Drs. Teresa Crow, Troy Carnwath, Scott DiMeo, and Natalie Rall are Emergency Medicine Residents at Carolinas Medical Center and are interested in medical education. Dr. Erin Miller, MD is a Neurosurgical resident at Carolinas Medical Center. Along with the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs (Chair of Emergency Medicine), Dr. Jonathan Clemente (Chief of the Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology specialist), Dr. Christa Swisher (Neurocritcal Care Intensivist), and Dr. Scott Wait (Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery) they aim to help educate us on Neuroimaging. In this presentation they will address Intraventricular Rupture of Brain Abscess (IVROBA). Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post the CMC Neuroimaging Case Studies.
Neuro Imaging Case Study - Nail Gun InjurySean M. Fox
Drs. Teresa Crow, Troy Carnwath, Scott DiMeo, and Natalie Rall are Emergency Medicine Residents at Carolinas Medical Center and are interested in medical education. Dr. Erin Miller, MD is a Neurosurgical resident at Carolinas Medical Center. Along with the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs (Chair of Emergency Medicine), Dr. Jonathan Clemente (Chief of the Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology specialist), Dr. Christa Swisher (Neurocritcal Care Intensivist), and Dr. Scott Wait (Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery) they aim to help educate us on Neuroimaging. In this presentation they will address a unique injury. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post the CMC Neuroimaging Case Studies.
Shoulder Dislocations - Orthopedic Radiologic ImagingSean M. Fox
The Department of Emergency Medicine at Carolinas Medical Center is passionate about education! Dr. Michael Gibbs is a world-renowned clinician and educator and has helped guide numerous young clinicians on the long path of Mastery of Emergency Medical Care. With his oversight, the EMGuideWire team aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. You can follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides or you can also use this section to learn more in-depth about specific conditions and diseases. This Radiology Reading Room pertains to Shoulder Dislocations and is brought to you by Carrie Bissell, MD, Aaron Fox, MD, Kendrick Lim, MD, Angela Pikus, MD, and Courtney Owens, MD. It is has special guest editor: Laurence Kempton, MD
Neuroimaging Mastery Project: Presentation #6 Subarachnoid HemorrhageSean M. Fox
Dr. Teresa Crow is an Emergency Medicine Residents at Carolinas Medical Center and is interested in medical education. Dr. Erin Miller, MD is a Neurosurgical resident at Carolinas Medical Center. Along with the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs (Chair of Emergency Medicine), Dr. Jonathan Clemente (Chief of the Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology specialist), Dr. Christa Swisher (Neurocritcal Care Intensivist), and Dr. Scott Wait (Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery) they aim to help educate us on Neuroimaging. In this presentation they will address Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post the CMC Neuroimaging Case Studies.
- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Implanted Devices - VP Shunts: EMGuidewire's Radiology Reading RoomSean M. Fox
The Department of Emergency Medicine at Carolinas Medical Center is passionate about education! Dr. Michael Gibbs is a world-renowned clinician and educator and has helped guide numerous young clinicians on the long path of Mastery of Emergency Medical Care. With his oversight, the EMGuideWire team aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. You can follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides or you can also use this section to learn more in-depth about specific conditions and diseases. This Radiology Reading Room pertains to Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts and their Complications and is brought to you by Brandon Friedman, MD, Kelsey Patterson, and L. Erin Miller MD. It is has special guest editor: Scott Wait, MD
Sternal Fractures & Dislocations - EMGuidewire Radiology Reading RoomSean M. Fox
The Department of Emergency Medicine at Carolinas Medical Center is passionate about education! Dr. Michael Gibbs is a world-renowned clinician and educator and has helped guide numerous young clinicians on the long path of Mastery of Emergency Medical Care. With his oversight, the EMGuideWire team aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. You can follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides or you can also use this section to learn more in-depth about specific conditions and diseases. This Radiology Reading Room pertains to Sternal Fractures and Dislocations and is brought to you by Carrie Bissell, MD, Aaron Fox, MD, Kendrick Lim, MD, Stephanie Jensen, MD, and Olivia Rice, MD. It is has special guest editor: Sean Dieffenbaugher, MD and Laurence Kempton, MD
Diaphragmatic Injuries - Radiology Reading RoomSean M. Fox
The Department of Emergency Medicine at Carolinas Medical Center is passionate about education! Dr. Michael Gibbs is a world-renowned clinician and educator and has helped guide numerous young clinicians on the long path of Mastery of Emergency Medical Care. With his oversight, the EMGuideWire team aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. You can follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides or you can also use this section to learn more in-depth about specific conditions and diseases. This Radiology Reading Room pertains to Diaphragm Injury and is brought to you by Kylee Brooks, MD, Parker Hambright, MD, Alexis Holland, MD, and William Lorenz, MD. It is has special guest editor: Kyle Cunningham, MD
Acute Chest Syndrome - EMGuidewire's Radiology Reading RoomSean M. Fox
The Department of Emergency Medicine at Carolinas Medical Center is passionate about education! Dr. Michael Gibbs is a world-renowned clinician and educator and has helped guide numerous young clinicians on the long path of Mastery of Emergency Medical Care. With his oversight, the EMGuideWire team aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. You can follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides or you can also use this section to learn more in-depth about specific conditions and diseases. This Radiology Reading Room pertains to Acute Chest Syndrome and is brought to you by Angela Pikus, MD, Mark Baumgarten, MD, Andres Gil Bustamante, and Ahmed Mashal, MD. As always, Michael Gibbs, MD serves as the projects editor.
Adult Orthopedic Imaging Series: Presentation #2 Native Hip DislocationsSean M. Fox
Drs. Carrie Bissell, Aaron Fox, and Kendrick Lim are Emergency Medicine Residents at Carolinas Medical Center and are interested in emergency medicine and medical education. With the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs, a notable Professor of Emergency Medicine and Dr. Laurence Kempton, an Orthopedic Surgeon, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides that focus on Adult Orthopedic cases. This set will cover:
- Hip Dislocations
Neuroimaging Mastery Project: Presentation #5 Subdural HematomasSean M. Fox
Drs. Faith Meyers, Madison Watts and Steven Perry are Emergency Medicine Residents at Carolinas Medical Center who are interested in medical education. Dr. Rebecca DeCarlo, MD is a Neurosurgical resident at Carolinas Medical Center. Along with the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs (Chair of Emergency Medicine), Dr. Jonathan Clemente (Chief of the Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology specialist), Dr. Christa Swisher (Neurocritcal Care Intensivist), and Dr. Scott Wait (Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery) they aim to help educate us on Neuroimaging. In this presentation they will address Subdural Hematomas. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post the CMC Neuroimaging Case Studies.
- Subdural Hematomas
Neuroimaging Mastery Project Presentation #4: Acute Epidural HematomasSean M. Fox
Drs. Faith Meyers, Madison Watts and Steven Perry are Emergency Medicine Residents at Carolinas Medical Center who are interested in medical education. Along with the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs (Chair of Emergency Medicine), Dr. Jonathan Clemente (Chief of the Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology specialist), Dr. Christa Swisher (Neurocritcal Care Intensivist), and Dr. Scott Wait (Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery) they aim to help educate us on Neuroimaging. In this presentation they will address Atraumatic Neurosurgical Intracranial Infections. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post the CMC Neuroimaging Case Studies.
- Acute Epidural Hematomas
Pediatric Orthopedic Imaging Case Studies #7 Pediatric Elbow FracturesSean M. Fox
The document provides an overview of commonly encountered pediatric elbow injuries seen in the emergency department setting. It reviews the anatomy and imaging evaluation of pediatric elbow fractures including the supracondylar humerus, radial neck, lateral condyle, and medial epicondyle fractures. Specific radiographic findings that help identify subtle fractures are discussed. Challenges in pediatric elbow imaging related to ossification centers are also covered. The goal is to help emergency physicians accurately diagnose pediatric elbow fractures on radiographs.
Adult Orthopedic Imaging Mastery Project - Pelvic Ring FracturesSean M. Fox
The document discusses different types of pelvic ring injuries including lateral compression, anterior-posterior compression, and vertical shear fractures. It emphasizes the importance of early resuscitation, pelvic stabilization, and considering advanced measures or angiography to control hemorrhage in unstable patients. The case examples demonstrate imaging features and management approaches for different pelvic fracture patterns.
Neurosurgical Intracranial Infections - FINAL 10-17-23.pptxSean M. Fox
Drs. Faith Meyers and Steven Perry are Emergency Medicine Residents and Trent VanHorn is a Neurosurgical Resident at Carolinas Medical Center who are interested in medical education. Along with the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs (Chair of Emergency Medicine), Dr. Jonathan Clemente (Chief of the Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology specialist), Dr. Christa Swisher (Neurocritcal Care Intensivist), and Dr. Scott Wait (Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery) they aim to help educate us on Neuroimaging. In this presentation they will address Atraumatic Neurosurgical Intracranial Infections. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post the CMC Neuroimaging Case Studies.
This set will cover:
Atraumatic Neurosurgical Intracranial Infections
Subdural Empyema and Brain Abscess
CMC Neuroimaging Case Studies - Cerebral Venous Sinus ThrombosisSean M. Fox
Drs. Faith Meyers, Steven Perry, Madison Watts, and Brandon Friedman are Emergency Medicine Residents at Carolinas Medical Center and interested in medical education. Along with the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs (Chair of Emergency Medicine), Dr. Jonathan Clemente (Chief of the Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology specialist), Dr. Christa Swisher (Neurocritcal Care Intensivist), and Dr. Scott Wait (Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery) they aim to help educate us on Neuroimaging. In this presentation they will address Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post the CMC Neuroimaging Case Studies.
This set will cover:
- Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis
Abdominal Imaging Case Studies #27.pptxSean M. Fox
Drs. Kylee Brooks and Parker Hambright are Emergency Medicine Residents and Drs. Alexis Holland and William Lorenz are Surgery Residents at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, NC. They are interested in medical education. With the guidance of Drs. Kyle Cunningham, Brent Matthews, and Michael Gibbs, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent abdominal imaging. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these monthly educational, self-guided radiology slides. This months cases include:
Iatrogenic Esophageal Perforation
Emphysematous Cystitis
Meckels Diverticulum
Paraesophageal Hernia
Blood Can Be Very Very Bad - CMC Neuroimaging Case StudiesSean M. Fox
Drs. Faith Meyers and Steven Perry are Emergency Medicine Residents at Carolinas Medical Center and interested in medical education. Along with the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs (Chair of Emergency Medicine), Dr. Jonathan Clemente (Chief of the Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology specialist), and Dr. Scott Wait (Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery) they aim to help educate us on Neuroimaging. In this initial educational slideset, they are also joined by Dr. Andrew Perron, the creator of the Blood Can Be Very Bad Head CT interpretation framework. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post the CMC Neuroimaging Case Studies.
This set will cover:
- The Neuroimaging Framework Blood Can Be Very Very Bad.
Drs. Angela Pikus, Alex Blackwell, Mark Baumgarten, Rosa Malloy-Post are Emergency Medicine Residents and interested in medical education. With the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs, a notable Professor of Emergency Medicine, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides. This set will cover:
Abnormalities of the Thoracic Aorta
o Traumatic aortic disruption
o Thoracic aortic aneurysm with acute dissection
Medical Device Imaging Mastery Project #4: Extracorporeal Membrane OxygenationSean M. Fox
Drs. Kaley El-Arab and Brandon Friedman are Emergency Medicine Residents at Carolinas Medical Center and interested in medical education and Critical Care. They have teamed with Ms. Emily Lipitz a PA with the Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute. Along with the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs, a notable Professor of Emergency Medicine, and Dr. John Symanski, a cardiologist from the Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging of implanted devices. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides. This set will cover:
- Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Drs. Pikus, Blackwell, Baumgarten, and Malloy-Postss CMC X-Ray Mastery Proje...Sean M. Fox
Drs. Angela Pikus, Alex Blackwell, Mark Baumgarten, Rosa Malloy-Post are Emergency Medicine Residents and interested in medical education. With the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs, a notable Professor of Emergency Medicine, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides. This set will cover:
Naloxone-Associated Aspiration Pneumonitis & Pulmonary Edema
Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
Pulmonary Aspergillosis And The Air Crescent Sign
Needle-Chest Decompression & Recent Pneumothorax Literature
Drs. Brooks, Hambright, Holland, and Lorenzs CMC Abdominal Imaging Mastery P...Sean M. Fox
Drs. Kylee Brooks and Parker Hambright are Emergency Medicine Residents and Drs. Alexis Holland and William Lorenz are Surgery Residents at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, NC. They are interested in medical education. With the guidance of Drs. Kyle Cunningham, Brent Matthews, and Michael Gibbs, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent abdominal imaging. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these monthly educational, self-guided radiology slides. This months cases include:
- Pyogenic Liver Abscess
- Bladder Rupture
- Sigmoid Volvulus
CMC Pediatric X-Ray Mastery: 27th Case SeriesSean M. Fox
This document presents a series of pediatric chest x-ray cases for interpretation and learning. It discusses six cases, providing images and summaries of the findings. The cases include a clavicle fracture, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, normal thymic shadow, duodenal atresia, Hirschsprung's disease, and malpositioned lines and tubes. The goal is to promote mastery of chest x-ray interpretation through discussion of real cases submitted from various medical centers and countries.
Dr. Haley Duseks CMC Pediatric Orthopedic X-Ray Mastery Project: #6 Presenta...Sean M. Fox
Dr. Haley Dusek is an Emergency Medicine Resident and interested in pediatric emergency medicine and medical education. With the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs, a notable Professor of Emergency Medicine, and supervision of Dr. Danielle Sutton, a Pediatric Emergency Medicine specialist, and Dr. Virginia Casey, a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides. This set will cover:
Tufts fracture
Mallet fracture
Seymour fracture
Volar Plate Injury
Base fracture
Phalangeal neck
Condyle fracture
Phalanx dislocations
Drs. Pikus, Blackwell, Baumgarten, and Malloy-Postss CMC X-Ray Mastery Proje...Sean M. Fox
This document provides an overview of an ongoing chest x-ray interpretation series aimed at promoting mastery of chest x-ray interpretation. It discusses topics covered in prior presentations including peripartum cardiomyopathy, left ventricular assist devices, and pleural effusions. Appendices provide references for articles related to peripartum cardiomyopathy. The document also announces that next month's presentation will cover new diagnoses.
Drs. Escobar, Pikus, and Blackwells CMC X-Ray Mastery Project: 43rd Case SeriesSean M. Fox
Drs. Daniel Escobar, Angela Pikus, and Alex Blackwell are Emergency Medicine Residents and interested in medical education. With the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs, a notable Professor of Emergency Medicine, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides. This set will cover:
- Traumatic Pneumothorax
- Flail Chest And Surgical Rib Fixation
- Traumatic Pulmonary Pseudocyst
- Stab Wound To The Heart
CMC Pediatric X-Ray Mastery: 26th Case SeriesSean M. Fox
Drs. Kaley El-Arab and Taylor Anderson are interested in education and Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team and Drs. Nikki Richardson, Mary Grady, and Michael Gibbs as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides on Pediatric Emergency Medicine Radiology. This months topics include:
- Penetrating Chest Trauma
- Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
- Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Pneumothorax
- Pneumatosis
- Rickets of prematurity
- Disseminated HSV
Drs. Penzler, Ricker, and Ahmads CMC Abdominal Imaging Mastery Project: June...Sean M. Fox
1. The document discusses three adult abdominal imaging case studies from Carolinas Medical Center involving abdominal wall hematoma, walled off necrosis of the pancreas, and acute aortic thrombosis.
2. For the first case, a 57-year-old female presented with an abdominal wall dog bite and was found to have a 12 cm abdominal wall hematoma with active contrast extravasation.
3. The second case was a 65-year-old female with a history of severe pancreatitis who had a follow up CT showing walled off necrosis of the pancreas.
4. The third case was a 46-year-old male with a history of Ehlers Danlos and recent cocaine usage who presented
Drs. Escobar, Pikus, and Blackwells CMC X-Ray Mastery Project: April CasesSean M. Fox
Drs. Daniel Escobar, Angela Pikus, and Alex Blackwell are Emergency Medicine Residents and interested in medical education. With the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs, a notable Professor of Emergency Medicine, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides. This set will cover:
- Tuberculosis
Drs. Escobar, Pikus, and Blackwells CMC X-Ray Mastery Project: March CasesSean M. Fox
1) A large study of over 2,000 hospitalized adults with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) found that specific pathogens were only identified in 38% of cases. Viral pneumonia was significant, with human rhinovirus and influenza virus among the most common.
2) New guidelines for CAP management recommend against macrolide monotherapy due to high pneumococcal resistance rates. Obtaining cultures is only recommended for severe CAP or if MRSA/pseudomonas is being treated. Influenza testing and treatment is recommended when circulating.
3) Validated prediction rules like the Pneumonia Severity Index should be used along with clinical judgment to determine initial treatment location and need for higher levels of
Neuroimaging Mastery Project: Presentation #5 Subdural HematomasSean M. Fox
Drs. Faith Meyers, Madison Watts and Steven Perry are Emergency Medicine Residents at Carolinas Medical Center who are interested in medical education. Dr. Rebecca DeCarlo, MD is a Neurosurgical resident at Carolinas Medical Center. Along with the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs (Chair of Emergency Medicine), Dr. Jonathan Clemente (Chief of the Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology specialist), Dr. Christa Swisher (Neurocritcal Care Intensivist), and Dr. Scott Wait (Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery) they aim to help educate us on Neuroimaging. In this presentation they will address Subdural Hematomas. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post the CMC Neuroimaging Case Studies.
- Subdural Hematomas
Neuroimaging Mastery Project Presentation #4: Acute Epidural HematomasSean M. Fox
Drs. Faith Meyers, Madison Watts and Steven Perry are Emergency Medicine Residents at Carolinas Medical Center who are interested in medical education. Along with the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs (Chair of Emergency Medicine), Dr. Jonathan Clemente (Chief of the Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology specialist), Dr. Christa Swisher (Neurocritcal Care Intensivist), and Dr. Scott Wait (Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery) they aim to help educate us on Neuroimaging. In this presentation they will address Atraumatic Neurosurgical Intracranial Infections. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post the CMC Neuroimaging Case Studies.
- Acute Epidural Hematomas
Pediatric Orthopedic Imaging Case Studies #7 Pediatric Elbow FracturesSean M. Fox
The document provides an overview of commonly encountered pediatric elbow injuries seen in the emergency department setting. It reviews the anatomy and imaging evaluation of pediatric elbow fractures including the supracondylar humerus, radial neck, lateral condyle, and medial epicondyle fractures. Specific radiographic findings that help identify subtle fractures are discussed. Challenges in pediatric elbow imaging related to ossification centers are also covered. The goal is to help emergency physicians accurately diagnose pediatric elbow fractures on radiographs.
Adult Orthopedic Imaging Mastery Project - Pelvic Ring FracturesSean M. Fox
The document discusses different types of pelvic ring injuries including lateral compression, anterior-posterior compression, and vertical shear fractures. It emphasizes the importance of early resuscitation, pelvic stabilization, and considering advanced measures or angiography to control hemorrhage in unstable patients. The case examples demonstrate imaging features and management approaches for different pelvic fracture patterns.
Neurosurgical Intracranial Infections - FINAL 10-17-23.pptxSean M. Fox
Drs. Faith Meyers and Steven Perry are Emergency Medicine Residents and Trent VanHorn is a Neurosurgical Resident at Carolinas Medical Center who are interested in medical education. Along with the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs (Chair of Emergency Medicine), Dr. Jonathan Clemente (Chief of the Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology specialist), Dr. Christa Swisher (Neurocritcal Care Intensivist), and Dr. Scott Wait (Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery) they aim to help educate us on Neuroimaging. In this presentation they will address Atraumatic Neurosurgical Intracranial Infections. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post the CMC Neuroimaging Case Studies.
This set will cover:
Atraumatic Neurosurgical Intracranial Infections
Subdural Empyema and Brain Abscess
CMC Neuroimaging Case Studies - Cerebral Venous Sinus ThrombosisSean M. Fox
Drs. Faith Meyers, Steven Perry, Madison Watts, and Brandon Friedman are Emergency Medicine Residents at Carolinas Medical Center and interested in medical education. Along with the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs (Chair of Emergency Medicine), Dr. Jonathan Clemente (Chief of the Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology specialist), Dr. Christa Swisher (Neurocritcal Care Intensivist), and Dr. Scott Wait (Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery) they aim to help educate us on Neuroimaging. In this presentation they will address Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post the CMC Neuroimaging Case Studies.
This set will cover:
- Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis
Abdominal Imaging Case Studies #27.pptxSean M. Fox
Drs. Kylee Brooks and Parker Hambright are Emergency Medicine Residents and Drs. Alexis Holland and William Lorenz are Surgery Residents at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, NC. They are interested in medical education. With the guidance of Drs. Kyle Cunningham, Brent Matthews, and Michael Gibbs, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent abdominal imaging. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these monthly educational, self-guided radiology slides. This months cases include:
Iatrogenic Esophageal Perforation
Emphysematous Cystitis
Meckels Diverticulum
Paraesophageal Hernia
Blood Can Be Very Very Bad - CMC Neuroimaging Case StudiesSean M. Fox
Drs. Faith Meyers and Steven Perry are Emergency Medicine Residents at Carolinas Medical Center and interested in medical education. Along with the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs (Chair of Emergency Medicine), Dr. Jonathan Clemente (Chief of the Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology specialist), and Dr. Scott Wait (Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery) they aim to help educate us on Neuroimaging. In this initial educational slideset, they are also joined by Dr. Andrew Perron, the creator of the Blood Can Be Very Bad Head CT interpretation framework. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post the CMC Neuroimaging Case Studies.
This set will cover:
- The Neuroimaging Framework Blood Can Be Very Very Bad.
Drs. Angela Pikus, Alex Blackwell, Mark Baumgarten, Rosa Malloy-Post are Emergency Medicine Residents and interested in medical education. With the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs, a notable Professor of Emergency Medicine, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides. This set will cover:
Abnormalities of the Thoracic Aorta
o Traumatic aortic disruption
o Thoracic aortic aneurysm with acute dissection
Medical Device Imaging Mastery Project #4: Extracorporeal Membrane OxygenationSean M. Fox
Drs. Kaley El-Arab and Brandon Friedman are Emergency Medicine Residents at Carolinas Medical Center and interested in medical education and Critical Care. They have teamed with Ms. Emily Lipitz a PA with the Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute. Along with the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs, a notable Professor of Emergency Medicine, and Dr. John Symanski, a cardiologist from the Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging of implanted devices. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides. This set will cover:
- Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Drs. Pikus, Blackwell, Baumgarten, and Malloy-Postss CMC X-Ray Mastery Proje...Sean M. Fox
Drs. Angela Pikus, Alex Blackwell, Mark Baumgarten, Rosa Malloy-Post are Emergency Medicine Residents and interested in medical education. With the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs, a notable Professor of Emergency Medicine, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides. This set will cover:
Naloxone-Associated Aspiration Pneumonitis & Pulmonary Edema
Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
Pulmonary Aspergillosis And The Air Crescent Sign
Needle-Chest Decompression & Recent Pneumothorax Literature
Drs. Brooks, Hambright, Holland, and Lorenzs CMC Abdominal Imaging Mastery P...Sean M. Fox
Drs. Kylee Brooks and Parker Hambright are Emergency Medicine Residents and Drs. Alexis Holland and William Lorenz are Surgery Residents at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, NC. They are interested in medical education. With the guidance of Drs. Kyle Cunningham, Brent Matthews, and Michael Gibbs, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent abdominal imaging. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these monthly educational, self-guided radiology slides. This months cases include:
- Pyogenic Liver Abscess
- Bladder Rupture
- Sigmoid Volvulus
CMC Pediatric X-Ray Mastery: 27th Case SeriesSean M. Fox
This document presents a series of pediatric chest x-ray cases for interpretation and learning. It discusses six cases, providing images and summaries of the findings. The cases include a clavicle fracture, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, normal thymic shadow, duodenal atresia, Hirschsprung's disease, and malpositioned lines and tubes. The goal is to promote mastery of chest x-ray interpretation through discussion of real cases submitted from various medical centers and countries.
Dr. Haley Duseks CMC Pediatric Orthopedic X-Ray Mastery Project: #6 Presenta...Sean M. Fox
Dr. Haley Dusek is an Emergency Medicine Resident and interested in pediatric emergency medicine and medical education. With the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs, a notable Professor of Emergency Medicine, and supervision of Dr. Danielle Sutton, a Pediatric Emergency Medicine specialist, and Dr. Virginia Casey, a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides. This set will cover:
Tufts fracture
Mallet fracture
Seymour fracture
Volar Plate Injury
Base fracture
Phalangeal neck
Condyle fracture
Phalanx dislocations
Drs. Pikus, Blackwell, Baumgarten, and Malloy-Postss CMC X-Ray Mastery Proje...Sean M. Fox
This document provides an overview of an ongoing chest x-ray interpretation series aimed at promoting mastery of chest x-ray interpretation. It discusses topics covered in prior presentations including peripartum cardiomyopathy, left ventricular assist devices, and pleural effusions. Appendices provide references for articles related to peripartum cardiomyopathy. The document also announces that next month's presentation will cover new diagnoses.
Drs. Escobar, Pikus, and Blackwells CMC X-Ray Mastery Project: 43rd Case SeriesSean M. Fox
Drs. Daniel Escobar, Angela Pikus, and Alex Blackwell are Emergency Medicine Residents and interested in medical education. With the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs, a notable Professor of Emergency Medicine, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides. This set will cover:
- Traumatic Pneumothorax
- Flail Chest And Surgical Rib Fixation
- Traumatic Pulmonary Pseudocyst
- Stab Wound To The Heart
CMC Pediatric X-Ray Mastery: 26th Case SeriesSean M. Fox
Drs. Kaley El-Arab and Taylor Anderson are interested in education and Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team and Drs. Nikki Richardson, Mary Grady, and Michael Gibbs as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides on Pediatric Emergency Medicine Radiology. This months topics include:
- Penetrating Chest Trauma
- Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
- Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Pneumothorax
- Pneumatosis
- Rickets of prematurity
- Disseminated HSV
Drs. Penzler, Ricker, and Ahmads CMC Abdominal Imaging Mastery Project: June...Sean M. Fox
1. The document discusses three adult abdominal imaging case studies from Carolinas Medical Center involving abdominal wall hematoma, walled off necrosis of the pancreas, and acute aortic thrombosis.
2. For the first case, a 57-year-old female presented with an abdominal wall dog bite and was found to have a 12 cm abdominal wall hematoma with active contrast extravasation.
3. The second case was a 65-year-old female with a history of severe pancreatitis who had a follow up CT showing walled off necrosis of the pancreas.
4. The third case was a 46-year-old male with a history of Ehlers Danlos and recent cocaine usage who presented
Drs. Escobar, Pikus, and Blackwells CMC X-Ray Mastery Project: April CasesSean M. Fox
Drs. Daniel Escobar, Angela Pikus, and Alex Blackwell are Emergency Medicine Residents and interested in medical education. With the guidance of Dr. Michael Gibbs, a notable Professor of Emergency Medicine, they aim to help augment our understanding of emergent imaging. Follow along with the EMGuideWire.com team as they post these educational, self-guided radiology slides. This set will cover:
- Tuberculosis
Drs. Escobar, Pikus, and Blackwells CMC X-Ray Mastery Project: March CasesSean M. Fox
1) A large study of over 2,000 hospitalized adults with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) found that specific pathogens were only identified in 38% of cases. Viral pneumonia was significant, with human rhinovirus and influenza virus among the most common.
2) New guidelines for CAP management recommend against macrolide monotherapy due to high pneumococcal resistance rates. Obtaining cultures is only recommended for severe CAP or if MRSA/pseudomonas is being treated. Influenza testing and treatment is recommended when circulating.
3) Validated prediction rules like the Pneumonia Severity Index should be used along with clinical judgment to determine initial treatment location and need for higher levels of
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
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Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
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APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
Intraventricular Rupture of Brain Abscess (IVROBA).pdf
1. L. Erin Miller, MD2, Teresa Crow, MD1, Troy Carnwath, MD1,
Scott DiMeo, MD1, Natalie Rall, MD1
Carolinas Medical Center & Levine Childrens Hospital
Department of Emergency Medicine1
Carolina Neurosurgery & Spine Associates2
Michael Gibbs, MD, Imaging Mastery Project Lead Editor
Neuroimaging Mastery Project
Case Study #2
Intraventricular Rupture Of
Brain Abscess (IVROBA)
2. Disclosures
Our imaging project is proudly sponsored by the Emergency Medicine and
Neurosurgery Residency Programs at Carolinas Medical Center.
The goal is to promote widespread mastery of imaging interpretation.
There is no personal health information [PHI] within, and all ages have been
changed to protect patient confidentiality.
3. Meet Our Neuroimaging Editorial Team
Andrew Asimos, MD, FACEP
Medical Director, Atrium Health Stroke Network
Neurosciences Institute
Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine
Jonathan Clemente, MD, FACR
Chief, Department of Radiology, Carolinas Medical Center
Charlotte Radiology, Neuroradiology Section
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Radiology
Andrew Perron, MD, FACEP
Associate Dean of Graduate Medical Education and DIO
Professor of Emergency Medicine
Department of Graduate Medical Education
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
4. Meet Our Neuroimaging Editorial Team
Christa Swisher, MD, FNCS, FACNS
Neurocritical Care/Pulmonary Critical Care Consultants
Department of Medicine, Atrium Health
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology
Scott Wait, MD, FAANS
Chief, Pediatric Neurosurgery, Levine Childrens Hospital
Carolina Neurosurgery & Spine Associates
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery
5. Meet Our Medical Illustrator
Anne Olson
Anne Olson has shared her expert Medical Illustrator skills with the CMC Department
of Emergency Medicine for the past 30 years.
As co-founder of Blazon Productions, LLC, Annes ongoing efforts to support the
Imaging Mastery Project and a growing number of presentations dedicated to
Neuroimaging elevate the quality and impact of this work. We are very grateful for her
7. Case
A 49-Year-Old Male With No Known Medical History Presented To The ED
With Confusion And Agitation. Co-Worker Shared That For The Past Week He
Complained Of Headache And Fever.
The Initial ED Examination:
Vital Signs: BP 151/96, HR 113, RR 16, SAO2 100%, T 101.5属
Confused and restless but able to follow commands
Equal pupils and normal eye movement
Pain with neck movement
No focal neurological deficits
Ring-enhancing lesion
of the right temporal
lobe that abuts the
ventricles ()
10. STAT Head CT
Ring-enhancing lesion
of the right temporal
lobe that abuts the
ventricles ()
Hydrocephalus ()
11. STAT Head CT
Ring-enhancing lesion
of the right temporal
lobe that abuts the
ventricles ()
Hydrocephalus ()
Scattered debris in the
dependent portions of
the ventricles ()
12. STAT Head CT
Ring-enhancing lesion
of the right temporal
lobe that abuts the
ventricles ()
Hydrocephalus ()
Scattered debris in the
dependent portions of
the ventricles ()
These Findings Are
Suggestive Of IVROBA
13. The Case Continues
After Returning From CT The Patient Became Progressively More Obtunded
And Had A Brief, Self-Terminating Seizure.
Immediate Management
The patient was intubated
Antibiotics: cefepime + vancomycin + metronidazole
The patient was loaded with levetiracetam 60 mg/kg
Neurosurgery placed an external ventricular drain at bedside
CSF: Glucose 14 mg/dl, protein 358 g/L, 4172 nucleated cells with 95%
neutrophilic predominance. Gram stain: gram [+] cocci in pairs and chains
A STAT MRI of the brain was performed
14. Intraventricular Rupture Of Brain Abscess
The MRI T1 + C Views Demonstrate The Abscess Abutting Up Against The
Occipital Horn Of The Right Lateral Ventricle In Three Planes ()
15. Intraventricular Rupture Of Brain Abscess
The MRI FLAIR Image Demonstrates Confluent Subependymal Hyperintensity
And Dependent /Layering Intraventricular Debris.
16. The DWI1 And ADC2 Images Are Critical To Differentiate An Abscess From A Cystic Tumor
With An Abscess:
The DWI (B1000) image will have a white central core (diffusion is restricted)
The corresponding ADC image will have a dark central core
1DWI = Diffusion Weighted Imaging
2ADC = Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
17. These findings are redemonstrated on a follow-up CT scan obtained 10-days later, i.e.:
Diffusion Weighted Image (DWI): hyperintense core with restricted diffusion
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC): hypointense core
18. New England Journal of Medicine 2014;4(371):447-456.
From: www.EMGuidewire.com
19. New England Journal of Medicine 2014;4(371):447-456.
From: www.EMGuidewire.com
20. New England Journal of Medicine 2014;4(371):447-456.
From: www.EMGuidewire.com
21. IVROBA: Pathophysiology
Spontaneous intraventricular rupture of brain abscess (IVROBA) is a
potentially fatal complication of pyogenic brain abscess.
IVROBA results in severe ventriculitis, which may progress to widespread
pan-meningo-encephalitis if not treated promptly.
In early studies the mortality rate of IVROBA was reported to be over
80%, however, with the advent of better diagnostic imaging and
aggressive antibiotic therapy, mortality has come down to below 40%.
Young patients and those presenting in good neurological status are
predicted to have better outcomes.
22. IVROBA: Imaging Recommendations
A CT without contrast is still first-line for neuroimaging in the ED
If a brain abscess is suspected clinically, ordering a CT with contrast as
the first study is reasonable
Avoid ordering a CT with and without contrast to minimize the
radiation dose
If the patient has a known brain abscess, then ordering an MRI of the
brain with and without contrast is appropriate
23. Prodromal Signs and Clinical Factors Influencing Outcome in Patients with
Intraventricular Rupture of Purulent Brain Abscess.
Neurosurgery 2001;48:310-317.
To identify prodromal signs and clinical factors influencing the prognosis in patients with
intraventricular rupture of brain abscess (IVROBA).
Retrospective, single-center review of 33 consecutive patients with IVROBA .
Meningeal irritation and localized enhancement of the ventricular wall adjacent to the
abscess, as observed on CT scans, preceded IVROBA.
Abscesses located in the parieto-occipital region had the highest rate of IVROBA (P < 0.004).
Stereotactic aspiration of the brain abscess and ventricular drainage combined with the
immediate administration of appropriate intravenous and intrathecal antibiotics was
associated with improved outcomes (P < 0.02).
24. Clinical features and predictive factors of intraventricular rupture in patients
who have bacterial brain abscesses.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 2007;78:303-309.
To identify potential risk factors predictive of intraventricular ruptures in hospitalized patients
with brain abscess without intraventricular rupture upon presentation.
20-year retrospective review of 179 patients brain abscess. 45 had IVRBA on admission (initial
IVRBA) and 17 had the episode during hospitalization (subsequent IVRBA).
Multiloculated abscess vs. non-loculated abscess had a higher risk of intraventricular
rupture [OR 4.2 (95% CI 2.4-14.3); p = 0.020].
A shorter distance between the abscess and ventricle was associated with a higher risk of
rupture each 1 mm decrease of this distance increased the risk of rupture by 10% per mm.
25. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 2007;78:303-309.
Fever/Chills 69% 55%
Altered Mental Status 56% 41%
Headache 48% 55%
Hemiparesis 43% 46%
Nausea/Vomiting 32% 21%
Stiff Neck 27% 26%
Seizure 10% 17%
Facial Palsy 3% 7%
Mean Age 47 yrs
Male Gender 70%
Duration Of Symptoms 14 days
Underlying Condition (n=179)
Post-Neurosurgical/TBI 26%
Diabetes 17%
Congenital Heart 13%
Chronic Otitis Media 11%
Alcoholism/Cirrhosis 11%
Neoplasm 8% 1Intraventricular rupture of brain abscess
2These patients had a brain abscess without IVROBA
27. Surgical Neurology 2006;66:246-251.
The Role Of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging In The Differential Diagnosis Of
Intracranial Cystic Mass Lesions: A Report Of 147 Lesions.
To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in differentiating brain
abscesses from other intracranial cystic masses.
115 patients with 147 cystic lesions were prospectively studies with MRI diffusion weighted images. Lesions
appearing hyperintense on DWI were considered as brain abscess, whereas hypointense lesions were
categorized as non-abscess cystic lesions. The Apparent Density Coefficient (ADC) was also assessed.
The sensitivity of DWI for the differentiation of brain abscesses from non-abscesses was 96%, specificity 96%,
positive predictive value 98%, negative predictive value 92%, and accuracy of the test 96%.
Diffusion-weighted imaging has high sensitivity and specificity for the differentiation of brain abscesses from
other non-abscess cystic brain lesions.
From: www.EMGuidewire.com
28. Surgical Neurology 2006;66:246-251.
A: T2 hyperintense lesion with surrounding edema
B: DWI hyperintensity in the cystic cavity
C: ADC Map hypointensity of the cystic structure
D: T1 with contrast ring enhancing
A: T2 hyperintense lesion with surrounding edema
B: DWI hypointensity in the cystic cavity
C: ADC Map hyperintensity of the cystic structure
D: T1 with contrast ring enhancing
Abscess Tumor
From: www.EMGuidewire.com
29. The Case Continues
The patient was admitted to the ICU and was managed with bilateral external ventricular
drains and IV antibiotics.
Final CSF cultures grew Streptococcus intermedius
The antibiotic regimen included ceftriaxone, metronidazole, and intrathecal vancomycin
His hospital course was complicated by saddle pulmonary embolus requiring catheter-
directed thrombectomy and therapeutic heparin
Additional Neurosurgical interventions included endoscopic ventricular lavage and
ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement
One month after presentation, the patient developed a devastating intracranial
hemorrhage and the family elected for comfort measures and a palliative extubation
No definitive source of the original infection was ever identified.
30. Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Placement
CT without contrast demonstrating the course of the ventricular catheter
entering the occipital horn of right lateral ventricle, traversing the septum,
and terminating in the frontal horn of left lateral ventricle.
31. Right Parietal Intraparenchymal Hemorrhage
CT head without contrast demonstrating a large parenchymal hemorrhage
with associated uncal herniation () and obstruction of CSF outflow resulting
in transependymal flow ().
32. Summary
Spontaneous intraventricular rupture of brain abscess (IVROBA) is a
devastating complication of pyogenic brain abscess associated with high
rates of morbidity and mortality.
A CT without contrast is first line neuroimaging in the ED. If there is a
high clinical suspicion for brain abscess, then performing a CT with
contrast is appropriate.
Important CT clues of IVROBA include:
Presence of a ring-enhancing structures adjacent to the ventricles
Ependymal enhancement
Intraventricular debris
33. Summary
Early identification and prompt initiation of appropriate treatment is
crucial to provide the best opportunity for improved long-term
If a diagnosis of IVROBA is suspected based on the clinical history and
initial CT finds, antibiotics should be given at once, i.e.: before MRI.
It is important to differentiate a ring-enhancing abscess from a cystic
tumor. On MRI abscesses have restricted diffusion and demonstrate a
white (hyperintense) central core on DWI and a dark (hypointense)
central core on ADC. The reverse is true for cystic tumors.
Definitive treatment involves a combination of surgical EVD drainage
and targeted antibiotic therapies.
34. References
Brain Abscess. New England Journal of Medicine 2014;4(371):447-456.
Prodromal Signs and Clinical Factors Influencing Outcome in Patients with
Intraventricular Rupture of Purulent Brain Abscess. Neurosurgery 2001; 48:310-317.
Clinical features and predictive factors of intraventricular rupture in patients who have
bacterial brain abscesses. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 2007;78:303-
The Role Of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging In The Differential Diagnosis Of Intracranial
Cystic Mass Lesions: A Report Of 147 Lesions. Surgical Neurology 2006;66:246-251.