2. 01
What is Gradle?
? Build system!
? Language independent!
? Flexible dependency
management !
? Built on Groovy!
? Future of android development
3. Why should you use Gradle?
? Easy setup with Gradle wrapper !
? Make builds faster!
? Separate editor and compiler!
? More control over your builds!
? Control build tools versions!
? Change properties!
? Manage dependencies
4. GradleWrapper
? No installation of gradle is needed after setting up !
? Sets your version of gradle and where to look for it!
? Works for *NIX and Windows!
? ./gradlew tasks will list what you can do
5. Faster you say?
? Incremental builds!
? Avoid work you don¡¯t need easily ex. only lint debug
builds and proguard release builds!
? Set ?ags in settings.gradle to make gradle faster?
6. Freedom to update
? IDE updates can¡¯t break the build!
? Android tool updates can¡¯t break the build!
? install<buildtype> will assemble your apk and install it to the
connected device!
? Dependencies are stored locally in the build directory
7. It is all about control
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.10.+'
apply plugin: ¡®android¡¯
repositories {
maven {
url ¡°https://maven.vpn.etonreve.com/repo¡±
//Where should I find the android tools
//What version of the android tools
//Tell gradle to we want to use the
android plugin
//Where are the android dependancies
10. BuildTypes and BuildFlavors
Release Types!
? Ex. Debug, Beta, Release!
? Change package!
? Change signing key
Build ?avors!
? Ex. Architecture, ?
? Can be grouped !
? Can have different src
and res directories
12. Tips andTricks
? ./gradlew uninstall[flavor] will uninstall the previous version!
? Shorten commands with camel case ex.?
./gradlew installAllArchEvernoteDebug?
./gradlew iAAED!
? Handy command line arguments?
--offline??ag while building to not go to the server??
--refresh-dependencies?to tell Gradle to fetch all new dependencies?!
? Dependencies are cached for 24 hours but you can change how long?
configurations.all {?
resolutionStrategy.cacheDynamicVersionsFor 4, ¡®hours¡¯?
? .aar??le is a zip. you can unzip it to see what¡¯s inside.!
? Install the groovy shell to quickly verify that your groovy does what it is supposed to!
13. Additional Resources
? Start by watching this Google IO talk:?http://
? Get up to speed with Groovy:?http://groovy.codehaus.org/
? Get up to speed with Gradle:?http://fb?ex.wordpress.com/
? More info about resource merging ?http://tools.android.com/