦n que preparen mejor los recursos human