This is the talk I gave on DynCon 2011 about Cloud9 IDE. Unfortunately lots of it was live coding and it hasn't been (obviously) captured in the slides.
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Introducing Cloud9 at DynCon 2011
1. eve rybody!
Sergi Mansilla
Sunday, March 13, 2011
2. Times are achanging
(But we all know that)
The browser is becoming the universal
The cloud makes sense
Sunday, March 13, 2011
3. Current IDEs
Con鍖guration is a pain
Plug-ins / Versioning compatibility problems
Not easily extensible
Confusing UI
Dynamic languages are second-class citizens
Sunday, March 13, 2011
4. So why not use just an
Sunday, March 13, 2011
6. Cloud9 is open source.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
22. Thanks.
See you at
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Editor's Notes
#2: My name is Sergi Mansilla.\, small company in the heart of Amsterdam. before I was at TomTom where I used JavaScript to build the UI of GPS devices. In case you were wondering, most of the TomTom devices out there run on a webkit engine and the UI is made in JavaScript. were talking of 200Mhz processors and 128 Mb RAM. That made me realize how feasible it is to build real stuff using JavaScript. that wasn’t a website aymore, well it was in a way...\nWe just launched Cloud9, an awesome Software development env.\nBefore I continue...How many of you have heard? have tried it so far?\n
#3: Thanks to Crazy speed improvements lately (V8, Tracemonkey and Jagermonkey). Canvas, WebSockets, Local databases he browser can compete with Desktop\nAdvantages of cloud: \nno computer-dependency, 0-config, 0-installation, no maintenance\nSo we decided to build an IDE in the browser.\n
#4: I try to avoid the word IDE because that’s what comes to mind when I hear the word. If things are changing and everything is web, why our IDEs haven’t essentially changed in more than 10 years?\n
#5: That’s an option. Vim, emacs or textmate are great choices, but you don’t have the cloud goodies, github integration, and you can still use Cloud9 as a second IDE (access projets everywhere)\n
#6: Cloud9 is JavaScript all the way. Server and Client.\n
#8: We put a lot of thought and effort on optimization, nobody would jump in if that wasn’t the case. The editor for Cloud9 is Ace. Developed by my colleague Fabian Jakobs and backed up by Mozilla now, who dropped Bespin/Skywriter for Ace.\n
#9: Load ace uncompressed, copy while speaking and paste. Scroll.\nExplain virtual renderer perhaps.\n
#10: Load ace uncompressed, copy while speaking and paste. Scroll.\nThe only way to edit code in mobile/cr-48\n
#11: Have you ever tried to change Eclipse’s color theme\n
#12: Have you ever tried to change Eclipse’s color theme?\nYou have UI placeholders to hook up your extension, and all the\n
#13: show gotoline\nshow ls\n‘help’\n
#14: git remote show origin\n\nwe use github api\n
#15: Node first platform to get debugging support. Brendan Eich approved\nHello world. Make errors, show off jshint and Narcissus\nvar http = require("http");\nhttp.createServer(function(requ, res) {\n res.writeHead(200);\n res.end("Hello World");\n}).listen(process.env.C9_PORT);\n
#16: Load ace uncompressed, copy while speaking and paste. Scroll.\nLoad node_chat\n
#17: Load ace uncompressed, copy while speaking and paste. Scroll.\nLoad node_chat\n