ZAVIAJNA ABECEDA - projekt prvih razreda O MarjanBoris Arai
Splitski govor, posebno splitska akav邸tina, ima bogatu povijest i znaajnu kulturnu vrijednost. Splitska akav邸tina je
dio油hrvatske kulturne nematerijalne ba邸tine油i uvr邸tena je u europsku kulturnu nematerijalnu ba邸tinu.
Nekada邸nji akavski govor danas je u osjetnoj mjeri油邸tokaviziran. Jezika kojim su govorili poznati Spliani poput Marka Uvodia i Miljenka Smoje, na転alost, vi邸e nema.
Ciljevi projekta:
Usavr邸avanje za inovativne metode poput igrifikacije (gamification) te uenja na otvorenom (outdoor learning) u svrhu poveanja motivacije uenika matine 邸kole i kole u bolnici.
Usavr邸avanje za provoenje dru邸tveno korisnog uenja u zajednici u svrhu poveanja empatije i motivacije uenika matine 邸kole te inkluzivnog volontiranja u koli u bolnici s istim ciljem.
Budui da uenici petih razreda iz vjeronauka ue o hrvatskim svecima i bla転enicima, htjeli su
ih upoznati sa 転ivotom i djelom jednog takvog koji je na glasu svetosti i predstavili ga na satu
vjeronauka 5.a i 5.b razredu. Projekt je trajao dva mjeseca.
The students from the 5th grade visited the Split Mosque and Synagogue accompanied by their religious teacher and educator. [1] At the mosque, the Imam welcomed the students and introduced them to the most important area which is always facing Mecca where Muslims pray five times a day facing Mecca. [2] He also showed them a framed miniature of the Islamic holy book, the Quran. [3] At the synagogue, they learned that Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion and the foundations of Christianity and Islam. [4] This extracurricular activity left the students with fond memories.
This document discusses the European emergency number 112. Calling 112 allows you to request help from any emergency service. The 112 number is free and accessible in all European Union member countries.
Slu転ba za 邸kolsku i adolescentnu medicinu NZJZ SD貼 ve dugi niz godina provodi edukaciju roditelja djece prvog razreda osnovne 邸kole kako bi pomogli roditeljima u prepoznavanju specifinosti ovog 転ivotnog razdoblja i stvaranju povoljnih uvjeta za najbolji razvoj djetetovih potencijala.
This document appears to be a list of names, possibly of students or members of a group, organized in paragraphs with 9 or 10 names listed in each. The names seem to be from Eastern Europe and are written with both a first and last name. The document does not provide any other context around the purpose or meaning of the list.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.
The students from the 5th grade visited the Split Mosque and Synagogue accompanied by their religious teacher and educator. [1] At the mosque, the Imam welcomed the students and introduced them to the most important area which is always facing Mecca where Muslims pray five times a day facing Mecca. [2] He also showed them a framed miniature of the Islamic holy book, the Quran. [3] At the synagogue, they learned that Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion and the foundations of Christianity and Islam. [4] This extracurricular activity left the students with fond memories.
This document discusses the European emergency number 112. Calling 112 allows you to request help from any emergency service. The 112 number is free and accessible in all European Union member countries.
Slu転ba za 邸kolsku i adolescentnu medicinu NZJZ SD貼 ve dugi niz godina provodi edukaciju roditelja djece prvog razreda osnovne 邸kole kako bi pomogli roditeljima u prepoznavanju specifinosti ovog 転ivotnog razdoblja i stvaranju povoljnih uvjeta za najbolji razvoj djetetovih potencijala.
This document appears to be a list of names, possibly of students or members of a group, organized in paragraphs with 9 or 10 names listed in each. The names seem to be from Eastern Europe and are written with both a first and last name. The document does not provide any other context around the purpose or meaning of the list.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.