The Employment Ladder is a board game about careers for 2-4 players. Players roll a die to move their token along a numbered track representing their career path. Different careers have unique perks allowing players to take "ladders" to skip ahead. Players can bluff about their career to take ladders they are not allowed to, risking being called out and losing tokens if wrong. The goal is to be the first to reach the finish space on the track.
18. Mechanics: Bluffing Nobody else knows what your career is. Therefore you can lie, and act like you have a different career by taking ladders you aren't allowed to.
21. If you are wrong you pay them 3 tokens. If you don't have enough, you pay the amount you have left and then go down the number of ladders equal to what you have to pay.
22. You can narrow the options by paying a token to find out what one of the middle cards is.