Introduction to the LESSON LOCATOR - a Mind in Motion project to create a database of attributes of Moshe Feldenkrais' written and recorded Awareness Through Movement (R) lessons.
Contact naffie -at - for information
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3. What is it?
? The Lesson Locator is a database of all of ATM
lessons taught Moshe Feldenkrais that were
captured in some way, including audiotapes,
videos, transcriptions, and notes.
? The LL will serve as ¡°card catalog¡± for the
library of lessons Dr. Feldenkrais left us.
? The LL is a means for quickly and easily sorting
through these lessons.
4. What we¡¯re aiming for:
? Making the library less opaque and more user-
friendly so that the teacher community will
appreciate and utilize the lessons more easily.
? Develop a deeper understanding of the
content and structure of the ATM lessons.
? Creating the means for scholarly research into
the composition of ATM lessons.
5. History of the project
? Started in 2007 by Anastasi Siotas, Richard
Ehrman, and Larry Goldfarb
? First database built by Richard Green 2010
? Launch of Lesson Locator in July 2011
- Naffie Fischbacher ¨C coordinator
- Invited 70-some practitioners around the
world to participate in initial - ¡°proof-of-
concept¡± - phase
6. The steps in building a DB
? The lessons are translated into a common
structure ¨C a synopsis
? The synopses is checked for accuracy
? The data from the synopses is added to the DB
? The DB entries are checked from accuracy
7. What is a synopsis?
? A lesson synopsis distills the structure,
instructions, and indications of a recorded,
transcribed, or notated Awareness Through
Movement? lesson into a special outline
format. The synopsis captures the necessary
and sufficient details of an ATM providing a
comprehensive, detailed representation of a
lesson¡¯s composition.
8. The format of synopsis
? Lessons are considered in an outline structure
consisting of:
9. Each scene contains
? Position: The student¡¯s relationship to the
support surfaces.
? Configuration: The student¡¯s relationship to
? Action: What the student is doing.
? Indications:
- How to the student performs the action.
- What the student is asked to notice.
10. What we¡¯ve learned:
? It takes a village.
Creating a structure for the process
? You find what you¡¯re looking for.
Humbled by habits of perceptions
? This is an iterative process.
Revisions continue
11. Where we are now:
Phase One continues :
? Continuing to create synopsis
? Redesigning the database structure according to
what we¡¯ve learned
? Creating the data input and query interfaces
? Preparing for Phase Two
Guidelines Sample lessons
FAQ Cheat Sheet
Contracts Overview
History Completing the list
12. Where we¡¯re heading
? We aim to complete the indexing of all 550
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Anniversary of the death of Moshe
Feldenkrais, 1 July 2014
? A sneak peek . . .