HTML is the standard markup language used to define the structure and layout of web pages. HTML documents consist of HTML elements that are delimited by tags like <p> for paragraphs and <img> for images. The basic structure of an HTML document includes <html>, <head>, and <body> tags. Common elements include headings, paragraphs, links, images, line breaks, and text formatting elements for bold, italics, etc. Elements can have attributes to specify properties like the image source or link destination. HTML also supports tables, lists, and other structured documents.
2. what is html?
HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language
Language which defines webpages
Worldwide standard
Composed of HTML tags
3. html tags
Basic unit of an HTML document
Contained in brackets: <tag>
Usually in pairs
Opening: <tag>
Closing: </tag>
4. Basic Structure
HTML document: <html></html>
Head: <head></head>
Body: <body></body>
5. Basic Structure
<!-- document information goes here -->
<!-- visible content goes here -->
6. Basic Elements
Headings: <h1></h1>...<h6></h6>
Paragraphs: <p></p>
Links (anchors): <a></a>
Images: <img />
Line breaks: <br />
7. HTML Syntax
Two types of elements:
1.Container elements
Has content inside <p>Hello world</p>
Closed by a closing tag </p>
2.Empty elements
Content in itself <img src=/slideshow/intro-to-html/4775940/hi.gif />
Self-closing <br />
Elements can have attributes
8. Coding Tips
Always close the element
<h1>Header</h1>, <br />
Use lower case
<p>, <body>, <html>
First-opened, last-closed
<p><a href=#>Link</a></p>
Always quote attributes
<img src=/slideshow/intro-to-html/4775940/major.jpg>
10. Anchor Attributes
Destination file/location
Another webpage: <a href=sample.html>
Open a picture: <a href=me.jpg>
Go to an area: <a href=#chapter>
Where to open the link
New window: <a target=_blank>
Declare an anchor-area: <a name=chapter>
11. image attributes
Location and filename: <img src=/slideshow/intro-to-html/4775940/hi.gif />
Alternative text: <img alt=My First Dog />
12. tables
Declare a table: <table>...</table>
Define a row: <tr>...</tr>
Add divisions/cells: <td>...</td>
Put content inside the cells: <td>Content</td>