The document provides instructions for downloading and installing Oracle 10g Express Edition, including links to the download page and installation guides. It then outlines how to start up and log into the Oracle database, describes some basic SQL commands like DESCRIBE and HOST that can be used, and provides an example of creating a SQL batch file to automate running multiple SQL statements.
3. Start and Login to Oracle 10g Exp
? To start:Oracle PopUp menu
C Start database: wait for the services to complete:
? The OracleXETNSListener service was started successfully.
? The OracleServiceXE service is starting..............................
? The OracleServiceXE service was started successfully.
C Go to database home page
? Login
? Accounts
C System administrator
C User
? Logout
C Stop database
4. Online Help
? SQL reference:
? Tutorial:
C http://st-
5. Run SQL Command Line
? First start Oracle
? Then choose Run SQL Command Line
from Oracle menu
? At the prompt:
C Connect accoutName
6. Commands at Oracle SQL>
? To list all commands:
C SQL>help index
? To list all tables:
C Select * from Cat;
? To display a table structure:
C Describe tableName
? To run a DOS command from Oracle:
C Host DOSCommand
C Example: Host dir
7. Creating SQL Command Batch File
? Creating a batch file with .sql extension
C At SQL>Edit filename
? Ex: SQL>edit c:batch1.sql
? Use START command to execute the
batch file.
C SQL>START c:batch1.sql
? See the batch file contents at SQL>
C SQL>host type c:batch1.sql
8. Batch File Example
Drop table hotel;
Create table hotel (hotelno char(3), hotelname varchar(20),city varchar(20));
Insert into hotel values('h1', 'Grosvenor','CHICAGO');
Insert into hotel values('h2', 'Westin','SAN FRANCISCO')
Insert into hotel values('h3', 'Hilton','London');
Drop table room;
Create table room(roomno char(3),hotelno char(3),type char(6),
price number(7,2));
Insert into room values('r1','h1','single', 200.00);
Insert into room values('r2','h1','single', 300.00);
Insert into room values('r3','h1','double', 440.00);
Insert into room values('r1','h2','single', 200.00);
Insert into room values('r2','h2','single', 300.00);
Insert into room values('r3','h2','double', 400.00);
Insert into room values('r1','h3','single', 200.00);
Insert into room values('r2','h3','single', 250.00);
Insert into room values('r3','h3','double', 300.00);
9. ? To display complete field name:
C Ex.
C column sex format a3
C Select * from student;
? To print output:
C Screen capture
C Command window:
? Click the SQL icon on the upper left corner
? Edit/Mark
? Edit/Copy
? Enter a date value: assume emp table has: eid,
ename, hiredate and salary field:
C Insert into emp values(`e1¨, `peter¨,¨10-Feb-
10. Working with SQL Buffer
? SQL Buffer remembers the last SQL
command executed.
? List: list the SQL statement with line
? correct the line with error:
? line number correct statement
? Run