This document discusses Hadith, which are sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad that represent the Sunnah or traditions of Islam. It explains that Hadith are classified based on their authenticity, from sahih (authentic) to fabricated. The document also outlines the structure of Hadith, including the isnad or chain of narrators, and discusses special types of Hadith like Hadith Qudsi, which are inspired revelations but were not verbatim revelations from Allah like the Quran. It provides an example of a Hadith Qudsi to illustrate the difference between it and the Quran.
2. What Are Hadith?
Hadith represent the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw)
The Sunnah of the Prophet (saw) are comprised of:
His Statements
His Actions
His (tacit or silent) Approvals
His Personal Characteristics
3. Classifying Our Actions
Actions which are
punishable if you
engage in them; if
you refrain you are
Actions which are
punishable if you
engage in them; if
you refrain you are
Actions which
are permissible,
encouraged and
Actions that are
permissible and
encouraged and
rewardable based
on your intention
Actions that are
permissible and
encouraged and
rewardable based
on your intention
These actions
are neither
halal or haraam
These actions
are neither
halal or haraam
which are
which are
4. Protecting the Hadith
"We have, without any doubt, sent down the "Dhikr;"
and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)."
(Surah Al Hijr, 15:9)
Hadith have also been protected by people whom
Allah has guided, such as Sh. Al-Albani and all the
hufaaz (memorizers of al-Quran)
7. Classification of Hadith
authentic. Imam Shafi'i states the following requirements "each
reporter should be trustworthy in his religion; he should be known
to be truthful in his narrating, to understand what he narrates, to
know how a different expression can alter the meaning, and to
report the wording of the hadith verbatim, not only its meaning".
good: is the one where its
source is known and its
reporters are unambiguous.
weak: a hadith which fails to reach the status of hasan. Usually, the
weakness is: a) one of discontinuity in the isnad, or b) one of the
reporters having a disparaged character, such as due to his telling lies,
excessive mistakes, opposition to the narration of more reliable sources,
involvement in innovation, or ambiguity surrounding his person.
fabricated or forged: is a hadith whose text goes against the
established norms of the Prophet's sayings, or its reporters
include a liar. Fabricated hadith are also recognized by
external evidence related to a discrepancy found in the dates
or times of a particular incident.
8. Hadith Qudsi
The special characteristic about this type of hadith is that it has Allah in the
actual isnad.
This type of revelation is kept different from Quran in that Hadith Qudsi:
The Quran was revealed to the Prophet (saw) verbatim; that is, both its
words and meanings are from Allah. The hadith qudsi was not a verbatim
revelation; its words are from the Prophet (saw).
The Quran was revealed via Angel Jibreel while the hadith qudsi may have
been inspired by other ways, such as in the form of a dream.
The words of the Quran are miraculous or inimitable while the words of
the hadith qudsi are not of this nature.
The Quran is recited in formal Prayers (salah) but the hadith qudsi cannot
be recited in Prayers.
On the authority of Abu Harayrah, from the Prophet (saw), who said: Allah
said: Spend (on charity), O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you. (Bukhari
and Muslim).