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Interpersonal attraction (social psychology)
What is interpersonal
Interpersonal attraction is traditionally defined as a
positive attitude or evaluation regarding a particular
person, including the three components conventionally
ascribed to attitudes:
 behavioral (tendency to approach the person)
 cognitive (positive beliefs about the person)
 affective (positive feelings for the person).
Factors that influence interpersonal attraction. Attraction is mediated by:-
 Physical attractiveness: People are rated more favourably if with an
attractive partner, and photos of attractive people are rated as being
more popular.
 Proximity: Research suggests that one of the best predictors is how
close people live to each other. Being in close proximity to someone is
likely to promote friendship.
 Familiarity: It also promotes familiarity and familiarity also increases
liking for something or someone.
 Similarity: Couples tend to have similar interests or outlooks, similar
psychological characteristics.For e.g. intelligence and physical attributes
Theories of Interpersonal Attraction
 1.Triangular theory of Love
 It was given by Sternberg ,according to him Love consists of 3
 Intimacy-Feelings of closeness that one has for another person i.e.
emotional ties. Like in friends they disclose everything.
 Passion-Emotional and sexual arousal a person feels towards others. Like
holding hands, loving looks and friendly hugs.
 Commitment-Decision one makes about relationship.(Short-term
relationship=I think Im in love and Long-term relationship=I want to be
with this person for the rest of my life.)
Interpersonal attraction (social psychology)
2.Reinforcement Theory
 In 1951,Homans proposed that certain characteristics are valued
among different groups that may vary between groups and individuals.
 Theory proposes that during interpersonal attractions ,a system of
costs and benefits is in operation. Benefits maybe intrinsically
rewarding such as love or social approval or they may be extrinsic.
 According to him, individuals expect the benefits of a relationship to
be proportional to their costs.
 The more the individual invests in a relationship ,the greater his/her
profits will be.
 Costs can be tangible such as time and money or social. For Eg:-
Social disapproval or rejection.
Interpersonal attraction (social psychology)
3.Social exchange Theory
 It states that when people measure the fairness of their work
outcomes relative to others any perceived in equity is a
motivating state of mind.
 It proposes that a persons motivation to stay in any relation
is based on the equality or inequality of the contributions
made by each persons.
 Example:-Employees inputs includes experience education,
skills and time.
 Outcomes includes pay ,benefits ,recognition and rewards.
Short video on social exchange theory
3.Complementary Theory
 It states that opposite sex i.e. women are attracted to men
who have the resource to protect them ,this kind of attraction
fosters reproduction success.(Opposite attracts).
 This theory does not account for same sex.
 Unlike others ,this theory does not expect reward in a
 The process of natural selection where humans adapt to the
environment and developed features for reproductive success.
4.Attachment Theory
 It was given by Hazan & Zeifman,1994.
 It states that in time of stress, humans are motivated to seek
figures of attachment in order to overcome stress.
 As a child if caregivers i.e. parents are available and responsive
,a sense of attachment security is developed and later a
healthy relationship is built.
 Unlike others this theory does not acknowledge natural
selection and sharing responsibilities.
Short video on Attachment theory
Submitted by:-Ayushi Karna
-Shashwat Sharma
-Komal Soni
Course :-B.A.(hons.) in Applied Psychology
Subject:-Social Psychology
Submitted to:-Dr. Payal k Chandel

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Interpersonal attraction (social psychology)

  • 2. What is interpersonal attraction? Interpersonal attraction is traditionally defined as a positive attitude or evaluation regarding a particular person, including the three components conventionally ascribed to attitudes: behavioral (tendency to approach the person) cognitive (positive beliefs about the person) affective (positive feelings for the person).
  • 3. Factors that influence interpersonal attraction. Attraction is mediated by:- Physical attractiveness: People are rated more favourably if with an attractive partner, and photos of attractive people are rated as being more popular. Proximity: Research suggests that one of the best predictors is how close people live to each other. Being in close proximity to someone is likely to promote friendship. Familiarity: It also promotes familiarity and familiarity also increases liking for something or someone. Similarity: Couples tend to have similar interests or outlooks, similar psychological characteristics.For e.g. intelligence and physical attributes
  • 4. Theories of Interpersonal Attraction 1.Triangular theory of Love It was given by Sternberg ,according to him Love consists of 3 components:- Intimacy-Feelings of closeness that one has for another person i.e. emotional ties. Like in friends they disclose everything. Passion-Emotional and sexual arousal a person feels towards others. Like holding hands, loving looks and friendly hugs. Commitment-Decision one makes about relationship.(Short-term relationship=I think Im in love and Long-term relationship=I want to be with this person for the rest of my life.)
  • 6. 2.Reinforcement Theory In 1951,Homans proposed that certain characteristics are valued among different groups that may vary between groups and individuals. Theory proposes that during interpersonal attractions ,a system of costs and benefits is in operation. Benefits maybe intrinsically rewarding such as love or social approval or they may be extrinsic. According to him, individuals expect the benefits of a relationship to be proportional to their costs. The more the individual invests in a relationship ,the greater his/her profits will be. Costs can be tangible such as time and money or social. For Eg:- Social disapproval or rejection.
  • 8. 3.Social exchange Theory It states that when people measure the fairness of their work outcomes relative to others any perceived in equity is a motivating state of mind. It proposes that a persons motivation to stay in any relation is based on the equality or inequality of the contributions made by each persons. Example:-Employees inputs includes experience education, skills and time. Outcomes includes pay ,benefits ,recognition and rewards.
  • 9. Short video on social exchange theory
  • 10. 3.Complementary Theory It states that opposite sex i.e. women are attracted to men who have the resource to protect them ,this kind of attraction fosters reproduction success.(Opposite attracts). This theory does not account for same sex. Unlike others ,this theory does not expect reward in a relationship. The process of natural selection where humans adapt to the environment and developed features for reproductive success.
  • 11. 4.Attachment Theory It was given by Hazan & Zeifman,1994. It states that in time of stress, humans are motivated to seek figures of attachment in order to overcome stress. As a child if caregivers i.e. parents are available and responsive ,a sense of attachment security is developed and later a healthy relationship is built. Unlike others this theory does not acknowledge natural selection and sharing responsibilities.
  • 12. Short video on Attachment theory
  • 13. Submitted by:-Ayushi Karna -Shashwat Sharma -Komal Soni Course :-B.A.(hons.) in Applied Psychology Semester:-1st Subject:-Social Psychology Submitted to:-Dr. Payal k Chandel