The document discusses intraocular pressure (IOP), including:
1. Normal IOP ranges from 10.5 to 20.5 mm Hg and is maintained by a balance of aqueous humor formation and outflow.
2. IOP is created by aqueous humor formation from blood pressure and ciliary body tissue pressure as well as osmotic pressure from ion secretion.
3. IOP can be measured directly via manometry or indirectly via tonometry methods like indentation and applanation tonometry.
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2. Features of normal Intraocular pressure:
• The intraocular pressure refers to the pressure exerted by
intraocular contents on the coats of the eyeball. The normal level
of IOP is essentially maintained by a dynamic equilibrium
between the aqueous humour formation, aqueous humour
outflow and episcleral venous pressure.
• IOP is distributed evenly throughout the eye, so that the pressure
is always the same in the posterior viterous as it is in the aqueous
• The intraocular pressure is important in maintaining the shape of
the eyeball and thus also the optical integrity.
• Normal IOP varies between 10.5 and 20.5mm Hg with a mean
pressure of 15.5 ± 2.57 mm Hg.
3. • The intraocular pressure is created by aqueous formation
which has two components:
1. A hydrostatic component from the arterial blood pressure and
ciliary body tissue pressure.
2. An osmotic pressure induced by the active secretion of
sodium and other ions by the ciliary epithelium.
• Normal IOP is pulsatile, reflecting in part its vascular origin and
effects of blood flow on the internal ocular structures.
• The IOP is a dynamic function.Any single measurement of IOP
is just a momentary sample and may or may not reflect the
average pressure for the patient in that hour, day or week.
4. Factors influencing the intraocular pressure:
• Factors causing long-term changes in IOP.
• Factors causing short-term changes in IOP.
Relations of patients with primary open angle glaucoma tend
to have higher IOP. Heredity influences IOP, possibly by
multifactorial modes.
After the age of 40, there occurs a slight increase in the mean
IOP and standard deviation after each decade. This probably
occurs due to age related reduction in aqueous outflow facility,
despite a concomitant reduction in the aqueous production.
5. IOP is equal between the sexes in ages of 20-40 yrs. In older
age group, increase in mean IOP with age is greater in females than
Through population based studies in different ethnic groups do
not show significant difference in mean IOP, the race may
occasionally influence IOP distribution. For example, full blood
Indians in a New Mexican tribe were found to have significantly
lower mean IOP than a control population.
Myopes tend to have slightly higher IOP as compared to
6. The IOP is generally not affected by physiological
changes in the arterial blood pressure, sudden large swings
may affect the IOP accordingly.
Changes in SVP can cause a profound effect on IOP
by affecting ipsilateral venous pressure, for about 1mm Hg
rise in episcleral venous pressure raises the IOP by 0.8mm
7. Mechanical pressure on the globe from outside initially
raises the IOP by indentation but after some time due to
acceleration of aqueous outflow the IOP returns to normal
and by prolonged pressure decreases below the initial
levels. This forms the basis of occular massage to lower the
Plasma osmolarity affects the IOP profoundly. When
the total concentration of solute molecules in the blood
exceeds, the water from the eye(viterous and aqueous) is
withdrawn, lowering the IOP. This effect is used clinically to
lower the IOP by use of hyperosmotic agents like mannitol.
8. Systemic acidosis lowers the IOP. Bietti has postulated
that it is the metabolic acidosis induced by carbonic
anhydrase inhibitation that is responsible for their pressure
lowering effect.
Like many other biological parameters, the IOP also
fluctuates cyclically throughtout the day. The most common
pattern is for the pressure to be highest in the early morning
and lowest in the late evening. The mean amplitude of daily
fluctuation is usually less than 5mm Hg in normal individual.
A diurinal variation in IOP of more than 8mm is considered
pathognomonic of glaucoma. The exact mechanism of
9. diurinal IOP variation is
uncertain, however, it has
been related to a diurinal
variation in the level of
plasma cortisol.
10. Seasonal variation in IOP has also been described
with the highest pressure recorded in winter and lowest in
It has been shown to cause an increased IOP in rabbits.
Similarly, a drop in body temperature will cause a decrease
in the IOP, probably by inhibition of aqueous secretion.
It has been widely studied. IOP may be affected under
general anasthesia by premedication, induction agents,
muscle relaxants, inhalation anaesthetics and other drugs
administered during preoperative period.
11. In addition to the well established antiglaucoma drugs
and effect of general anaesthetic agents as discussed,
many other drugs also affect the IOP. Alcohol, heroin,
systemic vasodilators have been reported to lower the IOP.
While tobacco smoking, caffeine, LSD, corticosteroids may
raise the IOP.
It has a profound effect in raising the intraocular
pressure. Such a block may occur at two places:
1. At the pupil where the flow of fluid from the posterior
to the anterior chamber may be impeded.
2. At the angle of the anterior chamber.
12. Control of Intraocular pressure:
Although there are minor physiological variation of
IOP there exists more or less a constant steady level of
IOP, in spite of the fact that there is continuous drainage of
the aqueous humour or in other words there is continuous
leakeage from the eye.
This steady level of IOP is the result of a dynamic
equilibrium between the aqueous humour formation, the
normal resistance offered by the drainage channels for the
outflow of the fluid from the eye and the episcleral venous
The homeostatic mechanism locally help in
maintaining the steady state level of IOP. For example,
13. When intraocular pressure rises, there occurs a decrease in
the aqueous inflow (pseudo-facility) maintaining the
1. Manometry
2. Tonometry
Manometry is the only direct measure of IOP. In this
method, a needle is introduced either into the anterior
chamber or into the viterous, which is then connected with a
suitable mercury or water manometer to measure the IOP.
14. Not a practical method for routine in human beings.
Needs general anasthesia which has its other effects
on the IOP.
Introduction of the needle produces breakdown of
blood-aqueous barrier and release of prostaglandins which
alter the IOP.
Manometer is of the greatest and perhaps of the only
use for a continous measurements over time and recording
the changes in IOP induced by physiological and
pharmacological manipulations in the experiment research
work or animal eyes.
16. It is an indirect method of measuring the IOP with the
help of specially designed instruments known as tonometer.
Tonometry is broadly of two types,
1. Indention or Impression tonometry
2. Applanation tonometry