The Consett Directory is a new business directory launched by Fran and Frankie at Perspective that lists businesses in the Consett area. The directory aims to help locals find services by connecting businesses. There are different membership levels for businesses to be included in the directory and gain additional benefits like discounts, social events, and publicity through social media. An upcoming launch party will be held on March 9th to promote the new directory.
7. How?
Directory Membership
Word of Mouth and Social Media Publicity
Silver and Gold Directory members become
automatic members of Consett Connections
11. Consett Connections
A membership card which entitles you to 10% off all Perspective
The chance to write and sponsor an Expert Advice document.
Monthly social and light networking meet ups alternating between
coffee mornings and evening events.
Four annual Business Presentations covering topics chosen by our
Membership of the private Consett Connections Facebook Group.
You will be added to the Consett Connections Twitter list and your
business will be publicised during popular #hashtag networking
Membership of the Consett Connections LinkedIn group.
13. Ask us how you can
sign up today
Perspective Consett,
G7 Perspective Suite,
Prospect Business Park,
01207 266 640