This four-week unit aims to develop office skills through 25 tasks focused on word processing, spreadsheets, and desktop publishing. Students will either learn new skills or practice existing ones by completing assigned readings and tasks, with the goal of demonstrating basic proficiency with common programs at Level 3 or greater independence and advanced features at Level 4.
2. In this unit you will develop skills and knowledge
in a range of common office programs. It has been
designed to last for four weeks and includes 25
Lessons include:
Word Processing
Desktop Publishing
Functional Skills
3. Each lesson you will be set a number of tasks for
you to read and complete. Each task has been
designed to either help you learn a new skill or
practise an existing one.
Functional Skills
4. Functional Skills
Level 3
Demonstrate a basic level of skill, knowledge and
understanding for each program
Complete the tasks in the work booklet with some help
Be able to use a range of basic program features
Level 4
Demonstrate a good level of skill, knowledge and
understanding for each program
Complete the tasks in the work booklet independently
Be able to use a range of additional program features