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A wide variety of questions may be asked during interviews. Most of them can be
anticipated. You can be sure you'll be asked at least some of them.

This list consists of the twelve most common interview questions. Prepare your answers
to these questions and practice saying them.

                  1.      Tell me about yourself.

                  2.      What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses?

                  3.      Why did you leave your old job?

                  4.      Why do you want to work for us?

                  5.      What did you like/dislike about your old job?

                  6.      What kind of salary are you looking for?

                  7.      What do you know about our company?

                  8.      Why should we hire you?

                  9.      What did you think of your old boss?

                  10.     What are your long-range goals?

                  11.     Do you like to work overtime?

                  12.   What was your favorite/least favorite class in college?

You will be more confident about the interview if you practice good responses to difficult
questions, if you are well prepared, you might even be disappointed if the interviewer
doesn't ask any "tough questions."

Here is a list of the most commonly-asked questions, with suggested responses, to
prepare you for almost anything!

Note:      Some questions may have more than one purpose.

           Interviewer's Purpose
            and Questions                                   Consider When Answering

Is the person prepared? Organized and concise?

   1. Tell me about yourself.                               Answer in about two
                                                            minutes. Avoid details, don't
                                                            ramble. Touch on four areas:
                                                                   -work experience
                                                                   -current situation

   2. Did you bring your resume?                            Yes. (Be prepared with 2-3
                                                            extra copies.)

   3. What do you know about our organization?              Talk about products, services,
                                                            history, and people-especially
                                                            any friends that work there.

   4. According to your definition of                       Be prepared with your
                                                            definition of
        success, how successful have you                    success, and then respond,
     been so far?                                           specific examples of
Is this person mature and self-aware?

   5. In your current or last position, what           Give one or two
      were your most significant accomplishments?       statements.
      in your career so far?

    6. Had you thought of leaving your present         "No job is perfect. Yet, there
      position before?                                  pluses in every position."
                                                       Refer to positive
                                                        aspects of the job, and what
                                                       you learned.

If yes, what do you think held you there?

   7. Would you describe a few situations in           Give only one, and tell how
                                                       you have corrected or plan
   which your work was criticized?
                                                       to correct your work.

   8. If I spoke with your previous boss, what         Be consistent with what you
                                                       think the boss would say.
     would he or she say are your greatest strengths
    and weaknesses?                                    Position the weakness in a
                                                       positive way (refer to #11).

  9. How would you describe your personality?          Keep our answer short and
                                                       relevant to the job and the
                                                       organization's culture.

 10. What are your strong points?                      Present three. Relate them to
                                                       that particular company and
                                                       job opening.

 11. What are your weak points?                        Don't say you have none, but
                                                       give one that is really a
                                                       "positive in disguise." "I am
                                                       sometimes impatient and do
                                                       all the work myself when we
                                                       are working against tight
12. How did you do in school?                           Emphasize your best and
                                                         favorite subjects. If your
                                                         grades were average or
                                                         below, talk about leadership
                                                         activities or jobs you took to
                                                         finance your education.

Is the person motivated? What are his/her values, attitudes? Is there a fit?

 13. In your current or last position,                   Refer to your satisfiers for
     what features did you like most?                    Be careful with dislikes; give
                                                         only one and make it brief.

 14. What do you look for in a job?                      Relate your preferences and
                                                         satisfiers/ dissatisfiers to the
                                                         job opening.

 15. How long would it take you to                       "Not long, because of my
    make a meaningful contribution to our firm?          my transferable skills and
                                                         ability to learn."

16. How long would you stay with us?              "As long as I feel that I'm
                                                   contributing, and that my
                                                   contribution is recognized."

17. If you have never supervised,                 Be honest. If you don't want to
    how do you feel about assuming those          supervise, emphasize that you can
    responsibilities?                             contribute more as an individual
                                                  player. If you want to supervise, say
                                                  so, and be enthusiastic. Highlight
                                                  earlier experiences when you had the
                                                   opportunity to lead others.

 18. Why do you want to become a supervisor?      "To grow and develop
                                                  professionally, to help others
                                                  develop, to build a team, and to share
                                                         what I have learned."

 19. What do you see as the most difficult task          "Getting things planned and
    in being a supervisor?                               through others, and dealing
                                                         with different personalities."
Show how you have done
                                                        this in the past.

20. Why are you leaving your present job?               Refer to a difference in style
                                                        or opinion. Never
                                                        personalize or be negative.
                                                        Keep it short.
                                                        Stick to one response; don't
                                                        change answers during the

21. Describe what would be an ideal working       Refer to your job preferences and
        environment.                                    satisfiers; relate them to that
                                                        particular company and job.

22. How would you evaluate your, present firm?          Be positive. Refer to the
                                                        valuable experience you have
                                                        gained. Don't
                                                        mention any negatives.

23. Do you prefer working with figures, or with         Be aware of what the job
    words?                                              and position your answer in
                                                        that context.

 24. How would your co-workers describe you?            Refer to your strengths and
 25. What do you think of your boss?                    If you like him or her, say so
                                                        and tell why. If you don't
                                                        like him or her, find
                                                        something positive to say.

26. Why do you want to work in a company                Refer to job preferences and
    of this size? Of this type?                         Explain how this size or type
                                                        of company works well for
                                                        you, using examples
                                                        from the past if possible.

27. If you had your choice of jobs and                  Refer to job preferences.
     companies, where would you go?                     that no job is perfect. Say
                                                        that this job and this
                                                        company is very close to
                                                        what best suits you.
28. Why do you want to work for us?              You would love to be part of
                                                  a company project; solve a
                                                  company problem. You like
                                                  what you've learned about the
                                                  company; its policies, goals,
                                                  and management.
                                                  I've researched the company
                                                  and friends tell me its' a good
                                                  place to work.

 29. What was the last book you read?             Think this through.Your
   Movie you saw? Sporting event you attended?    should be compatible with
                                                  the company culture and the
                                                  image of yourself you're
                                                  trying to present.

 30. What are you doing, or what have you         Talk about formal courses
   done to reach your career objectives?          And training programs; also
                                                  promotions you've actively

 31. What was wrong with your last company?       Choose your words carefully.
                                                  Don't be negative. Say that
                                                  no company is perfect; it had
                                                  both strengths and
32. What kind of hours are you used to working?   "As many hours as it takes to
                                                  get the job done." Then ask,
                                                  What is an average working
                                                  day or week here?

Does the person match job and criteria?

  33. What would you do for us?                   Relate past success in solving
                                                  problems which are similar to
                                                  of the prospective employer.

  34 .What has your experience been in            Give examples of
      supervising people?

   35. Are you a good supervisor?                 Draw from your successes.
      Give an example.
       Why do you feel you have management
potential?                                        "Because I have been told
                                                     that I have management
                                                     potential in my
                                                     evaluations; I know what
                                                     skills are necessary to be a
                                                     manager, and know that I
                                                     have them."

36. Did you ever fire anyone? If so, what            If you haven't then say so, but
    were the reasons, and how did you                add that you could do it, if
    handle it?                                       necessary.

37. How have you helped your company?                Refer to accomplishments

38. What is the most money you ever accounted for?   Refer to accomplishments. If
   Largest budget responsibility?                    haven't had budget
                                                     responsibility, say so, but
                                                     refer to an accomplishment
                                                     that demonstrates similar

39. Describe some situations in which you            Refer to accomplishments.
    have worked under pressure or met deadlines.     Everyone has had a few of
                                                     these pressure situations.

40. In your present position, what problems          Refer to accomplishments.

   have you identified that had previously been

41. Give an example of your creativity.              Refer to accomplishments.

42. Give examples of your leadership abilities.      Draw examples from

43. What are your career goals?                      Talk first about doing the job
                                                     for which you are applying,
                                                     and then talk about long-
                                                     range plans.

44. What position do you expect to have              "A position similar to the one
                                                     we're discussing or the next
   in two years?                                      step up."
45. What are your objectives?                       Refer back to question 43 on
                                                       Keep answers fairly general.

                                                       Short range: Be more
                                                       specific; talk about particular
                                                       skills you want to master,
                                                       growth opportunities, maybe
                                                       having more responsibilities,
                                                       or moving into management.

How does the person handle stress? What is their confidence level?

    46. Why should we hire you?                        Relate a past experience
                                                       which represents success in
                                                       solving problems which may
                                                       be similar to those- of the
                                                       prospective employer.

    47. You may be overqualified or                    "A strong company needs a
      too experienced for the position we              person.'
      have to offer.
                                                       "Experienced people are at a
                                                        premium today."

                                                       An employer will get faster
                                                       return on investment because
                                                       you have more experience
                                                       than required.

   48. Why haven't you found a new                     "Finding the right job takes
                                                       time. I'm
      position before now?                              not looking for just any job."

   49. If you could start again, what                  No need to be too self-
       would you do differently?                       "Hindsight is 20/20;
                                                       everyone would
                                                       make some changes, but I've
                                                       learned and grown from all
                                                       my decisions."

        50. How much do you expect, if we       Be careful. If you don't know the
offer you this position?               market value, return the
                                             question by
                                             saying that you would expect
                                             a fair salary based on the job
                                             responsibilities, your
                                             and skills, and the market
                                             value of the job. Then ask
                                             what salary range
                                             has been set for the job. If
                                             you know the market value of
                                             the job, that may be the key
                                             answer. "My understanding
                                             is that a job like the
                                             one you're describing may be
                                             in the range of $___.____
                                             Is that in your ball park?

What is this person's market value?

 51. What kind of salary are you worth?      Ask more about specific
                                             responsibilities of the job.
                                             This will tell you how
                                             important the job is to
                                             the company and its
                                             willingness to pay. When the
                                             interviewer opens the
                                             discussion of salary, you will
  be in a
                                             much better position to
                                             determine what the job is
                                             worth to both the employer
                                             and you.

                                             Delay all mention of money
                                             until the end of the interview.
                                             If they insist on knowing
                                             your desired salary, quote a

 52. What other types of jobs or companies   "I'm looking at similar
                                             positions in
     are you considering?                    several companies." You
                                             don't have to be specific.

Interview etiquette requires that you, as the applicant, allow the interviewer to direct and
control the first part of the interview. The interviewer takes the lead in asking the
questions about your work experience, education, skills and attitude.

However, at some point, the interviewer will turn to you and ask d you have any
questions. You must be ready with questions that demonstrate your business judgment
and maturity.

Here are some questions that may be appropriate to ask. Review these questions before
each interview and decide which ones apply to your situation.

    1.      Why was this position created?

    2.      What would be my primary duties initially? How will these change over

    3.      Tell me how this job fits in with other jobs.

    4.     What is the most difficult part of the job?

    5.     Why did the previous person in this position leave?

    6.     What are the expectations of the supervisor?

    7.     What freedom would I have in getting the job done?

    8.     Describe the type of person who does well in this organization/office/unit.

    9.     How would you describe the management style of the company as a whole?

   10.     Can you tell me how my performance will be evaluated?

   11.    What do you see as my greatest strengths and weaknesses in terms of this

   12.    When will you be making your decision to fill this job?

At the close of an interview, most people assume they have done all they can and that, at
this point, the interviewer makes a 'Yes' or 'No' hiring decision. However, most
interviewers either decide 'No, or 'Maybe' at the end of an interview. They are undecided
and usually schedule more interviews with other candidates.

Since a job offer seldom comes during the first interview, follow-up is important.
Following up after an interview can keep you in the running and make the difference in
getting a job offer. Turn the interviewer's indecision to your advantage by doing these


Immediately after the interview, write down what you discussed, why you are good for
the job, and any possible objections you think the interviewer may have about your
background. Keep good notes on every interview. Then use this information when you
follow up with a letter or a phone call.


Send a standard thank you note after every interview, even when you are not interested or
unqualified for the job. Use your energy in a creative follow-up effort only when there is
a high probability of receiving an offer for a job that you want. Call if urgency is a key
factor. Write if they will not be hiring someone immediately.


Ask yourself questions like these: Did I show that I can do the job? Do they see me
fitting into their group? Am I compatible with the supervisor? What contributions can I
make? What concerns do they have? What should we have discussed, but didn't? Use
the insights you gain from these questions to organize what to say in your follow-up.


Include some of these points in your letter: (a.) Express your interest. (b.) Show positive
'matches' between what they want and what you have to offer. (c.) Refer to previous
experiences or education. (d.) Volunteer further information. (e.) Ask for clarification
regarding anything that came up in the interview. (f.) Offer to provide references. (g.)
Justify a reason to get together again.


Have an objective, third party read your letter to see if it says what you intended.


Mailing it on the same day makes you appear too anxious. Later than two days, you not
only lose impact, you may lose the job.


Two days after the person gets your letter, call to express your interest in the job,
introduce a new point or two about your qualifications, and arrange a second meeting.

                               FOLLOW-UP LETTER

Effective follow-up can help you get a job offer. Follow-up may even result in the
position being tailored to your strengths.

If nothing more, the interviewer may refer you to someone else:

                  You cannot afford to not follow-up on interviews.

Study the sample letter and phone call on the next few pages before following up.

                                    MATT CLARK
                                    2031 King Street
                                   Atlanta, GA 30339
                                   (404) 751-6733 Home
                                   (404) 856-0047 Messages

January 16, 2005

Ms. Linda Baker
Executive Editor
Blossom Publishers, Inc.
8116 Armour Street
Atlanta, GA 30339

Dear Ms. Baker:

Thank you for taking time to interview me for your Assistant Editor's position.

After listening to what you need done, it seems to me that there may be some ways to
organize the editing process to allow tracking procedures to flow more smoothly. I think
some of my ideas may be of immediate benefit to your company. I like the idea of being
able to make a contribution right away.

Feel free to call my prior supervisor, Bill Rosenberg, about my editing experience and
work habits. His number here in Atlanta is 404-621-9600.

I am very interested in this position and look forward to speaking with you again. I will
call soon.


Matt Clark

Matt Clark:    Hello. This is Matt Clark calling for Linda Baker.

Secretary:     Will Ms. Baker know the nature of your call?

Matt Clark:    Yes, she will. I met with her last week and am following up by telephone
               on correspondence we had from that meeting.

Secretary:     One moment while I connect you.

Linda Baker:   This is Linda Baker.

Matt Clark:    Ms. Baker. This is Matt Clark. You and I met last week to talk about
               your Assistant Editor position. Can you talk now, or have I caught you in
               a meeting?

Linda Baker:   Matt Clark?   Sure, I remember. I'd be glad to talk.

Matt Clark:    Great. The reason I'm calling is to let you know how interested I am in
               working for you, Ive thought a lot about our discussion and have several
               suggestions of ways that I can organize the editing process to make it
               easier to track the status of each job. I'd like to schedule a meeting and
               share my ideas to see if they make sense to you.

Linda Baker:   Well, Matt, you've got my curiosity up. Let's sit down and take a look at
               what you've come up with. How about this afternoon at 2:30?

Matt Clark:    You bet. I'll meet you at your office.

* Do research the company                  * Don't neglect appearance
* Do prepare questions to ask              * Don't give limp handshakes
* Do practice your answers                 * Don't lack energy
* Do bring paper and pen                   * Don't be rude
* Do bring an extra resume                 * Don't be too familiar
* Do be on time                            * Don't emphasize money
* Do dress appropriately                   * Don't be indecisive
* Do Maintain Eye Contact                  * Don't be unprepared
* Do wait to be seated                     * Don't criticize anyone
* Do Be Positive                           * Don't name drop
* Do be honest                             * Don't make excuses
* Do show you're a team player             * Don't be too aggressive
* Do ask about the next step               * Don't talk too much
* Do ask for a business card               * Don't take a friend with
                                             you (even if you're just
                                             picking up an application)
* Do send a follow-up letter               *Do follow-up by telephone

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Interviewing answers to difficult questions

  • 1. THE DIRTY DOZEN A wide variety of questions may be asked during interviews. Most of them can be anticipated. You can be sure you'll be asked at least some of them. This list consists of the twelve most common interview questions. Prepare your answers to these questions and practice saying them. 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses? 3. Why did you leave your old job? 4. Why do you want to work for us? 5. What did you like/dislike about your old job? 6. What kind of salary are you looking for? 7. What do you know about our company? 8. Why should we hire you? 9. What did you think of your old boss? 10. What are your long-range goals? 11. Do you like to work overtime? 12. What was your favorite/least favorite class in college?
  • 2. SAMPLE ANSWERS TO DIFFICULT OUESTIONS You will be more confident about the interview if you practice good responses to difficult questions, if you are well prepared, you might even be disappointed if the interviewer doesn't ask any "tough questions." Here is a list of the most commonly-asked questions, with suggested responses, to prepare you for almost anything! Note: Some questions may have more than one purpose. Interviewer's Purpose and Questions Consider When Answering Is the person prepared? Organized and concise? 1. Tell me about yourself. Answer in about two minutes. Avoid details, don't ramble. Touch on four areas: -born/raised -education/military background -work experience -current situation 2. Did you bring your resume? Yes. (Be prepared with 2-3 extra copies.) 3. What do you know about our organization? Talk about products, services, history, and people-especially any friends that work there. 4. According to your definition of Be prepared with your definition of success, how successful have you success, and then respond, using been so far? specific examples of achievements.
  • 3. Is this person mature and self-aware? 5. In your current or last position, what Give one or two accomplishment were your most significant accomplishments? statements. in your career so far? 6. Had you thought of leaving your present "No job is perfect. Yet, there are position before? pluses in every position." Refer to positive aspects of the job, and what you learned. If yes, what do you think held you there? 7. Would you describe a few situations in Give only one, and tell how you have corrected or plan which your work was criticized? to correct your work. 8. If I spoke with your previous boss, what Be consistent with what you think the boss would say. would he or she say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? Position the weakness in a positive way (refer to #11). 9. How would you describe your personality? Keep our answer short and relevant to the job and the organization's culture. 10. What are your strong points? Present three. Relate them to that particular company and job opening. 11. What are your weak points? Don't say you have none, but give one that is really a "positive in disguise." "I am sometimes impatient and do all the work myself when we are working against tight deadlines."
  • 4. 12. How did you do in school? Emphasize your best and favorite subjects. If your grades were average or below, talk about leadership activities or jobs you took to finance your education. Is the person motivated? What are his/her values, attitudes? Is there a fit? 13. In your current or last position, Refer to your satisfiers for likes. what features did you like most? Be careful with dislikes; give only one and make it brief. Least? 14. What do you look for in a job? Relate your preferences and satisfiers/ dissatisfiers to the job opening. 15. How long would it take you to "Not long, because of my experience, make a meaningful contribution to our firm? my transferable skills and ability to learn." 16. How long would you stay with us? "As long as I feel that I'm contributing, and that my contribution is recognized." 17. If you have never supervised, Be honest. If you don't want to how do you feel about assuming those supervise, emphasize that you can responsibilities? contribute more as an individual player. If you want to supervise, say so, and be enthusiastic. Highlight earlier experiences when you had the opportunity to lead others. 18. Why do you want to become a supervisor? "To grow and develop professionally, to help others develop, to build a team, and to share what I have learned." 19. What do you see as the most difficult task "Getting things planned and done in being a supervisor? through others, and dealing with different personalities."
  • 5. Show how you have done this in the past. 20. Why are you leaving your present job? Refer to a difference in style or opinion. Never personalize or be negative. Keep it short. Stick to one response; don't change answers during the interview. 21. Describe what would be an ideal working Refer to your job preferences and environment. satisfiers; relate them to that particular company and job. 22. How would you evaluate your, present firm? Be positive. Refer to the valuable experience you have gained. Don't mention any negatives. 23. Do you prefer working with figures, or with Be aware of what the job requires words? and position your answer in that context. 24. How would your co-workers describe you? Refer to your strengths and skills. 25. What do you think of your boss? If you like him or her, say so and tell why. If you don't like him or her, find something positive to say. 26. Why do you want to work in a company Refer to job preferences and satisfiers of this size? Of this type? Explain how this size or type of company works well for you, using examples from the past if possible. 27. If you had your choice of jobs and Refer to job preferences. Acknowledge companies, where would you go? that no job is perfect. Say that this job and this company is very close to what best suits you.
  • 6. 28. Why do you want to work for us? You would love to be part of a company project; solve a company problem. You like what you've learned about the company; its policies, goals, and management. I've researched the company and friends tell me its' a good place to work. 29. What was the last book you read? Think this through.Your answer Movie you saw? Sporting event you attended? should be compatible with the company culture and the image of yourself you're trying to present. 30. What are you doing, or what have you Talk about formal courses done to reach your career objectives? And training programs; also promotions you've actively sought. 31. What was wrong with your last company? Choose your words carefully. Don't be negative. Say that no company is perfect; it had both strengths and weaknesses. 32. What kind of hours are you used to working? "As many hours as it takes to get the job done." Then ask, What is an average working day or week here? Does the person match job and criteria? 33. What would you do for us? Relate past success in solving problems which are similar to those of the prospective employer. 34 .What has your experience been in Give examples of accomplishments supervising people? 35. Are you a good supervisor? Draw from your successes. Give an example. Why do you feel you have management
  • 7. potential? "Because I have been told that I have management potential in my evaluations; I know what skills are necessary to be a manager, and know that I have them." 36. Did you ever fire anyone? If so, what If you haven't then say so, but were the reasons, and how did you add that you could do it, if handle it? necessary. 37. How have you helped your company? Refer to accomplishments 38. What is the most money you ever accounted for? Refer to accomplishments. If you Largest budget responsibility? haven't had budget responsibility, say so, but refer to an accomplishment that demonstrates similar skills. 39. Describe some situations in which you Refer to accomplishments. have worked under pressure or met deadlines. Everyone has had a few of these pressure situations. 40. In your present position, what problems Refer to accomplishments. have you identified that had previously been overlooked? 41. Give an example of your creativity. Refer to accomplishments. 42. Give examples of your leadership abilities. Draw examples from accomplishments. 43. What are your career goals? Talk first about doing the job for which you are applying, and then talk about long- range plans. 44. What position do you expect to have "A position similar to the one we're discussing or the next in two years? step up."
  • 8. 45. What are your objectives? Refer back to question 43 on goals. Keep answers fairly general. Short range: Be more specific; talk about particular skills you want to master, growth opportunities, maybe having more responsibilities, or moving into management. How does the person handle stress? What is their confidence level? 46. Why should we hire you? Relate a past experience which represents success in solving problems which may be similar to those- of the prospective employer. 47. You may be overqualified or "A strong company needs a strong too experienced for the position we person.' have to offer. "Experienced people are at a premium today." An employer will get faster return on investment because you have more experience than required. 48. Why haven't you found a new "Finding the right job takes time. I'm position before now? not looking for just any job." 49. If you could start again, what No need to be too self- revealing. would you do differently? "Hindsight is 20/20; everyone would make some changes, but I've learned and grown from all my decisions." 50. How much do you expect, if we Be careful. If you don't know the
  • 9. offer you this position? market value, return the question by saying that you would expect a fair salary based on the job responsibilities, your experience, and skills, and the market value of the job. Then ask what salary range has been set for the job. If you know the market value of the job, that may be the key answer. "My understanding is that a job like the one you're describing may be in the range of $___.____ Is that in your ball park? What is this person's market value? 51. What kind of salary are you worth? Ask more about specific responsibilities of the job. This will tell you how important the job is to the company and its willingness to pay. When the interviewer opens the discussion of salary, you will be in a much better position to determine what the job is worth to both the employer and you. Delay all mention of money until the end of the interview. If they insist on knowing your desired salary, quote a range. 52. What other types of jobs or companies "I'm looking at similar positions in are you considering? several companies." You don't have to be specific.
  • 10. WINNING QUESTIONS TO ASK Interview etiquette requires that you, as the applicant, allow the interviewer to direct and control the first part of the interview. The interviewer takes the lead in asking the questions about your work experience, education, skills and attitude. However, at some point, the interviewer will turn to you and ask d you have any questions. You must be ready with questions that demonstrate your business judgment and maturity. Here are some questions that may be appropriate to ask. Review these questions before each interview and decide which ones apply to your situation. 1. Why was this position created? 2. What would be my primary duties initially? How will these change over time? 3. Tell me how this job fits in with other jobs. 4. What is the most difficult part of the job? 5. Why did the previous person in this position leave? 6. What are the expectations of the supervisor? 7. What freedom would I have in getting the job done? 8. Describe the type of person who does well in this organization/office/unit. 9. How would you describe the management style of the company as a whole? 10. Can you tell me how my performance will be evaluated? 11. What do you see as my greatest strengths and weaknesses in terms of this position? 12. When will you be making your decision to fill this job?
  • 11. INTERVIEW FOLLOW-UP At the close of an interview, most people assume they have done all they can and that, at this point, the interviewer makes a 'Yes' or 'No' hiring decision. However, most interviewers either decide 'No, or 'Maybe' at the end of an interview. They are undecided and usually schedule more interviews with other candidates. Since a job offer seldom comes during the first interview, follow-up is important. Following up after an interview can keep you in the running and make the difference in getting a job offer. Turn the interviewer's indecision to your advantage by doing these things: 1. TAKE GOOD NOTES Immediately after the interview, write down what you discussed, why you are good for the job, and any possible objections you think the interviewer may have about your background. Keep good notes on every interview. Then use this information when you follow up with a letter or a phone call. 2. DECIDE WHETHER TO CALL OR WRITE Send a standard thank you note after every interview, even when you are not interested or unqualified for the job. Use your energy in a creative follow-up effort only when there is a high probability of receiving an offer for a job that you want. Call if urgency is a key factor. Write if they will not be hiring someone immediately. 3. TAKE THE EMPLOYER'S PERSPECTIVE Ask yourself questions like these: Did I show that I can do the job? Do they see me fitting into their group? Am I compatible with the supervisor? What contributions can I make? What concerns do they have? What should we have discussed, but didn't? Use the insights you gain from these questions to organize what to say in your follow-up. 4. DRAFT A BRIEF FOLLOW-UP LETTER Include some of these points in your letter: (a.) Express your interest. (b.) Show positive 'matches' between what they want and what you have to offer. (c.) Refer to previous experiences or education. (d.) Volunteer further information. (e.) Ask for clarification regarding anything that came up in the interview. (f.) Offer to provide references. (g.) Justify a reason to get together again. 5. REVIEW THE LETTER WITH YOUR COACH Have an objective, third party read your letter to see if it says what you intended.
  • 12. INTERVIEW FOLLOW-UP (continued) 6. MAIL THE LETTER TWO DAYS AFTER THE INTERVIEW Mailing it on the same day makes you appear too anxious. Later than two days, you not only lose impact, you may lose the job. 7. MAKE A FOLLOW-UP CALL Two days after the person gets your letter, call to express your interest in the job, introduce a new point or two about your qualifications, and arrange a second meeting. FOLLOW-UP LETTER Effective follow-up can help you get a job offer. Follow-up may even result in the position being tailored to your strengths. If nothing more, the interviewer may refer you to someone else: You cannot afford to not follow-up on interviews. Study the sample letter and phone call on the next few pages before following up.
  • 13. SAMPLE FOLLOW-UP LETTER MATT CLARK 2031 King Street Atlanta, GA 30339 (404) 751-6733 Home (404) 856-0047 Messages January 16, 2005 Ms. Linda Baker Executive Editor Blossom Publishers, Inc. 8116 Armour Street Atlanta, GA 30339 Dear Ms. Baker: Thank you for taking time to interview me for your Assistant Editor's position. After listening to what you need done, it seems to me that there may be some ways to organize the editing process to allow tracking procedures to flow more smoothly. I think some of my ideas may be of immediate benefit to your company. I like the idea of being able to make a contribution right away. Feel free to call my prior supervisor, Bill Rosenberg, about my editing experience and work habits. His number here in Atlanta is 404-621-9600. I am very interested in this position and look forward to speaking with you again. I will call soon. Sincerely, Matt Clark
  • 14. SAMPLE FOLLOW-UP CALL Matt Clark: Hello. This is Matt Clark calling for Linda Baker. Secretary: Will Ms. Baker know the nature of your call? Matt Clark: Yes, she will. I met with her last week and am following up by telephone on correspondence we had from that meeting. Secretary: One moment while I connect you. Linda Baker: This is Linda Baker. Matt Clark: Ms. Baker. This is Matt Clark. You and I met last week to talk about your Assistant Editor position. Can you talk now, or have I caught you in a meeting? Linda Baker: Matt Clark? Sure, I remember. I'd be glad to talk. Matt Clark: Great. The reason I'm calling is to let you know how interested I am in working for you, Ive thought a lot about our discussion and have several suggestions of ways that I can organize the editing process to make it easier to track the status of each job. I'd like to schedule a meeting and share my ideas to see if they make sense to you. Linda Baker: Well, Matt, you've got my curiosity up. Let's sit down and take a look at what you've come up with. How about this afternoon at 2:30? Matt Clark: You bet. I'll meet you at your office.
  • 15. INTERVIEW DO'S & DON'TS * Do research the company * Don't neglect appearance * Do prepare questions to ask * Don't give limp handshakes * Do practice your answers * Don't lack energy * Do bring paper and pen * Don't be rude * Do bring an extra resume * Don't be too familiar * Do be on time * Don't emphasize money * Do dress appropriately * Don't be indecisive * Do Maintain Eye Contact * Don't be unprepared * Do wait to be seated * Don't criticize anyone * Do Be Positive * Don't name drop * Do be honest * Don't make excuses * Do show you're a team player * Don't be too aggressive * Do ask about the next step * Don't talk too much * Do ask for a business card * Don't take a friend with you (even if you're just picking up an application) * Do send a follow-up letter *Do follow-up by telephone