Test Driven Development (TDD) follows three main laws: only write production code to pass a failing test, only write enough test code to fail, and only write enough production code to pass the test. TDD brings benefits like improved debugging, courage to refactor, documentation, and design. Good unit tests are atomic, isolated, repeatable, revealing, and fast. The structure of a test is to arrange inputs, act on the system under test, and assert the expected outcomes. Strategies for TDD include using obvious implementations, faking dependencies, and triangulating tests. Practicing TDD involves code katas, communities, and conferences.
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4. Laws
You are not allowed to write any production code
unless it is to make a failing unit test pass.
You are not allowed to write any more of a unit
test than is suf鍖cient to fail; and compilation
failures are failures.
You are not allowed to write any more production
code than is suf鍖cient to pass the one failing unit
6. Qualities of a Good Unit Test
Easy to Setup
7. Inside a test
Arrange all necessary preconditions and
Act on the object or method under test
Assert that the expected results have occurred
Assert First?